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Lieber @karl_lauterbach. Sie haben gerade meine Weihnachten ruiniert. Nur knapp ueber 24h Warnung. Der Flug war morgen, und es gibt in Oxford keine Tests mehr. Dh ich kann nicht fliegen. Und in der Panik (check-in fast schon offen) habe ich den Flug gecancelled statt umzubuchen.
And I'm triple vaccinated! Visiting a first-degree relative. My 80 year-old mother.
Eigentlich Pauschalregeln sind absurd: vor ein paar Tagen ist jemand aus Hannover ohne Probleme vom London zurück. War in U-Bahnen voller Leute ohne Masken. Ich bin in Oxford, radle nur, sitze in Cafés nur draußen, meide Supermarkt etc. Risiko ganz ungleich. Nur als Beispiel.
Read 7 tweets
MONDAY: #AgricultureBill is back in the Commons.

Most MPs are well-intentioned & #BackBritishFarming, but the truth is, unless standards are enshrined in law, there is a high probability risk farming will be undermined. .@Keir_Starmer understands this.

.@trussliz thinks it's worth undermining our food, farming, animal welfare, countryside & Enviro standards to get trade deals, but has she weighed up the trade-offs? Trade deals gains are tiny compared to losses from trashing our standards —not just £ losses.

Losses from trashing our food, farming & environmental standards are not limited to the 25-50% of British farms DEFRA expects to go bust.

There'll also be massive costs to public health (those who suffer + the #NHS) from food produced by methods banned here.

Read 20 tweets
@DPJHodges Just read your piece.

Difficult to cut thru all YOUR hate, scorn & vitriol, but I discern the kernel of an idea — that people want to be respected & *feel* Remainers don't.

That's actually a fair point, but don't you think you'd convey it better if you didn't hate-coat it?
@DPJHodges Is it actually *true* Remainers don't respect Leavers, or is it just folk like you putting that narrative out there?

a) you prime your readers' reaction by starting with the word *bitter* & using a string of pejoratives (As BITTER REMOANERS RANT... FRUITCAKES & LOONIES)

@DPJHodges Was Campbell being "bitter" when he mocked a 50p coin? Or was he merely thinking, like millions of us, that the inscription felt rather at odds with "17 million F*** Offs" proponents of the #Brexit ideology pride themselves on giving to the EU?

Was that just you editorialising?
Read 17 tweets

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