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May 11th 2020
As actual #love is a form of elation in the freedom of another or others, I often wonder about people whose avowed love for animals is actually a statement of their misanthropy in which they can only have relationships with what they can control through cultivated dependency.
For those curious about where this reflectio is coming from, I just spent time watching 4 episodes of #TigerKingNetflix. What is striking is that the owners of these private zoos treat their lovers as they do their exotic animals. Their "love" is ultimately abusive.
So much good stuff to analyze in the #TigerKingNetflix documentary, but I'll hold back on intellectualizing it. It is, thus far, GREAT television--not "art," but just, as the saying goes, a guilty pleasure.
Read 9 tweets
Apr 17th 2020
The most frustrating part of #TigerKingNetflix was that the directors brought up real conservation and animal welfare issues, but had no unbiased experts to debunk misinformation. This is a thread of experts' posts on #TigerKing about these issues. Please add ones I miss.
First, Dr. @TaraPirie explains in @ConversationUK why releasing captive big cats into the wild won't work. Essentially, animals born outside of accredited zoos (@zoos_aquariums in the US) do nothing for #conservation.…
Next this piece in @PBSNature by @sguynup + @swfoto, journalists who spent years documenting the captive tiger tourism industry in the US by "investigating hands-on tiger attractions that heavily breed, use, and then dump tiger cubs for profit."…
Read 11 tweets
Apr 12th 2020
Yo... Joe Exotic was a cop. A chief of police. W...t....f...
On that note: We should make the guy who ghost-sang Joe Exotic’s songs famous. Heey kitty kitty. #TigerKing #netflix #JoeExotic2020
Fell into the rabbit-hole of Joe Exotic Remixes & this one is a #vibe: by Segø

@ultra is cancelled but the party goes on! #JoeExotic #TigerKing #TigerKingNetflix
Read 3 tweets
Apr 6th 2020
Por favor TIGER KING en @NetflixES POR FAVOR NO PUEDO. Cada fotograma es de una violencia visual abrumadora, de un kitsch doloroso, sólo superada por la demencial y delirante vida de cada ser que habita en el documental como animales encerrados en jaulas. Imprescindible.
Vale, exagero. ESTA VEZ NO. #TigerKingNetflix
No puedo seguir viendo esto. Tengo que dormir!
Read 3 tweets
Apr 6th 2020
I know everyone is doing this, but here are my reflections after 2 wks in #ICU w/ #COVID19. Also includes lessons from our outstanding collaboration w/ #RapidResponseTeam

Much discussion on clinical phenotypes, but like any disease, #COVID19 is a spectrum. Here are 3 big phenotypes I saw

I’m more worried about running out of #intensivist, #RespiratoryTherapists, etc than running out of #ventilators. Given wide spectrum of disease, true expertise in mech ventilation needed. No 1-size-fits-all approach here

#COVID19 #VentilatorShortage

Read 13 tweets
Apr 3rd 2020
The (Unofficial) Joe Exotic guide to coping with Coronavirus #TigerKing
#COVID19 (quite rightly) has people very worried
It can be difficult to keep a positive attitude
Read 23 tweets
Mar 22nd 2020
4. Eric Goode, the documentarian, is a quirky character in his own right.…
5. Before Joe married John or Travis, he married another young (straight) guy named JC Hartpence. Hartpence later served time in prison for molesting a young girl, and is now serving life in prison for first degree murder.
6. At one point I was investigating the fire at the zoo, and I interviewed the case officer at the Wynnewood police dept, Brion Gordon, over the phone. The next day, I got a call from Joe, furious, saying he’d gotten a call from Brion that I was asking about him... (1/2)
Read 26 tweets

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