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Apr 21st 2020
I was feeling overwhelmed by all the laypress articles about #moralinjury and #burnout in frontline health care workers during #Covid_19 so I decided to do a deep dive into the literature on the mental health of workers during pandemics.

Here's what I found. #thread

Seriously, so many laypress articles.

What evidence do we have on this, and further, what evidence do we have on strategies that mitigate these mental health issues in health care workers?

I presented these data the @UChicagoMed @UCCancerCenter grand rounds last week.

@UChicagoMed @UCCancerCenter But first, some definitions to set the stage:

Burnout, initially described by Dr. Maslach as the prolonged physical and psychological exhaustion related to a person's work. Not specific to medicine, although the definition has been honed for medicine (see slide). #burnout

Read 44 tweets
Apr 6th 2020
I know everyone is doing this, but here are my reflections after 2 wks in #ICU w/ #COVID19. Also includes lessons from our outstanding collaboration w/ #RapidResponseTeam

Much discussion on clinical phenotypes, but like any disease, #COVID19 is a spectrum. Here are 3 big phenotypes I saw

I’m more worried about running out of #intensivist, #RespiratoryTherapists, etc than running out of #ventilators. Given wide spectrum of disease, true expertise in mech ventilation needed. No 1-size-fits-all approach here

#COVID19 #VentilatorShortage

Read 13 tweets
Mar 26th 2020
Did you know? @US_FDA has temporarily approved use of anesthesia machines as ICU #ventilators - learn more at @APSForg with specific guidance contacts for @GEHealthcare @DraegerNews @Mindray_NA…

A #COVID19 thread/
Did you know?

Anesthesia machine ventilators are used to provide life-sustaining respiratory support every day in the operating room.

While not intended for prolonged use, these are an obvious 1st backup during the #COVID-19 pandemic and critical vent shortage

Remember how @APSForg @ASALifeline @AmCollSurgeons @Surgeon_General said to cancel non-urgent cases?

This means you may have available anesthesia machines in your hospital ORs, NORA locations, outpatient and office-based surgery centers.

What to do with them?

Read 5 tweets
Mar 21st 2020
#Covid19UK #Ventilators

Extremely concerned with slow action / inaction following letter to SoS Health

Ventilators should have been top priority for last 2wks: it’s been a known problem since 2016

Our letter
German govt
Newsnight film👇
#Covid19UK #VentilatorShortage

This shortage is neither news nor was it unavoidable

“Despite the severe failings exposed by 2016 pandemic planning Exercise Cygnus, the govt’s planning for a future pandemic did not change”

Shocked they did nothing…

I’m urging all existing specialist producers to accelerate production

German govt ordered 16000 from two domestic producers

Britain worse equipped and slower to start; asks any manufacturer to instantly retool “easier said than done”…
Read 7 tweets

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