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Tamil healthcare workers on the COVID-19 frontline

With healthcare workers across the globe working to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, we look at some of the Tamils on the frontlines of the battle to save lives.…

#tamil #coronavirus #COVID19 Image
β€œFrom a personal experience, the last couple of weeks have been challenging and tiring... Seeing our colleagues having to self isolate one by one only adds to the pressure.”

Ashmi Ganeshamoorthy, Doctor, London #NHS
"We will get through this together and be back to our daily routines soon. But until then we all have a duty to be nice and help each other. Support yourself, your family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues."

Arun Kirupakaran, Doctor, London #NHS Image
Read 30 tweets
Hey Toronto! 😊❀️ Are you distressed at the prospect of 12 weeks of lock down? Take heart! First, I promise that your feelings will shift & that you can be happy & well during this period. We are going to do this together, & it's going to be awesome. /1
To start, know that your feelings today are not going to last all summer. It's just a transition period. Right now, it feels like your whole world has been taken away, but that's just because you haven't hit your creative adaptation phase yet. Trust the process. /2
It's upsetting when our expectations & plans are overturned. Give yourself a moment to grieve. πŸ™πŸ½ But don't let your grief trick you into thinking you're going to suffer every day. That's not happening. Your mind & body will adjust. Joy & freedom are still on the table. /3
Read 12 tweets

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