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May 13th 2020
***Important News*** #GivingTuesday #GivingTuesdayNow #giving #givingback

Since no other group wants to take me up on my offer for free advertising. I am featuring:

**Harvest Hills Cares Calgary**

This group provides tailored help to individuals and families and seniors in need. They are known for their food hampers. None of the food that goes into the hampers is wasted by the families helped.
This is because the family provides a grocery list and then volunteers go shopping and get the items on the list to put into the tailored food hamper.
Read 7 tweets
May 7th 2020
Taken from Facebook:

Canadian Election 202?
As their leader, Scheer still speaks for the CONs.
I'll remember this and will be reminding Canadians of this when the writ drops again. Image
Can you even imagine the destitution if the CONs were in charge right now?
When Canadians are going to the polls, past performances by each party and past statements by their leaders must be integral in choosing how to vote.
Any Canadian voting for the CONs will be voting for a party who does not believe in SHORT TERM relief for Canadians during a "Stay Home" pandemic.
That is NOT a party worthy of running Canada.
That would NOT be MY Canada.
We are a Village.
Let's keep it as one.
Read 5 tweets
May 4th 2020
The Cargill plant is set to open today...despite serious worker’s safety concerns and a legal action to stop its planned opening.

As of now, nearly half of the workers at the Cargill plant - 917 of 2,000 - have tested positive for the COVID-19.
Much is the same at the JBS plant in Brooks, which continues to be open despite repeated calls to close down. Together, there are more than 1500 positive COVID-19 cases tied to the outbreaks at these plants, two workers have died and at least five others are in the ICU.
Even more disturbing are the news that workers at these plants are being blamed for these outbreak and their communities are facing backlash and treated differentially. This is unabashed discrimination and it must stop.
Read 8 tweets
Apr 5th 2020
Tamil healthcare workers on the COVID-19 frontline

With healthcare workers across the globe working to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, we look at some of the Tamils on the frontlines of the battle to save lives.…

#tamil #coronavirus #COVID19 Image
“From a personal experience, the last couple of weeks have been challenging and tiring... Seeing our colleagues having to self isolate one by one only adds to the pressure.”

Ashmi Ganeshamoorthy, Doctor, London #NHS
"We will get through this together and be back to our daily routines soon. But until then we all have a duty to be nice and help each other. Support yourself, your family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues."

Arun Kirupakaran, Doctor, London #NHS Image
Read 30 tweets

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