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Nov 5th 2020
#Important- Church hand clearly visible in nationwide court orders banning firecrackers! Soul harvester #ConversionMafia would jump in to feed unemployed #TamilNadu workers in cracker industry. CH in #FCRAViolation strike recovery mode @by2kaafi @Indumakalktchi
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Odisha Govt restricts use of #Diwali diyas, just few days ago diya processing kilns seen destroyed by local officers citing #NGT order.
Again force villagers out of ancestral small busyness then feed them n convert #ConversionMafia in full swing
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Earlier @OxfamIndia had run vicious online campaign defaming #AssamTea industry citing labour issues. Aim was to kill tea industry n then trap unemployed labours in Church net. For it @oxfamcanada pumped money in India! @himantabiswa #ConversionMafia
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Aug 3rd 2020
Engineering a City #thread
Having spent my entire childhood in #Kochi (#Cochin ), it feels criminal to not know the story of how the city came to be the #metropolis it is today. Putting together a thread to trace the journey of the city which has been so endearingly mine (1)
Part 1: The #Malabar Mud-Banks
The story of Cochin is not just about how an engineering marvel can change social fabric, but also of many tenets of #British #Colonialism in India which is often taken for granted, passed off lazily as exploitation, missing nuance (2)
As with any coastal town, the cultural and economic history of Kochi is intertwined with maritime trade routes since the time of the Early Romans and Arabs. Thanks to the #biennale , most of us would now be familiar with the term #Muzuris (3)
Read 60 tweets
Jun 30th 2020
Thread: The report submitted by the Judicial Magistrate to MHC regarding the Tuticorin custodial case is damning.

- CCTV footage at Sathankulam PS got erased as the settings automatically deletes the footage after 24 hours. This despite the system having 1TB storage space.
- A woman constable at the PS has turned witness. Other cops tried to hinder the process of recording her statement.

- She said that Jayaraj & Bennix were beaten up all night with lathis.

- She also said there were blood stains on lathis & on the table.
Woman constable agreed to sign the statement after JM assured her proper security.

When the JM asked the cops to produce lathis, they pretended as if they did not hear what he said. They tried to subvert. One cop escaped the station and ran away by jumping the wall.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 26th 2020
We need police reforms ! But generalising police personnel because of isolated incidents won't help reform police departments.
Custodial Death(of Aboriginals) was a problem in Australia also. They solved the problem w community Policing measures and restorative justice methods. But i dont think these measures would work here.
Those who are not satisfied with the suspension of the 2 policemen, Pls have patience.. justice will be served. Just remember there are many policemen including IPS officers behind bars for their misdoings. Just have faith in the system ! #Tuticorin
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