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Jan 30th 2023
On TXT always having been demonic:
On BTS, their satanism and how it's tied to what is happening with TXT right now Part 1:
Read 8 tweets
Jan 26th 2023
📸 Individual shots of #SOOBIN at the global media showcase for @TXT_bighit "The Name Chapter: Temptation!"

📸 Individual shots of #YEONJUN at the global media showcase for @TXT_bighit "The Name Chapter: Temptation!"

📸 Individual shots of #BEOMGYU at the global media showcase for @TXT_bighit "The Name Chapter: Temptation!"

Read 8 tweets
Jan 26th 2023
Calling for all MOAs! We will be bringing live updates for TOMORROW X TOGETHER GLOBAL MEDIA SHOWCASE ‘The Name Chapter: Temptation’ 🙌🏻 Stay tuned! 🤍 @TXT_bighit

Leader #SOOBIN has taken the stage for an individual photoshoot for the press! He looks amazing with his blonde hair 😭😍
#YEONJUN has appeared on stage wearing a black long sleeve with jeans combo! Perfection 🙌🏻

Read 20 tweets
Nov 26th 2022
Congratulations to #IVE and #LimYoungwoong for winning MMA TOP 10 Award at the Melon Music Awards #MMA2022 tonight 🎉

#KoreanUpdates RZ Image
Congratulations to #TXT (#GoodBoyGoneBad) for winning Best Performance - Male Award at the Melon Music Awards #MMA2022 tonight 🎉

#KoreanUpdates RZ Image
Congratulations to #LE_SSERAFIM (#ANTIFRAGILE) for winning Best Performance - Female Award at the Melon Music Awards #MMA2022 🎉

#KoreanUpdates RZ Image
Read 23 tweets
Nov 3rd 2022
For everyone who was suffered from this you need to know that we were working everyday damn hard manually and then there were some people just using bot to surpass u all ImageImageImageImage
Read 13 tweets
Jun 3rd 2021
📸 [NAVER POST] Talk Today ON AIR VCR Behind Photo!


#투모로우바이투게더 #TXT
-🦊 ImageImageImage
📸 [NAVER POST] Talk Today ON AIR VCR Behind Photo!


#투모로우바이투게더 #TXT
-🦊 ImageImageImageImage
📸 [NAVER POST] Talk Today ON AIR VCR Behind Photo!


#투모로우바이투게더 #TXT
-🦊 ImageImageImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Jun 2nd 2021
[#moaina_teori MV 0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) - TXT Feat. seori ]

Salah satu lirik nya "I know it's real I can feel it" mengingatkan mimin tentang kalimat yang dikatakan banyak orang "your feeling is valid, mental health is valid."
(+) Image
Seperti yang terlihat di adegan awal dalam MV, Yeonjun yang berada di depan orang tua nya yang sedang berselisih membuat ia merasa tertekan sehingga memilih pergi dr rumah dgn membawa mobil milik ayahnya
(+) Image
Pita yang dipake yeonjun mirip dengan pita logo mental health awareness

Disini Yeonjun mengenakan pita dengan 3 warna berbeda

Secara psikologi, Warna kuning ini biasanya digunakan oleh orang yang ingin tampil atau ingin diperhatikan oleh orang lain (penuh harapan
(+) ImageImage
Read 18 tweets
May 18th 2021
let’s get into why the chart accounts think it’s ok to talk about artists in such disgusting disrespectful ways??
Including #StrayKids #bts #Loona #Oneus #Txt #PurpleKiss #Twice Fanbases
A thread:
@ skz_charts calling Blackpink members
-dog eaters
@ ChartBTS comparing the youngest member of atz in their own words to “looking like the shit that comes out my ass”
Read 6 tweets
Jan 31st 2021

#2NE1 Image
Read 273 tweets
Dec 17th 2020
a #TXT yeonbin au where Yeonjun, popular student and streamer, flirts with Soobin, current campus moon, in front of the entire university.
The catch? They’ve been secretly dating for years. ImageImageImageImage
writing this at 69 likes <3
- please don’t be a silent reader :<
- please quote tweets instead of replying to help preserve the chain!
- ignore time stamps unless otherwise stated <3
Read 151 tweets
May 18th 2020
🎵 The Dream Chapter: ETERNITY (꿈의 장: ETERNITY)

⭐️ Photobook Starboard
✖️ Google Drive:

🎵 The Dream Chapter: ETERNITY (꿈의 장: ETERNITY)

⭐️ Photobook Starboard
➕ Pages 03, 05
🎵 The Dream Chapter: ETERNITY (꿈의 장: ETERNITY)

⭐️ Photobook Starboard
➕ Pages 06, 07 (#BEOMGYU #범규)
Read 40 tweets
May 16th 2020
Es un orgullo para la Comunidad de Desarrolladores de Argentina poder acompãnar iniciativas como el #ConnectDay junto a estas empresas @plataforma5la, @distillerylatam, @revistasg y @clarikagroup 💪
¡Hoy es el #ConnectDay! Desde CoDeAr estamos felices de poder acompañar a @wtmriodelaplata, @GDGCordobaARG, @gdgriodelaplata en este día de charlas y de compartir conocimiento en comunidad. Podés sumarte a la transmisión en vivo desde acá:
Comienza la primer charla sobre #DataScience y #Economía, en el contexto de las #transdisciplinas.
Read 118 tweets
Oct 7th 2019
The Dream Chapter: MAGIC - Concept Photo 'Arcadia'

▶ Website:

#투모로우바이투게더 #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #TXT #TheDreamChapter #MAGIC #Arcadia
The Dream Chapter: MAGIC - Concept Photo 'Arcadia' - #수빈 (#SOOBIN)

▶ Website:

#투모로우바이투게더 #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #TXT #TheDreamChapter #MAGIC #Arcadia
The Dream Chapter: MAGIC - Concept Photo 'Arcadia' - #휴닝카이 (#HUENINGKAI)

▶ Website:

#투모로우바이투게더 #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #TXT #TheDreamChapter #MAGIC #Arcadia
Read 6 tweets
Oct 6th 2019
The Dream Chapter: MAGIC - Concept Photo 'Sanctuary'

▶ Website:

#투모로우바이투게더 #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #TXT #TheDreamChapter #MAGIC #Sanctuary
The Dream Chapter: MAGIC - Concept Photo 'Sanctuary' - #수빈 (#SOOBIN)

▶ Website:

#투모로우바이투게더 #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #TXT #TheDreamChapter #MAGIC #Sanctuary
The Dream Chapter: MAGIC - Concept Photo 'Sanctuary' - #휴닝카이 (#HUENINGKAI)

▶ Website:

#투모로우바이투게더 #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #TXT #TheDreamChapter #MAGIC #Sanctuary
Read 6 tweets
Mar 18th 2019
— yeonbin au

where one night, soobin calls the suicide hotline hoping for some reassurance.

what he wasn’t expecting was for his ex boyfriend, yeonjun, to answer his his call.
- txt are blocked bc this is heavy angst
- very very heavy angst
- social media and text
- trigger warnings: depression and suicide etc.
- will be fluff
- all txt members will be over 18
- this is just a FIC
- enjoy :)
also disclaimer, i saw this idea somewhere ages ago but it wasn’t written or anything it was just a prompt so credits to that person. i can’t remember who it was but yeah, i do hope they don’t mind.
Read 268 tweets
Mar 4th 2019
A thread for debut show

•Starts with blue orangeade
Self cam: debut countdown
Their first greetings!
Read 16 tweets

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