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Feb 26th 2023
Starting a #NAFO #NAFOfellas #Megathread about #Bakhmut Rules: 1. Must use hashtag #Bakhmut 2. Must reply using a meme or and gif. Optional, highlight ruZZian military failures or legendary AFU successes. Let’s overwhelm this bird app with “virtual” Bakhmut defenders! 💙🇺🇦💛
I proudly stand and support Ukraine! Everything ruZZia touches dies. #RussiaIsANaziState and #PutinIsaWarCriminal and I proudly stand and support the defenders of #Bakhmut Victory for Ukraine!
Read 23 tweets
Dec 15th 2022
⚰️“This didn’t even happen in Chechnya… f**c. I already have three 300s! Pizd*ts! Damn, I'm holding on to the last of my strength, like everyone else, but damn it! This is f*cked up"🫠
The mobilized #Russian sobs and tells his father on the phone about the unbearable conditions.
@vidtranslator translate
Read 4 tweets
Nov 11th 2022
For months now I have been saying the #Ukrainians would use a bite and hold strategy taking bits here and there until the Russian Army collapsed. Ahh, feels good to be right. The Russian's have lost the Battle of Kherson, though mopping up will likely take some days as stragglers
deserters and dead enders get captured, pocketed and annihilated. I always dismissed the idea that Ukraine would launch sweeping blitzkrieg style armored thrusts. That kind of army requires years and a lot of safe space to build, things Ukraine did not have. Ukraine used what she
have and what she was given masterfully. Now granted I am a nobody. Yet my line was the same as retired general officers (western) and even a few Russians. People with actual formal training (I never got past Spc-4 or bachelors) and educations that reach Ph.D level reading if not
Read 18 tweets

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