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Oct 9th 2020
Have you seen that The Moth is partnering with @Resy the weekend of October 16th to celebrate America's local restaurants with a special series of StorySLAMs? Prepare a 5-minute story on the evening's theme: BREAKING BREAD. (1/3)
This special collaboration will showcase the places that, over decades have come to define our communities, neighborhoods and cities. We’re excited to bring you a night of dinner and stories in partnership with local restaurants in New York, Philadelphia and Chicago. (2/3)
To learn more about classic dining spots in your area visit and look out for more information on these special shows next week! (3/3)

#TheMoth #Storytelling #Resy #LiveEvents #VirtualEvents
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Jun 26th 2020
Hey @jkkalinowski, with the #CMWorld events going virtual I thought you might be interested in a few articles written by our friend @dshiao.

The first is about using kits to increase #virtualevents awareness and make them more engaging.…
Since I know that #sustainability is important to you (I'm still bummed I missed your #CMWorld presentation/walk), the @dshiao article on sustainable #packaging tips might be useful - or at least interesting.…
Lastly, here's some #packaging eye candy provided by @PremierPress that might generate some ideas. Applications include #influencermarketing, product launch seeding kits, sales kits, college commencement, and welcome kits, and #virtualevents.… Image
Read 3 tweets
Apr 9th 2020
Our #SuddenlyRemote: Keep Your Company Culture Thriving is live! If you'd like to join us, there's still time, just go here:… Image
Our host @dessalen is already crowdsourcing what makes a great #companyculture, so jump in!
There's a lot of tech you can use to bring innovation into a remote setting – @thoughtxchng is perfect for sending out a question like: what are some outdated beliefs we need to get rid of in order for change to take place?
Read 19 tweets
Oct 2nd 2019
We're live with Brittni Lundie of @Uber! Join us to learn about making diversity & inclusion a reality for your organization:
#iwil #TeVE #TeVirtualEvent
@Uber "Diversity is having people from all different backgrounds, schools, majors, ages, gender - a bit of everyone everywhere."
@Uber "Inclusion is making sure everyone is feeling like they're being their authentic selves."
Read 23 tweets
Sep 26th 2019
We're LIVE with @howellwright and @GaringerAngela in today's #TeVE, join us! Click here to join in on the conversation about Transformational #Leadership #TeVirtualEvents Image
@howellwright @GaringerAngela What is Transformational Leadership? It's a
metamorphosis from a caterpillar to a butterfly 🦋- Complete change! #Leadership #TeVE #TeVirtualEvents @howellwright
@howellwright @GaringerAngela What is it that your #community really wants? Use this to lead your transformation. What partnerships can we build to achieve our goals? #TeVE #TeVirtualEvents @howellwright
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Sep 25th 2019
@BestSalesTips @GaringerAngela Being a "token" woman in sales in the 70s and 80s meant dealing with the #RumorMill about why she was hired! But Kemper says she was motivated to make other #womeninsales proud and make it from salesperson to management within 2 years of being hired. #InspiringWomenLeaders
@BestSalesTips @GaringerAngela She saw herself at the top right from the beginning, and she persevered and insisted on being taken seriously as a #leader! Believe in yourself, set your goals, don't listen to the No's! "If we listened to the No's, we wouldn't have the leaders we do today."
Read 13 tweets

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