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Aug 20th 2021
Once #feralpests were removed and undetected on #cameratraps or other surveys in the Taronga Western Plains Zoo sanctuary for some time, it was time to cut the ribbon, and the apron strings, and release the #bilby founders. #ScienceWeek
Of course, all #bilbies underwent thorough health checks with the Taronga Western Plains Zoo veterinary professionals prior to release. #WildlifeHealth
“Allow me to reintroduce myself”… some #bilbies were super keen to get on with the program, digging out of the pre-release yard into the #sanctuary. Fortunately, their radio-transmitters allowed the team to locate, catch and return them, ready for the official release.
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Aug 16th 2021
Marine mammal #strandings are obviously tragic events, but they can lead to some interesting and important discoveries too. If a #whale washes up on a beach near you, who ya gonna call?... #MarineMammals #MarineScience #WildlifeHealth #ScienceWeek
Well, although @janeo1000 will probably show up eventually, if you find a stranded cetacean (#whale or #dolphin) in NSW you should actually call the NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service on 13000 PARKS (1300 072 757), or the ORRCA rescue hotline on 02 9415 3333. Image
In many cases Taronga's ARWH team will roll up their sleeves & get involved! That’s just what they do. If you’re interested in what @janeo1000 and @KarrieARose take to the beach, have a look at this Taronga TV clip:
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Aug 16th 2021
Right now, across eastern #Australia, #frogs are croaking it in large numbers – and again it’s the ARWH that are hopping up to the agar plate to find out what’s going on... #WildlifeHealth #ScienceWeek… @jodirowley @KarrieARose @FrogIDAus #FrogID @austmus
There's a reason the humble #frog is ARWH's unofficial mascot. #Amphibians are valuable #IndicatorSpecies – being highly susceptible to environmental toxins & many pathogens (parasitic, bacterial, viral & fungal) - & right now they're indicating that something is seriously wrong
We are currently in an unusual #MassMortality event for #frogs, and Taronga's AWRH is right at the forefront of figuring out what is going on.
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Aug 16th 2021
#ChristmasIsland #reptiles are another great ARWH case study this #ScienceWeek. Lister's #gecko and the blue-tailed #skink only exist in captivity (only ~1000 of each!) after environmental pressures sent them #ExtinctInTheWild. #WildlifeHealth Image
When astute rangers at breeding facilities on #ChristmasIsland noticed some of the #lizards were dying, the species was left literally on the brink of #extinction. #WildlifeHealth
Working with @Parks_Australia, Jess Agius, @Sydney_Uni and others, the team were able to identify a novel bacteria, Enterococcus lacertideformus, and show the widespread infection of multiple reptile species on the island. #WildlifeHealth…
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Aug 15th 2021
Bellinger river snapping #turtles are a great example of Taronga’s collaborative work on pathogen discovery and commitment to #conservation. #SavingOurSpecies #WildlifeHealth #ScienceWeek #reptiles Image
When conservation-savvy locals raised the alarm that something was wrong with the #turtles in the Bellinger river, multiple agencies were there to help, including the ARWH who were responsible for finding out what was making these animals sick.
The AWRH found a nidovirus, one that had never been described before. This is also described here by @KarrieARose in a Taronga TV clip:
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Aug 15th 2021
Day 3 in #ScienceWeek, we’re putting #WildlifeHealth under the microscope. From microscopic blood parasites to #whale postmortems, no 2 days are the same for Taronga scientists Dr Karrie Rose (@KarrieARose) & Jane Hall (@janeo1000) at the Australian Registry of Wildlife Health Image
Taronga's ARWH improves #Australia's ability to detect and diagnose endemic, emerging and exotic #WildlifeDisease that could have negative impacts on Australia's trade/economy, #biodiversity, tourism and human health.
#WildlifeCSI in the form of diagnostic pathology is a key part of the ARWH work too. It helps in many conservation contexts, including species recovery programs, for state conservation agencies, #wildlife rehabilitators, and scientists. #CSI
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Aug 14th 2021
This #scienceweek we’ll also shine a light on our crucial #conservationscience partnerships and how they are underpinned by our specialist staff working across key areas including #wildlifehealth, #ecology, #animalbehavior, #animalwelfare, #reproduction, and #genetics. Image
Some fast facts about #Science at #Taronga. #scienceweek
Our multi-disciplinary, hypothesis-driven research focuses on natural & social sciences, & is structured to: (1) understand, predict & address #keythreats impacting #wildlife & their habitats, & (2) promote species’ adaptability and #ecosystemresilience.
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