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Jan 16th 2023
#SanDiego #Housing Commissioner/Vice Chair #RyanClumpner seems to be in a mood today
Let's cheer him up by reviewing accomplishments of his agency, shall we?
Of the 1566 people leaving shelters
- 78% did NOT report (920) or are back on the street (300)
Way to be accountable Ryan! Source:
How much did #CityofSanDiego pay for #AlphaProjectSD shelters that #HousingCommission show have a 78% failure rate, and how long do people stay?
- $1.8 million over past year (at least)
- 1373 households
- Avg. stay: 57 days
- Avg. stay for actual permanent #housing: 109 days
Last year I submitted a #PublicRecord request re:#AlphaProjectSD contracts w/#CityofSanDiego
The request is still open
-1000s of documents have been shared, many showing problems:
Millions in public $$ received
People exposed to dirty water & illnesses: #COVID & #tuberculosis
Read 7 tweets
Jan 15th 2023
Update/background on this situation:
@janis_wilds helped an older #disabled #unhoused woman discharged from a hospital emergency room to the streets of #SanDiego with no place to recuperate.
She had been living (?) on a bus stop bench since CHRISTMAS!
This is all too common
Fortunately: Janis coordinated w/@Housing4Hmless to find a hotel room until Tuesday BUT- it was not an #ADA room.
The woman's wheelchair could not go into the bathroom, so a bedside commode was essential for her dignity & health.
Many thanks to friends at #JewishFamilyOrg for providing exactly what this woman needs: A commode that allows her to transfer from a wheelchair.
I share this as a reminder: Providing shelter/hotel rooms for PEH w/disabilities is only one step in keeping them safe & healthy
Read 4 tweets
Jan 15th 2023
Remember when @sullivanms provided hot drinks to people kicked out of #SanDiego inclement weather shelters at 5AM?
FYI: #AlphaProjectSD does "not aim at making #homelessness easier, or less costly, or more tolerable"

Alpha staff does this to make lives even harder for #PEH
#AlphaProjectSD gets millions in taxpayer $$ to provide #homelessness shelter & services- yet has failed to provide clean restrooms & or safe drinking water
Despite record rainfall: they don't provide more inclement weather shelters
TIME TO #AuditAlphaProject #CityofSanDiego
Last year I submitted a #PublicRecord request re:#AlphaProjectSD contracts w/#CityofSanDiego
The request is still open
-1000s of documents have been sent to me showing a pattern:
Millions in public $$ received
People exposed to dirty water & illnesses: #COVID & #tuberculosis
Read 4 tweets
Jan 11th 2023
So disappointed to hear @KPBS #MiddayEdition hosting #BobMcElroy from #AlphaProjectSD
Have they reviewed his salary & tax returns?
Taxpayers subsidize his shelters w/horrible conditions
Few people get #housing after a shelter stay

@inewsource @dulaney ImageImageImageImage
He mentions his staff struggles to afford rent-
Perhaps he could demonstrate "personal responsibility" by not driving a Maserati?
Or reduce his $245K salary & pay caseworkers doing direct services more so they aren't #housing insecure?
#SOTCSD #MayorToddGloria #homelessness
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#SanDiego criminalizes people living in #poverty & #homelessness
When #unhoused people are cited for encroachment they are given the option to "work off" fines by doing free labor for #AlphaProjectSD
Meanwhile: Alpha gets @CityofSanDiego contracts to provide this labor

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