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Jan 8th 2023
In the War of 1812’s last major battle, MG Andrew Jackson defeated a numerically superior British force and defended New Orleans, one of the most critical commercial ports in the fledgling United States.

#Armyhistory #USArmy
Near the end of Dec. 1814, a large force of British troops under MG Sir Edward Pakenham landed unopposed 15 miles from New Orleans, beginning a campaign to seize the city.Under the leadership of MG Jackson, the Americans established Line JACKSON, 5 miles from New Orleans.
A force composed of 8 batteries of artillery and about 3,500 men, including Army regulars, sailors, marines, militia, Choctaw warriors, and pirates, manned the mile-long line. Another 1,000 U.S. militia under BG David Morgan and a naval gun battery defended the right bank.
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Sep 2nd 2022
Lafayette Square by The White House #WashingtonDC – honors #AmericanRevolution heroes #Lafayette, #Rochambeau, Von Steuben and Kosciuszko. In 1859, adulterer Congressman Daniel Sickles murdered adulterer Philip Barton Key (Francis Scott Key’s son)... 1/ ImageImageImageImage
2/ Lafayette Square: … over Sickles’ adulteress wife Teresa DaPonte Bagioli Sickles (1836-1867), who he had married when she was 15/16. [Key died in the white home in the background, known as President McKinley's Little White House.] Image
3/ Lafayette Square: … Sickles was the first to be acquitted using the “temporary insanity” defense and stayed on as a Congressman. He later became a #USCivilWar #MedalOfHonor war hero at #Gettysburg. Continued... ImageImageImage
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Aug 13th 2020
#DonaldTrumpBelieves that after the "bitter winter at Valley Forge," General Washington out-maneuvered the British when he "took over the airports."

Donald Trump Failed 4th-Grade #History (thread) Image
#DonaldTrumpBelieves that 16 years after his death, #AndrewJackson was "really angry" about the Civil War and said, "There's no reason for this."

(Anyone else think the addition of a direct quotation should make this the "Trump Failed 4th Grade History" Grand Prize winner?) Image
#DonaldTrumpBelieves the 1918 flu pandemic"probably ended 2nd World War, all the soldiers were sick."

For once, I wish he were right. "Everybody got sick & went home" is better than "In 1945, the US used 2 nuclear bombs against civilians and kicked off the Arms Race." Image
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Aug 1st 2020
Et comme promis, ci-dessous à dérouler, quelques conseils biblio sur chaque épisode de #Presidents! sur @franceinter si vous voulez mettre 1 livre in extremis dans la valise...(NOTA BENE: ce sont les livres que j'ai lus, pas de souci d'exhaustivité universitaire...😊)
2) Sur #AndrewJackson, la biographie de H.W Brands (2006), classique, est de bonne facture et agréable à lire. Sur les controverses historiographiques récentes autour de son étude, suivez la remarquable @SFWamPearl ()!…
3) Sur la période de #JamesBuchanan, plutôt qu'1 biographie sur 1 personnage que l'histoire a oublié, lisez le livre EXCEPTIONNEL de @jbf1755 "The Field of Blood: violence in Congress and the road to Civil War" (2018) sur la marche à la guerre…
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Jul 4th 2020
#DeclarationOfIndependence Draft 1: The King has "waged cruel War against human Nature itself, violating its most sacred Rights of Life & Liberty in the Persons of a distant People" by kidnapping & enslaving them.

Spoiler: #Slavery got cut in round 2. /thread #HappyFourthOfJuly
I'm not making this up. Here's more on the passage about #slavery that #ThomasJefferson put in the 1st draft of the #Declaration & took out of later drafts. #BlackLivesMatter…
More on why #ThomasJefferson removed his fiery indictment of #slavery from later drafts of the Declaration. Fact that he was enslaving people as he wrote it was NOT the reason! #1619 #1776…
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Jun 23rd 2020
Protesters want #AndrewJackson's statue removed because he ordered the removal of an estimated 100,000 #indigenous people from eastern states. 15,000 died along the #TrailOfTears headed west. #native / thread…
In Dec 1830, #AndrewJackson told Congress "Indian removal" was approaching its "happy consummation," moving "savages" west, freeing land between TN & LA for white settlement, & "reliev[ing]" Miss & western Alabama of "Indian occupancy."
"What good man would prefer" forests & "savages" to "our extensive Republic" occupied by 12 million "happy people" & filled w/ the "blessings of liberty, civilization & religion?" Jackson asked Congress in 1830.

The white supremacist's portrait hangs in the Oval Office.
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