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Feb 23rd 2022
#SuisseSecrets: OCCRP reveals how the sons of an Azeri despot received millions from shell companies tied to two massive money laundering systems at multiple foreign banks, including Credit Suisse. 1/…
Seymur and Rza Talibov — sons of Vasif Talibov, ruler of the autonomous exclave of Nakhchivan — received multiple suspicious transfers to their Credit Suisse accounts between 2007 and 2012. 2/
The wire transfers came from shell firms that were not only part of the #AzerbaijaniLaundromat and #TroikaLaundromat — massive money laundering schemes uncovered by OCCRP — but also figured in a human trafficking investigation in Bosnia. 3/
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Jan 24th 2022
THREAD: The FBI recently raided the home of a sitting U.S. congressman as part of a probe into Azerbaijani interests in the country.

OCCRP has previously uncovered several instances of Azerbaijan buying influence abroad.

This thread has a few examples👇…
In 2017, OCCRP uncovered the #AzerbaijaniLaundromat, a $2.9b money-laundering scheme that was used in part to clean the government’s reputation overseas — this included bribing European politicians. Examples below👇…
🇩🇪 Eduard Lintner: The former German politician received €819,500 from #AzerbaijaniLaundromat-linked firms. In 2013, Lintner led a team that monitored Azerbaijan’s election. He said they found no irregularities despite evidence to the contrary.…
Read 8 tweets
Jul 5th 2021
NEW: Izzat Khanim Javadova — the cousin of Azerbaijan’s longtime authoritarian president Ilham Aliyev — owns millions of dollars in luxurious properties in London and Ibiza along with her husband. 1/…
This festive photo, which Javadova posted on her Facebook page, was taken from an apartment in Whitehall Court, one of London’s most exclusive residences. 2/
Last week, OCCRP revealed in a joint investigation with @anticorruption that Javadova and her husband are being investigated in the U.K. for receiving millions of dollars from the #AzerbaijaniLaundromat, a massive money movement scheme. 3/…
Read 5 tweets
Jun 29th 2021
NEW: A popular London-based DJ turns out to be the cousin of Azerbaijan’s president.

She and her husband received millions from 20 offshore firms — at least 6 of which are part of a $2.9b money laundering scheme known as the #AzerbaijaniLaundromat 1/…
The Azeri couple is currently under investigation in the UK, but a court order blocked the release of their names.

In May, the @EveningStandard won a legal appeal to reverse this decision, which came into force today. Here’s what we found 👇 2/
Izzat Khanim Javadova, aka "Mikaela Jav," and her husband, whose father is an ex-deputy energy minister, received $19m from the opaque network of offshore firms. This shows, for the first time, that a member of Azerbaijan’s ruling family used the #AzerbaijaniLaundromat. 3/
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May 4th 2020
From @asx report on #isignthis here’s Monday’s snippet on how to #moneylaundering
Now defunct was a dodgy payment service provider
The entity behind the website was Margeteks Project LP ia now dissolved Scottish LP the partners being two Saint Vincent & the Grenadines shells setup by #dmitrijskrasko a notorious Latvian shell maker pretending to live in Milton Keynes
Read 9 tweets

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