Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #blackbirdersweek

Most recents (14)

A couple of gems from my @NSF #PRFB comments:
Rev.2: "Weaknesses: The work would be conducted at the same institution as their PhD."
Rev. 3: "Weaknesses: No justification is given for staying at the same institution."
A thread about the multidimensionality of diversity... 1/n
@NSF #PRFB firstly, why should I need to justify not wanting to pick up my whole life and move across the country/world for a job that often doesn’t support a single person, let alone a family? 2/
Oh wait, I forgot-REAL scientists are always ready to uproot their life 3-5 times before getting a real job, and screw the consequences to their mental health/family/retirement plans. 3/
Read 15 tweets
I’m no longer answering the question “Why should there be diversity (specifically Black ppl) in STEM?” or any of its variants cause no one ever asks “why should white people be in STEM?” It’s just assumed they belong. Black people & other POC belong in STEM simply for existing.
Not because more diversity = higher productivity or because we’ve contributed so much and have so much more to contribute or any other reason that commodifies Black people and other POC. Just existing and wanting to do it is enough.
This isn’t a sub or directed towards any one person cause I get asked this in every interview. Im just tired of having to justify my existence in this space when my non Black, especially white peers, don’t have to do the same.
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#BlackinChem Thread!!

Here's how this came to be.

You may have noticed several #blackandSTEM campaigns on Twitter this summer, like #BlackBirdersWeek #BlackHikersWeek @BlackInNeuro and @That_Astro_Chic 's #BlackinAstro . #BlackinChem is no different
I saw #BlackinAstro going viral and tweeted that I would love to curate #BlackinChem (with some help) and that's when @That_Astro_Chic and I connected and got to WORK! She introduced me to @onlyayanna_ and along the way came @NatRodLopes1 @kathinated @hi_d_nq and @blackinthelab
We all got together and started dumping a LOT of ideas in our group message and eventually settled on curating a week where each day focuses on a particular subdivision of chemistry. Image
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🎙LIVE FROM #SACRAMENTO, it’s #science #trivia night! Welcome to @TriviaWithBens hosted for #CapSciCommLive🌶️! Follow the game here on Twitter (@CapSciComm Prof/Student Members gain call access:… [1/n]
🎙@TriviaWithBens Rules: No limit on how many people to a team—solo, with family/roommates, or virtually with friends! Come up with your team name and have a great time. Tweet selfies of your team all night long by tagging @TriviaWithBens and #CapSciCommLive 🌶️!
🎙@TriviaWithBens Rules for #CapSciCommLive 🌶️: We will score answers after each round. Y'all are on your honor to score your own sheets. No checking your phone/internet or your home bookshelf for answers while playing! This isn't a Google-contest 😂🧐…
Read 91 tweets
Black knowledge creators who've shaped how we think about & experience ECOLOGY, NATURE & CLIMATE. A (large yet nonexhaustive) THREAD.

This is part of our "Spotlighting Black Scientists & Ways of Knowing" series, check out the previous part on Technology⬇️
We’re sharing these threads as part of our #ScientistSolidarity Drive which ends TOMORROW, calling on non-Black scientists to support orgs/funds doing grassroots racial justice and abolition work. We're only $300 away from our (updated) $6110 match goal!
First up, Black Radical Ecology teaches us that environmental destruction stems from white pursuits of power/the Eurocolonial capitalist idea that humans rank above all in nature. @RantzFanon says: "To save ourselves & the planet, we must oppose all forms of (white) authority…
Read 58 tweets
Last wk, we discussed how Western science is founded on anti-Blackness. Today, we share how Black ppl across the globe have always been at the forefront of knowledge creation, within/outside of/in resistance to anti-Black dominant institutions of science.
We intentionally couple these threads b/c while it’s important to name and work to dismantle the ways institutional science has exacted violence against Black communities, we need to also know about & celebrate how Black communities have BEEN doing science, BEEN making knowledge.
As a note, this thread is part of our #ScientistSolidarity Drive, calling non-Black scientists to support orgs/funds doing grassroots racial justice & abolition work. We're $800 away from hitting our $6110 match goal! #ScienceIsPolitical #BlackLivesMatter
Read 20 tweets
I am a young naturalist, passionate about birds & live near Bristol. I am 1/2 Bangladeshi & set up #Black2Nature. In Jan 2015, age 13 I realised that I never saw anyone who looked like me outdoors - never @ABA @Natures_Voice #BlackBirders #BlackBirdersWeek #BlackLivesMatter 1/
The first thing I did was persuade 5 Visible Minority Ethnic (VME) boys to come to my nature camp. They hadn't been to the countryside before & the 1st thing I learnt was that you have to make it relevant. A volunteer did this by comparing the speed of a Peregrine Falcon 2/
dropping before going for the kill with the speed of a formula 1 car. It was something they could relate to & understand. This had them mesmerised & after that they all engaged with nature in a different way. Eg one was scared of holding a bird in ringing but was then ecstatic 3/
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🎙LIVE FROM #SACRAMENTO, it’s #science #trivia night! Welcome to @TriviaWithBens hosted for #CapSciCommLive🌶️! Follow the game here on Twitter (@CapSciComm Prof/Student Members gain call access:…). Tonight's theme: Numbers, in honor of our 10th game! [1/n]
🎙@TriviaWithBens Rules: No limit on how many people to a team—solo, with family/roommates, or virtually with friends! Come up with your team name and have a great time. Tweet selfies of your team all night long by tagging @TriviaWithBens and #CapSciCommLive 🌶️!
🎙@TriviaWithBens Rules for #CapSciCommLive 🌶️: We will score answers after each round. Y'all are on your honor to score your own sheets. No checking your phone/internet or your home bookshelf for answers while playing! This isn't a Google-contest 😂🧐…
Read 95 tweets
In preparation for #ShutDownSTEM tomorrow, 10 June, @ScienceMagazine Science has made the following articles available without subscription or registration to help facilitate discussion.
"As more organizations and industries adopt digital tools to identify risk and allocate resources, the automation of racial discrimination is a growing concern."
How a health care algorithm reflects underlying bias in society in this #SciMagPerspective:
In New York City, Latino and black people have been twice as likely to die from #COVID19 as white people. Research shows that this current pandemic is not atypical in hitting poor and marginalized communities harder. @NewsfromScience
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In preparation for #ShutDownSTEM tomorrow, 10 June, Science has made the following articles available without subscription or registration to help facilitate discussion.
"As more organizations and industries adopt digital tools to identify risk and allocate resources, the automation of racial discrimination is a growing concern."

How a health care algorithm reflects underlying bias in society in this #SciMagPerspective:
In New York City, Latino and black people have been twice as likely to die from #COVID19 as white people. Research shows that this current pandemic is not atypical in hitting poor and marginalized communities harder. @NewsfromScience
Read 16 tweets
alongside exposing the sexism and racism that is rife within academia and @Wikipedia, last night’s attempts to takedown the biographies of the superstars of #BlackBirdersWeek exposes some outdated elitism that should embarrass both communities.
1. that graduate students are ‘only graduate students’ and that graduate can’t be considered important in academia or real life, irrespective of whether you’ve been on international news. 🤬
2. that as an academic you are first and foremost judged by your publications/ number of citations, irrespective of whether you’ve started a global movement. 🤬
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Amidst everything on our screens, take time to check out the #hashtags below⬇️. Just a taste of the power of Twitter also for good. On your screens now. Until June 5th: #BlackBirdersWeek organised by #BlackAFinSTEM; @beaniejean_ @bellzisbirding @BlackAFinSTEM | @patagonia @REI ImageImage
#Socialmedia can challenge & change science stereotypes, but outdoors biz & ad/marketing agencies must act too.…

CNN: “These Black nature lovers are busting stereotypes, one cool bird at a time.”
#BlackBirdersWeek #BlackAFinSTEM @n8ture_al @hood_naturalist
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Happy Day 2 of #BlackBirdersWeek! #postabird I'm so happy to see others posting multiple birds because I can't pick just one! I'm going to start with my work in Baltimore. Baltimore’s birds are the reason I ended up back to grad school to get my PhD.
(@DrCRegaBrodsky and @nilonch also played a role😉) I helped with Christine's research on bird use of vacant lots. We located nests, caught & banded robins, vegetation surveys, and 5 minute bird surveys. Here I'm using a mirror on a stick to look inside a nest.
Despite living here I saw bird species I didn’t expectto see! I think there were ~ 60 species documented in vacant lots.
Read 11 tweets
It’s day one of #BlackBirdersWeek and we’re amplifying #BlackInNature . But don’t let a rt be all you do today.

A thread.
Once at a conference, a white woman running a diversity and inclusion program was at the podium. She was talking about how diversity was increasing albeit it was mostly white women but that’s progress at least right?
And she was so serious. She said the interest wasnt there in POC. Totally ignoring the fact that Black people have been actively forced out of outdoor recreation and careers for the crime of being born Black. But I digress.
Read 21 tweets

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