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Feb 22nd 2022
45 min podcast

Details the alarming breadth of the act’s powers, its incompatibility with the constitution, its use to target certain political viewpoints, and why its use could foreshadow an even graver expansion of state authority.…
@ggreenwald on how how the #BlackfaceHitler govt actions to create an untouchable class, are just part of the bigger plan.…
The founding COO of PayPal
“Last summer, I warned  readers of (Bari Weiss’s) Common Sense that financial deplatforming would be the next wave of online censorship.

Big Tech companies like PayPal were already working with left-wing groups like the ADL & SPLC to define lists of…
Read 12 tweets
Feb 21st 2022
Luckily nothing happened and the professional stunt horse did an excellent job with a fake step on the crisis actor.

They spare neither cost nor effort and simply book the best who know something about the matter.

Oh noes! Terrorist armed with a bicycle threw it at the direction of the (professional stunt) horses. Cruel!

Leaf Frens: Overthrow the government, @ProfKlausSchwab will think of the rest!

Dark Winter II is over, #Agenda2030 na0!

Such a wicked world, poor Crisis Actor is also from the #Mohawk Tribe; just like @Tamara_MVC is a metis & white supremacist, right? That's racism in action! Let them all burn, bastards! She's dead, isn't she? Yes! No? Yes! No? Yes!
Read 21 tweets
Feb 21st 2022
Palpatine's speech is eerily similar to Justin awarding himself emergency powers.

It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love democracy. I love the Republic. Once this crisis has abated, I will lay down the powers you have given me!

After the confrontation with Master Mace Windu, and his face became deformed, it gave him the ultimate reason to declare the Jedi as Enemies of the Republic. He used a scapegoat to award himself more power, and a new target for war. A new focus of fear for the people.

He declared the innocent group as insurrectionists. Stated they planned to take over the government. Then he declared that he would hunt them down. Sound familiar @OttawaPolice ?

Read 9 tweets
Feb 20th 2022

If you think #OttawaPolice & #RCMP went in alone, you’re living in a false utopia.

Mercenaries & Defence Contractors Are as #Canadian as Maple Syrup

Let me introduce you to Predator Security Defense™️

@JustinTrudeau knows these guys all to well Amongst others, Like #Academi / #blackwater .. He’s used them in his security detail in Canada and overseas.

These guys are the best of the best.

Security or paid mercenaries? 🤔

Let’s see what services the predators have to offer
Their employees 👉 Prior military combat veterans, US Special Programs (Special forces, navy seals) or Tactical Law Enforcement (Swat).

Our operators are highly trained counter terrorism expert across the entire spectrum, as good as any and better than most.

Says the company
Read 14 tweets
Feb 20th 2022
It's springtime for Blackface and Canada
#Ottawa is crying in pain.
We're towing to a faster pace,
Lookout, your trucks are out of place!
Springtime for Blackface and Canada
Great White North bleeding once more…

Springtime for Blackface and Canada
Watch out peasants, we're going on tour.
Springtime for Blackface and Canada
We're seizing your bank accounts
Springtime for Blackface and Canada
C'mon people, surrender your life!

Heil Blackface!
Heil…to me!
I'm #Trudeau who's out to change our history!
Heil myself…raise your hand!
There's no greater dictator in the land!
Everything I do, I do for you.
If you're looking for a peace, I'll lock you too!

Read 4 tweets
Feb 20th 2022
This is the #FAKEnews of the new #Canada @globalnews is part of the propaganda BS #BlackfaceHitler @JustinTrudeau
Read 22 tweets

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