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Dec 27th 2022
Here's a complete look at my 2022/23 Earned Edition project -- much love and appreciation to everyone who has followed along and offered feedback along the way!

#NBA #NBATwitter #NBATwitterLive #Nike #Basketball #NikeBasketball

cc: @WorldWideWob
Read 17 tweets
Dec 2nd 2021
Probably could have started this sooner ... IT'S TWEETSTORM TIME!

Every Sunday through Thursday, Twitter friends!

As always, PLEASE Like/RT to the best of your ability!

From the top!

#Nuggets @ #Magic

I have way more to type here than Twitter can fit so please do listen to the pod tomorrow, but the quick version is that Cole Anthony makes Orlando quite a bit better.
Various injuries and just the general hot and cold spells of the season have moved Franz Wagner back into a startable position of late, though we also know a cooldown drops him back into that 160 range. Feel free to stream while he's hot if you can catch the right wave.
Read 44 tweets
Nov 25th 2021
The wife has some patient notes to write, so I suppose I can carve out some time for this JUMBO STYLE TWEETSTORM.

Let's see if I can make it through to the end in one piece. It was a behemoth.

RTs/Likes always appreciated!

Title: Wait, Who Got Hurt?
#Suns @ #Cavaliers

Look at big JaVale. Hah! I have a soft spot for him, and honestly he hasn't been that bad lately. He's a dynamite fill-in if Ayton misses time again down the road. In the interim, he's more of a 14 or 16 teamer. Still fun, though.
Kevin Love is very much in the streamer discussion but not a games cap level guy. Jarrett Allen's FG% is robust. But overall, no particularly earth-shattering fantasy valuation changes.
Read 46 tweets
Nov 23rd 2021

Title: Gobert, Back in the Top 18

Yeah, you know where this is headed.

RTs and Likes, as always, are the steam in my engine.
#Nets @ #Cavaliers

LMA played great again and he's absolutely a must-start guy in games cap formats. Harder to deal with on the rest days in h2h but he's been so good lately he probably hangs on even there. Mills is a nice stream with Harris out.
Markkanen and Allen came back from various illnesses and looked great. Fire 'em up! Kevin Love is somehow hanging onto deep league value but his little baby-sized window to play more is gone. As is Ed Davis. Isaac Okoro needs to show me more consistency before I add there.
Read 31 tweets
Jul 21st 2021
This Filathlitikos B.C., jersey belonged to #Giannis Antetokounmpo, who played for the Greek team during the 2011-2012 season, leading up to his draft by the #MilwaukeeBucks in 2013. @Giannis_An34
Giannis and his four brothers were raised in Greece by their parents, Nigerians who emigrated to the European country in 1993. Challenged by racism and xenophobia, Charles often struggled to find work, and the family lived in fear of deportation.
Despite the challenges of poverty, including the need to share the same pair of basketball shoes, Giannis and his older brother Thanasis, took up basketball. After being discovered at the age of 13, Giannis made great strides playing junior and professional basketball in Greece.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 6th 2021
Plays of the Week 🏀 #NBAFinals Edition, of course!

Best Bucks & Suns sets:
-PHX Zipper Chicago (shown) & Spain Tandem Series
-MIL Line BLOB & Stagger to Hand Off

Plus our Finals Survey with #TeamFastModel!

See #NBAXsOs:…
🦌 Milwaukee Bucks - Stagger to Hand Off

FastDraw download:…

by @A_Kourmoulis | #XsOs #NBAXsOs #NBAFinals
📽️ Milwaukee Bucks - Stagger to Hand Off
Read 14 tweets
Sep 5th 2020
MEGA thread για 🦌#MILvsMIA🔥

1 Αυτές τις μέρες το ελληνικό - αλλά όχι μόνο - ιντερνέτ πολώνεται για να καταλογίσει ευθύνες σε #budenholzer ή #Antetokounmpo.
ΟΚ, όλα δεκτά, αλλά σε αυτή τη φάση λίγα θα μπορούσαν να γίνουν απέναντι στη σαφώς καλύτερη ομάδα της σειράς. Ειδικότερα:
2 Ο Γιάννης δεν είναι closer. Αυτό δεν τον κάνει ανάξιο MVP ή... Robin 🤐 MVP δεν σημαίνει καλύτερος σκόρερ. Ακόμα κ οι 30 ppg του πιο πολύ οφείλονται στα σπάνια χαρίσματα του πάρα σε κάποιο pedigree σκόρερ. Όποιοι απαιτούν ο Γιάννης να χώσει ετσιθελικά clutch 3p, κακώς ψάχνουν.
3 Ο Γιάννης ευημερεί σε δυο συνθήκες: σε transition κ με εξαιρετικούς, άνιωθους σουτέρ γύρω του. Το πρώτο δεδομένα το έχουν ξεχάσει οι #Bucks στη σειρά. Ακόμα κ χτες, στα 3Q που οι #Heat ήταν μέτριοι, δεν μπόρεσαν να ανοίξουν τον ρυθμό - όχι άσχετα με το σερί αλλαγών του Bud.
Read 11 tweets
Jan 18th 2020
This rightly had a lot of attention last night. Now that everyone’s (hopefully) caught up on 😴 I wanted to thank some of those involved.

I, & everyone involved, is thrilled there was a happy ending. That’s as a direct result of a lot of work by a lot of people.

2/ This was, as I said yesterday, a challenging operation in difficult circumstances. The area we needed to search was large, very busy & it was after dark. Colleagues from all over @ThamesVP travelled to assist us in #NewportPagnell
3/ The #Community response was immense; so many members of the public offering help, searching, sharing our appeal. Someone even bought coffee for those out in the cold & dark. All of it helped.
Read 13 tweets

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