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Nov 18th 2020
#Bushiri has released a statement in which he reiterates the position that he believes that he won't get a fair trial in South Africa because system is rigged against him.

This is what he says in a message he titles: To SADC COMMUNITY, THE AFRICAN UNION AND THE WORLD:
Lilongwe: On Tuesday morning, 17 November 2020, the Minister of Home Affairs in South Africa, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, MP, addressed the Portfolio Committee in Parliament that oversees and holds the Minister to account on issues relating to his ministry, amongst others, immigration.
In his preliminary report, the Minister took the Committee through the process that his department employs to keep track of movement of the people entering and leaving of South Africa.
He also went into the process that is followed within his department when permits are issued
Read 15 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
By Friday afternoon, SA authorities had gotten concerned that #Bushiri had not reported to police per his bail conditions.

With President Chakwera in South Africa and flying out that afternoon, there were whispers that Bushiri might be smuggled out using the presidentโ€™s jet
So Pres Chakweraโ€™s traveling party was searched multiple times at the Waterkloof Military Base in Pretoria.

Not satisfied, SA authorities ordered the entourage, except Chakwera and a few close aides, to go to OR Tambo Airport, from where they would board the President's jet
At OR Tambo the entourage checked in through the VVIP section under army and police escort all the way to the aircraft.

At the aircraft was a police officer who literally checked every passport against the face of each passport holder.

Presidentโ€™s plane was delayed by 8 hrs.
Read 3 tweets
Nov 4th 2020
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Who's up for the learning?๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

@dmuthuk @shl
@SahilBloom @FinKrypt @FinMedium @Sanjay__Bakshi @DividendGrowth @vedantm_ Image


Considers China a "foe" and "adversary". Trump's attitude towards the Chinese government may help India if things turn sour between New Delhi and Beijing

#USAElections2020 #USElection #TrumpIsALaughingStock #TrumpCollapse @GabbbarSingh Image

Considers China to only be a fierce competitor. and strives to bring down unnecessary tension between the governments

#Biden #Biden2020 #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica #Michigan
Read 18 tweets
Nov 4th 2020
#Bushiri Paseka "Mboro" Motsoeneng has arrived at the Pretoria High Court for the bail verdict. He says he had a dream that Major 1 will be released. He says he has reached a consensus with Bushiri and is no longer fighting him. KM
More #Bushiri supporters gathering outside. BK
#Bushiri the accused make their way into court. The two other accused have obstained a court order barring the media from showing their faces. KM
Read 4 tweets
Sep 8th 2018
Thread: Guys!!! #bushiri church!!!! My mom went to her friendโ€™s funeral. A preacher (major 4) from Bushiriโ€™s Church was officiating the funeral. An hour or so in, this guy says weโ€™re not here to bury her, weโ€™re here to witness a miracle. Those who donโ€™t believe, get out.
So some go out and some remain inside. This guy then asks God to give him power to raise my Momโ€™s friend from the dead otherwise he will stop believing. Then he starts praying and commanding that she wakes up from the casket. Now the family is perplexed and wondering hawu manje
He asks everyone to lift their hands and pray for her resurrection. He then removes the flowers and blanket covering the coffin. Opens it and climbs inside!!! Praying still he starts giving this woman mouth to mouth while commanding her to wake up!
Read 7 tweets

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