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It's a new beginning with hope. Not only for USA.There are things like #ClimateCrisis requires a strong leadership and active participation.

All the best
@JoeBiden @KamalaHarris 💐👍
I expect @BernieSanders @SenWarren @AOC to play a active role in this new administration. 💪
Four years of horror movie ends like a bad dream.

People can bring change.💪🖤❤️💙
In this moment , I want to thank @staceyabrams for her tireless work. It requires a hard work and determination to turn a dream into a reality.💐💪
The President Biden

46th USA President @POTUS
Read 4 tweets
This morning when I was teaching "Human Rights in China", 16 people suddenly appeared in front of my house, holding signs libeling me as a CCP spy. Apparently they are sent by Guo Wengui (Miles Kwok) to harass me because I'm critical of this swindler. 1/n
In 2018, Guo Wengui filed a baseless, frivolous defamation lawsuit against me coz I wrote a long article to analyze him and his followers. He totally lost this case a few months ago. He also sued many other people and media who are against him. 2/n
Guo sued CNN, WSJ and the Miami Herald, and threatened to sue many more. All are SLAPP lawsuits to stifle people's 1st amendment rights. Guo has committed crimes of fraud, rape, kidnapping, and money laundering, etc in China, the US and other countries. 3/n
Read 17 tweets
Ed Luce on Writing in Trump's America | OLF2020 | EE82…
Author and Journalist @EdwardGLuce talks on #DonaldTrump, #USAElections2020, challenges for Joe Biden and more in #OdishaLitFest20 with @kavereeb.

Watch LIVE: Image
What does middle-class mean to India and America? How does this change the country's economy? Author and Journalist @EdwardGLuce answers!
#OdishaLitFest20 @kavereeb #OdishaLiteraryFestival2020 Image
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Seuraavat kuntavaalit järjestetään 18. huhtikuuta 2021
Nyt kutsu ETYJ: lle, jota ei ole koskaan päästetty Tieto Oyj: n tiloihin tarkkaileman laskentaa koska liikesalaisuus.
- Eduskuntavaalien tulokset olivat tiedossa jo maaliskuussa 23, 2019… ImageImageImageImage
Niinistö tulee voittamaan presidentinvaalit ensimmäisellä kierroksella 62.7% äänimäärällä | tammikuu 6, 2018…

Sauli Niinistö presidentiksi murskavoitolla - sai 62,7% äänistä: ”Olen suorastaan liikuttunut” | 28.01.2018… ImageImageImage
DEMOKRATIAA? | 25.1.2008
Electronic Frontier Finland ry:n (Effi) kertoo, että OM: n vaalijohtaja Arto Jääskeläinen kieltäytyi antamasta järjestölle tietoja, miten lokakuun kunnallisvaaleissa koekäytettävä sähköinen äänestysjärjestelmä on toteutettu.… ImageImageImage
Read 33 tweets
#USElections | Asian-Americans are the fastest-growing section of voters in US, a Pew Research Center analysis shows. From 2000 to 2020, Asian-American voters more than doubled, growing 139%. The Hispanic electorate grew at 121%, and black and white electorates at just 33% and 7%
#USPresidentialElections2020 | Asian-Americans comprise 5% of voters, though their numbers are growing. Most are naturalized citizens and about 6 in 10 Asian-origin citizens are eligible to vote.
Naturalized immigrants have driven the Asian electorate's
rapid growth. The number of Asian immigrant voters
doubled from 3.3 Million to 6.9 Million in 2000-2018.

#USElections #USPresidentialElections2020
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आजच्या या थ्रेडमध्ये #Tata कंपनी व #Apple कंपनीबद्दल माहिती सांगितली आहे..tata ने ॲपल मोबाईलचे ठराविक पार्ट बनविण्यासाठी पुढाकार घेतला असुन टाटा तमिळनाडूमध्ये प्रकल्प चालु करणार आहे..खालील धाग्यात
1)डील बद्दल..
2)#Titan चा सहभाग
3) तमिळनाडूच का?

जाणुन घेऊ
#म #रिम #threadकर
टाटा कंपनीने ॲपल कंपनीच्या मोबाईलचे ठराविक भाग बनवण्याचा निर्णय घेतला असुन हा एक ऐतिहासिक निर्णय आहे.यासाठी टाटा ग्रुपने तमिळनाडू मधील चेन्नई जवळील 'होसुर' गाव ज्याला ब्रिटीश 'little England' म्हणायचे या गावात जवळपास ५००० करोड रुपयांचा प्रकल्प उभारण्याचा निर्णय घेतला आहे.
या प्रकल्पासाठी टाटा ने #TATA_electronics नावाने नवीन कंपनी चालु केली असुन #TIDCO(Tamilnadu Industrial Development Corporation) या तमिळनाडूच्या सरकारी कंपनीने टाटाला होसुरमध्ये जवळपास ५०० एकर जमीन उपलब्ध करून दिली आहे.या प्रकल्पाची किंमत ५००० करोड असली तरी भविष्यात ती ८००० करोड
Read 14 tweets




Who's up for the learning?👇👇

@dmuthuk @shl
@SahilBloom @FinKrypt @FinMedium @Sanjay__Bakshi @DividendGrowth @vedantm_ Image


Considers China a "foe" and "adversary". Trump's attitude towards the Chinese government may help India if things turn sour between New Delhi and Beijing

#USAElections2020 #USElection #TrumpIsALaughingStock #TrumpCollapse @GabbbarSingh Image

Considers China to only be a fierce competitor. and strives to bring down unnecessary tension between the governments

#Biden #Biden2020 #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica #Michigan
Read 18 tweets
7 reasons that make #Trump good for the Middle East

#America will choose its president. But from a strictly objective look at the Middle East, @realDonaldTrump emerges as someone who has done the unthinkable in the region, ideally making him the choice for #Muslim-Americans. Image
#Trump did not launch new wars in the Middle East. A sign of deft diplomacy, from avoiding new conflicts in #Syria while holding #Assad accountable for possible war crimes, to avoiding a war with #Iran.

#ElectionNight Image
#Trump ended regime change wars induced through Islamist proxies. This allowed important players like #Egypt & the #Gulf to avoid collapse & chaos. Even #Iran received a signal from Trump that it is about behavior change, not regime change.
#ElectionNight Image
Read 9 tweets
Thread on #USAElections2020
1. What happens now is also on the US media. They have to stand firm and hold the line and hold their ground. The election result is too close to call and it will be for some time.
2. Trump will use this fact to declare he’s won and to invite chaos, harm, even more racism and hate and to turn things upside down. This is what narcissists do. They set fire to things and watch the rest of us scrambling around to find water to put the fires out.
3. The media have to stand firm and not let him manipulate this moment for his propaganda, for his hate, for violence OR to ‘steal the election.’ The media have to stand firm and not let him manipulate this moment for his propaganda, for his hate, OR to ‘steal the election.’
Read 6 tweets
Hari #USAElections2020, ternyata skala suasana-hati ku antara 2 & 3, berdasarkan skala pengukuran mood nya mas Fauci, direktur NIAID. Kebetulan saya pernah menjadi fellow dari @Fogarty_NIH untuk belajar di @UCLA @UCLASPH Semoga @JoeBiden & @KamalaHarris MENANG @usaidindonesia
Kasih tahu nggak ya mas @realDonaldTrump
Ini hanya prediksi, ya. Umumnya prediksi seringkali tidak akurat, tetapi tetap bermanfaat. #USAelection2020
Read 6 tweets
Donald Trump or Joe Biden - who will win the #USPresidentialElections2020? Find the latest updates on the 2020 US Presidential Elections on BOOM's LIVE blog. #USElection2020 #Election2020 #DonaldTrump #JoeBiden…
As of Wednesday morning, Biden is ahead of Trump in electoral votes, while Trump takes lead in popular vote.

This morning, CNN projected the victory of Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene on her race to represent the north-west Georgia seat in the House. Taylor's win comes despite criticism of her promotion of a conspiracy theory QAnon. #USElections2020…
Read 19 tweets
#Trump is currently beating #Biden - “the scrappy guy from Scranton” - in Scranton, Pennsylvania, @JoeBiden’s hometown. Ouch! #Election2020 #ElectionDay #ElectionNight #USAElections2020 #USElection #Trump2020 #Biden2020
“How they laughed at Hitler in 1923 when he marched on a Munich beer hall with his comedic moustache

Many were still laughing in 1932 when the Nazi Party became the biggest in Germany

But the blazing Reichstag & rule by decree in 1933 weren’t so funny anymore.”
(Emerson Warner)
Read 12 tweets
#Rádio98 | ELEIÇÕES EUA 🇺🇸- Urnas começam a fechar em estados decisivos. Joe Biden tem 16 dos 270 delegados, Donald Trump tem 13. #usaelection #98NasEleiçoes2020
#Rádio98 | "Ninguém sabe o que vai acontecer. As pesquisas não chegaram a um resultado unânime", análise do cientista político Adriano Cerqueira, em fala ao #98Talks #Usaelections #98NasEleições
#Rádio98 | "Os Republicanos fizeram uma corrida às urnas, principalmente em estados decisivos. Já os Democratas terão um peso maior em votos por correio", analisa Cerqueira. #Usaelections #98NasEleiçoes2020
Read 38 tweets
आता लवकरच अमेरिकेचे अधिकृत राष्ट्राध्यक्ष घोषित होतील..मी काल ट्रंप आणि बिडेन यांच्यामधील प्राथमिक फरक सांगितला होता..त्या धाग्याची लिंक खाली आहेच! आज आपण त्या दोघांचा भारताप्रती नक्की काय दृष्टिकोन आहे याबद्दल जाणुन घेऊया..
#म #मराठी #रिम #USAElections2020 #Trump2020 #Biden2020
१)अमेरिकेतील भारतीय कायम डेमोक्रॅटिक पक्षाला समर्थन देतात ज्याचे उमेदवार सध्या #Biden आहेत.पण ह्यावेळीस #corona पार्श्र्वभूमीवर #trump यांनी चीनला ज्याप्रकारे धारेवर धरले..त्यात कोरोनाला सरळ सरळ चीनी वायरस संबोधणे अथवा ट्रेड वाॅर इ. यामुळे भारतीय ट्रंपच्या बाजुने झुकलेले असावेत
दुसरीकडे बिडेन पाकिस्तान च्या बाजुने कृती करत असल्याचे दिसुन आले ज्यामध्ये त्यांनी पाकिस्तानला ६०० मिलीयन$ ची मदत घोषित केली जी मदत ट्रंपनी आर्ध्यावरच आणलीय.पाकिस्तानच्या मते त्यांना ते पैसे दहशतवाद व आतंकवाद विरोधात वापरायचेत पण वस्तुस्थिती आपणा सर्वांनाच माहीती आहे🙏🙏
Read 17 tweets
We're following every step of #ElectionDay today as the US enters its final day of voting in the 2020 Presidential Election. | @NWWhigham #Election2020…
@NWWhigham Election officials in St. Louis Missouri wearing full PPE hand ballots to a person who tested positive for COVID-19 during curbside voting on Election Day. #Election2020 #USAElections2020
@NWWhigham Typically it only takes a few hours after polls in each state close to get a picture of how the election will play out. It may take much longer to get a result this year. | @NWWhigham #ElectionDay #USAElections2020…
Read 5 tweets
400,000 ballots have already been processed in Multnomah County, says Tim Scott, director of elections.
#USElections2020 #Election2020
Reporting for @TheNationalNews
This is what 400k ballots looks like
Ballots are arriving! They're collected in cars, driven in to Multnomah County Election Office, to be sorted and counted
Read 8 tweets
#ElectionDay #USAElections2020

🇺🇸 Présidentielle américaine : dans 6h, les Etats cruciaux de Floride et de Géorgie ferment leurs bureaux de vote. Leur dépouillement devrait se faire en quasi-totalité cette nuit. Si Trump les gagne, il est encore dans la course. Sinon, c'est fini
Entre 1h et 2h du matin à Paris il y aura également la Caroline du Nord, swing state très important, qui ferme ses bureaux de vote. #elections2020

Les résultats de ces 3 états importants qui ont tous voté Trump en 2016 seront primordiaux pour voir la tendance et si qqn a gagné.
Si la Floride et la Caroline du Nord sont trop serrés on pourrait devoir attendre davantage.

Suivez tous les résultats en temps réel cette nuit sur @ElectionsMonde
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#Elections2020 #Presidentielles_US #USAElections2020

Aujourd'hui c'est le jour de l'élection présidentielle américaine 🇺🇸 #ElectionDay

#Trump sera-t-il réélu pour un 2nd et dernier mandat ? #Biden, vice-président d'Obama, va-t-il gagner la Maison Blanche?

Réponse cette nuit🔽
100 millions d'américains ont déjà voté par correspondance ou en avance.

La participation sera à scruter avec grande importance : si hausse massive il y a, alors tout peut basculer, les cartes électorales peuvent être dynamitées.

Les sondages et les prédictions des analystes
donnent en majorité Joe #Biden gagnant.
Sauf immense séisme politique, il gagnera le vote populaire au niveau national. Il est donné largement gagnant du vote populaire dans les sondages. Mais l'élection se joue dans quelques Etats, swing states, qui changent d'avis à chaque fois
Read 10 tweets
The world holds its breath as voters go to the polls in a deeply divided country. Political violence seems more likely than not due to pronounced ethnic divisions and irresponsible leadership. #ElectionDay #Election2020 #thread 1/5…
Despite growing fears of electoral manipulation and conflict, international observers have been denied access to some parts of the country, exacerbating fears that the president will refuse to leave office if he loses power. 2/5 #USAElections2020…
Much will depend on the electoral system, which is disorganised and controversial - & is likely to lead to contradictory claims about who has won early on Election Day, further radicalIsing & polarising a fractious and distrustful society. 3/5 #ElectionDay…
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