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Feb 25th 2022
Marina Abramovic is the story that just keeps on giving. She seems to know Ukraine quite well.. Her last visit was to Kyiv in Oct 2021

to perform her 'Crystal Wall of Crying' which commemorates Jews killed in Babyn Yar massacre…
In 2017 The Pinchuk Art Centre presented “Fragile State” - an exhibition with 10 leading artists including Marina Abramovic, Urs Fischer, Damien Hirst, Barthélémy Toguo ..…
"Reflections on War, Performance Artist Marina Abramović and Ukraine’s “Fragile State”..

Viktor Pinchuk sponsored the Yalta European Strategy (YES) conference - an effort to promote a political bridge between Ukraine and the West and European Union"…

Read 27 tweets
Feb 22nd 2022
1/ Every Canadian needs to relentlessly insist their MP re-ask this question until there is an open and transparent answer. Do not let this drop!

Pm me if you want a template email.

2/ This is not disinformation!

Here is a link to the direct quote, straight from the creepy horse’s mouth.

This must be addressed! Ask your MP to re-ask the question asked by @ColinCarrieCPC

I’ll go first: @LisaMarieBarron Please bring this up again.
3/ Seriously people, we did not vote for these ideologies. We need to know the outside influences on our government.

Read 5 tweets
Feb 15th 2022
The world watches with concern as the authoritarian govt of #JustinTrudeau clamps down on dissent and curtails civil liberties. Peaceful protest is the right of citizens in a democracy. We urge the Canadian authorities to exercise restraint.
The problem is not just the hypocrisy of the White West. It is of their collaborators in post-colonial societies who parrot and amplify the ideas of their supremacy.

#Modi held on for 10 times longer without resorting to emergency powers to quell dissent.
It's really the story of an entitled prince who likes giving royal sermons but has never had to face reality.


Read 11 tweets
Feb 15th 2022
#CanadaHasFallen is trending, and one of the more popular tweets is from an account with a GAN-generated profile pic: @youspecialagent, permanent ID 1277275248400969731.

cc: @ZellaQuixote
Despite having only ~4500 followers, @youspecialagent's tweets featuring various hashtags opposing "vaccine passports" have repeatedly gone viral.
Over 1000 of @youspecialagent's followers appear to have been gained by posting a single followback tweet containing an anti-"vaccine passport" hashtag. A bunch of accounts replied to the tweet with the hashtag in question, spreading the hashtag further.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 14th 2022
Chrystia Freeland, second in command to PM Trudeau, just said in a press conference that they can now freeze Canadians’ bank accounts if the government *suspects* you have donated $25.00 or more to the trucking convoy.

Democracy has died today in Canada.

Here is a photo of Freeland and Trudeau talking to George Soros. Image
She also said if your vehicle is part of a convoy, the government can freeze your bank accounts and cancel your insurance. She also says banks can do this without court orders.

This is an egregious escalation.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 12th 2022
I've been digging, and you wouldn't believe who I found.
Unfortunately, I always had a feeling, but we now know, we cannot trust the PC Party of Canada.
This is not doctored. Archived as of April 1st 2021… Image
He has spoken out against the liberals, he has also commended the convoy, but is it just political subversion and he is in fact just controlled opposition?


My question is, what happened last year from Jan-April to make them change their website and remove him. Archive saves everything!!!

@Hannah_Bananaz @unspinthespina1 @ezralevant @TheoFleury14 @StoneSculptorJN @MarkFriesen08 @ikwilson @canmericanized @MakisMD @NJunkie87
Read 4 tweets
Jan 28th 2022
Sobre lo que está ocurriendo en Canadá 🇨🇦

Sobre lo que está ocurriendo en Canadá 🇨🇦


👆El convoy de la libertad va más allá de Canadá y empieza a convertirse en levantamiento mundial.

Los camioneros de Italia se están movilizando para participar en la protesta y se informa que los australianos y los británicos también están dispuestos a unirse al levantamiento.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 17th 2021
“Some individuals will still be unable or unwilling to maintain self-isolation. The Public Health Act 1994 addresses this situation in Section 45(1)1 which provides authority for the MHO to issue an order for such individuals be detained to isolate for the required period....”
“Secure isolation sites provide the secure space and supervision to achieve this.

What is a Secure Isolation Site (SIS)?

A SIS is a locked facility in which persons issued a detention order under the public health act are detained.”

#Canada #CanadaSOS #CanadaHasFallen
Read 4 tweets

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