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For 3+ years I don't know a single #GoodDoctor who'll support my call to act w/ 111M Americans rather than just repeat the mistakes of the past 40 years by repeatedly asking the enemy for transparency on public health data which they want to classify for 75 years.

Amirite!? Image
This doesn't make us heros @stkirsch it makes us dismal failures at overcoming the one thing the enemy calculated ppl like myself would experience and people like yourself would prove correct. A problem I've had for 40 years, and your ilk has had for 3 years.

It's embarrassing. Image
Read Bob's words out loud as if they are your own.

@PierreKory recently stated that NOW, after decades of ignoring this SOP, NOW he checks for a #ConflictOfInterest BEFORE reading a paper.

@P_McCulloughMD said vaccines were never on his radar until 3 years ago. For a third of Image
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@truthlovingdr it's b/c the 2parties are actually 1. They are interchangeable and have done this multiple times throughout history. It creates confusion.

Rs aren't going to save us anymore than Ds.

We are ruled by a #CorruptOnePartySystemOfGovernment until we respond as 1 ppl, Image
we will never overcome.

The FACT that "good" doctors fell for the trap of choosing sides and focusing on a one-sided NON-debate with a #CentralAuthority has cost us ALL 3+ years. @RWMaloneMD @RobertKennedyJr @PierreKory @stkirsch @DesmetMattias @DowdEdward may very well be well Image
intended, but to do the same thing over and over AND NOTHING ELSE for 3+ years is the very definition of insanity. It was predicted by AI Predictive Analysis years before 2020. It was an ANTICIPATED BEHAVIOR which is why we are losing. We're foolishly focused on the "Science," Image
Read 26 tweets
George Soros and Bill Gates are influencing Judges, International Human Rights and The International criminal court. They have a stranglehold on the system.
Corruption & Influence, hidden financing. Global #HumanRightsViolations being trampled on. The #ECHR is compromised. ImageImage
The aim pursued by NGOs in the Soros galaxy is fundamentally anti-democratic, in that it seeks to replace national laws, drafted by elected representatives, with rules of law, drafted by judges and experts who are unaccountable to those on whom they impose rules.
"You describe the role of NGOs within the ECHR, but you focus mainly on NGOs from the Soros galaxy. These NGOs linked to George Soros have a very specific ideological goal: the creation of an"open society",
Read 13 tweets
@CristianTerhes @vonderleyen @AlbertBourla Swedish Radio SR:
#Sweden had to #destroy 8,5 million '#Covid19-#vaccine' shots.
- Swedish are not interested enough to take 3rd, 4th or 5th jab.
@CristianTerhes @vonderleyen @AlbertBourla #EU #Ombudsman to identify good #practices on how the EU admin keeps #records of work-related text and instant #messages | 02 July 2021
- has written to several EU institutions and agencies to ask what #measures they have in place for #documenting msgs
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@IPiikki @turnusband "PEG-nanokantajat pääsevät kulkemaan elimistÜn biologisten esteiden läpi. Ne menevät rasvaliukoisina nanokantajina myÜs [1]veri-aivoesteen läpi ja jos ne läpäisevät veri-aivoesteen, ne läpäisevät myÜs istukan."
@IPiikki @turnusband #PEGylated lipids; #ALC135
ALC-135 is functional Cationic lipid of the vaxx.
-introduction of an aquenos #RNA solution.. at a specific pH leads to an #electrostatic interaction between #negatively charged RNA backbone and #positively charged Cationic lipid
@IPiikki @turnusband #SINOPEG #China Pat. #CN112220919A
Nano #coronavirus recombinant vaccine taking #GrapheneOxide as carrier
- The invention; field of nano materials and biomedicine, and relates to a vaccine, to devt of #2019nCoV #coronavirus nuclear recombinant nano vaccine
Read 24 tweets
#BoJo branded '#provenliar' as Met Police issue fines over Downing Street parties -2 hrs ago
- #ScotlandYard statement confirming twenty fixed penalty notices will be issued for breaches of Covid-19 rules following lockdown-busting parties in #SesameStreet
#SesameStreet's Awards, The Worst Actor Winner.
The #UK health secretary, #Hancock #CrocodileTears | Dec 09, 2020
- “It’s been such a tough year for so many people and there’s William #Shakespeare putting it simply for everybody...
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Kyllä me #judaisti-#siionisti-#kasaari-#natsit sitten naurettiin.
- Sinisilmäiset #goyimit kaikkein mieluimmin alentuvat pelleiksimme, sotivat puolestamme, tuhoavat maansa ja kansansa omalla kustannuksellaan ja nuolevat saappaamme puhtaiksi, lastensa verestä. ImageImage
#EudraVigilance: 41,834 #DEAD 3.9 Million #Injured Following #COVIDVaccines in European Database as U.S. Military Deaths Soar 1100% | Mar 22, 2022
- From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,814,420) are SERIOUS injuries.
https://tinyurl. com/24j2ssbj Image
#Darpa-#Roulette-#mRNA, #Idolatry in the Twenty First Century.
80 #Canadian MDs “#boosted” and dead | Oct 20, 2022
- Though many #doctors have maintained their income by complying with and participating in the criminal injection campaign.
Read 36 tweets
@LisaMWatki That @ukfuturehealth somewhat 'buries the lede' on its intention to construct a giant £212 million 👇 #DNA / #genomic database in its patient literature is somewhat concerning...… II.1.4) Short description  The scope of the procurement is r
@LisaMWatki @ukfuturehealth ...not to mention the ÂŁ62.5 million+ they'll be spending taking people's #bloods, etc.:… A service provider(s) will be responsible for elements of iniv. Responsible for legal and compliance issues related to p
@LisaMWatki @ukfuturehealth Of course, #OurFutureHealth had to get its money from somewhere.

I'll give you one guess as to where...… Our Future Health has announced £150 million funding from l
Read 10 tweets
THREAD: #Prescribers, how do YOU respond to Conflicts of Interest (COI)? 👀

1/8 This thread looks at the issues highlighted in our TI Therapeutics Letter on COI

👉🏼Full Letter:

#ConflictofInterest #MedEd #MedicalEthics
2/8 Kirsten is a clinical pharmacist attending a primary care conference👩🏽‍⚕️

When a keynote speaker reports financial relationships💰with several drug companies, Kirsten takes note🤨

Find out why she prefers #MedEd free of commercial sponsorship:
3/8 Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs)

It's common practice to cultivate “expert” KOLs who are crucial to market success💵of a new drug

Payments to KOLs are reported in USA but similar disclosure does NOT exist in Canada

#FinancialInterests #ConflictofInterest
Read 9 tweets
1/ Every Canadian needs to relentlessly insist their MP re-ask this question until there is an open and transparent answer. Do not let this drop!

Pm me if you want a template email.

2/ This is not disinformation!

Here is a link to the direct quote, straight from the creepy horse’s mouth.

This must be addressed! Ask your MP to re-ask the question asked by @ColinCarrieCPC

I’ll go first: @LisaMarieBarron Please bring this up again.
3/ Seriously people, we did not vote for these ideologies. We need to know the outside influences on our government.

Read 5 tweets
🧵 Congrats to every other county in CO for making it to the end of your mask mandate. Despite their “regional” and “science based” approach, the @JeffcoPH mandate continues. Boulder is the only other county still in place. What is so similar about Jeffco and Boulder 🤔
Are we the closest counties to each other? Limiting back and forth travel from one county to the next? On an island? Have significantly higher rates? 🤔 Nope nope nope. What we have in common is one Lane Drager. He volunteers in Jeffco but is paid for his service in Boulder 💸
Quickly flipping through the BCPH BOH meeting minutes tells you more about his public service role (in Boulder). Spoiler….it’s something to do with Covid response. Should he have recused himself from voting on this PHO as his actions in Jeffco could impact him in Boulder?
Read 6 tweets
Dear Mr. #ErnestoRamirez
Being the new head of mission of the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND,
#Facts you should know about the senior Lebanese officials and members of the ministerial committee tasked to negotiate with the @IMFNews
Bank owners, Bank investors, Politicians (who are bank owners and investors) are the committee working on the Capital Control law

There is something called CONFLICT OF INTEREST!

Instead of having the Bank owners and investors carry the burden of the decisions THEY MADE when they lent OUR MONEY to BDL making huge profits on insanely high interest rates for years,
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@C0PE 1. A crucial #COVID19 paper ( with simple #solution that does not have any #vested interest is #retracted seven months after publication in a #PeerReviewed journal @SpringerNature where there could be #conflictofinterest @RetractionWatch.
@C0PE @SpringerNature @RetractionWatch 2.Retraction was initiated by an #influential scientist who doesn't have any research on #COVID. If s/he had co-authored papers with author in other areas, will there not be #ConflictofInterest?
Can it not be verified/disclosed? Who will check if there is #fairness of intention?
@C0PE @SpringerNature @RetractionWatch 3) There was no open #public #debate allowed before retraction. Then how #transparency is maintained and how the right of the author is protected? A negative review can be written for any paper and a paper rejected in one journal can also be published in another journal.
Read 6 tweets
“We care more about the crazy, insane members of Times Up Healthcare???”

This is what Roberta Kaplan apparently thought of us a few months ago when we stood up for survivors and ultimately resigned. A long 🧵explaining the news..

Many of us resigned bc the organization clearly did not, despite its purported mission, prioritize survivors.

This piece, by @jodikantor, @arya_sundaram, @melenar, & @caranyt, is the latest in a series of articles about TU after the Cuomo debacle.

In case you’ve missed them, here are some highlights.

When the attorney general’s report on Cuomo came out, early reporting by @jodikantor @arya_sundaram delineated Roberta Kaplan and Tina Tchen’s roles in supporting Cuomo’s efforts to defend himself...

Read 24 tweets
⚠️ GROSS COI REVEALED: In an extraordinary and fantastically written investigative report, @theintercept's @rose_n_adams unveils how @UHC co-opted @zackcooperYale's #surprisemedicalbill study, all while #Congress embraced it as "academic" and "unbiased" work to write #SMB law.
1⃣ This lays bare how #UnitedHealth has manipulated #surprisebill "research" to enrich itself at the expense of all #patients and the frontline #medical providers risking their lives over the past few years of #Covid.

2⃣ The study was foundational in the #SMB debate, and...
...Congress was duped. We believe that Congressional #investigations are now warranted by the #House and #Senate #Judiciary Committees. @HouseJudiciary @JudiciaryDems

3⃣ This work from Prof. #Cooper and his @Yale team was cited *10 TIMES* in the first #regulation issued by...
Read 19 tweets
@CREWcrew CA GOP @RepLaMalfa "is a member of the House Transportation Subcommittee on Highways and Transit and is the chief sponsor of a bill that would eliminate the 12 percent excise tax on the sale of heavy trucks, tractors, and trailers." #ConflictOfInterest
@CREWcrew @RepLaMalfa "The tax adds between $12,000 and $22,000 to the cost of a heavy truck, tractor, or trailer.

While he promotes his bill and deals with related issues on the Transportation Committee, @RepLaMalfa is simultaneously CEO of family business LaMalfa Trucking.
@CREWcrew @RepLaMalfa "As blatantly conflicted as it may seem for LaMalfa to push legislation that would benefit his family business, there is very little stopping House members from using their public offices to further their private business interests." Why? No one paid attention to Loophole's.
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Maybe @WHO forgot, but in 2004, the intermediate host of SARS was found within a week of diagnosing an index patient. When you know what to look for, it doesn't necessarily take years.
"When possible SARS was diagnosed in the waitress on January 2, 2004, serum, throat and rectal swabs were obtained from all 6 palm civets at the restaurant... Serum samples from employees of the restaurant were obtained on January 4."…
Yes, in the past, tracing some outbreaks could take years because people had no idea what they were looking for - which species could have been the intermediate host or the ultimate virus reservoir (bats). But China already developed extensive know-how from the SARS1 outbreak...
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#Demystefying #EIANotification
Today we consider the very 'soul' of d legal instrument called #EIANotification namely d #EIA #Report
An EIA Report is meant to be a thorough scientific document that a professional agency prepares after detailed investigations+
of d likely environmental impacts that d planned project / activity is anticipated to hv at d #site in #question.

Its (#EIA #report) quality wud depend on:
a) Competence of d agency involved
b) Independence of d agency
c) Transparency & inclusive nature of d exercise
The reality of an #EIA #report is that:

Right from #EIA1994Notification to #EIA2006 & now #DraftEIA2020 d #notification provides that it is d #ProjectProponent (PP) that shall #select & #commission the #EIAconsultant at its own cost & terms.

This provision alone+
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This is your daily pension announcement: The Pension War Room™️ has @SPhillipsAB bring the fire! Not only is the Private Member Bills committee meeting tomorrow AM, but the Public Accounts Committee is meeting too! @SPhillipsAB is the chair! Look what is on the agenda: #ABLeg
"In particular, I will be asking questions related to comparisons between ATRF’s past performance under its own management and the performance of the Local Authorities Pension Plan (LAPP), which has historically been managed by Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo)."
And "We now know that AIMCo executives stand to gain millions in bonuses from increasing the size of the organization’s portfolio, and that AIMCo pushed to take over the management of ATRF. "

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News Analysis🔎The @EpochTimes has so far counted 85 “Unusual” instances for the case of Lt. @GenFlynn, which has been filled with contradictions, falsehoods, apparent blunders, extraordinary moves, and strange coincidences. (Thread👇)…
The case of @GenFlynn is inevitably heading toward its conclusion.

While District Judge Emmet Sullivan is trying to keep it going, there’s only so much he can do since there’s nobody left to prosecute the case after the #DOJ dropped it last month.…
In the latest developments, the #WashingtonDC appeals court set a hearing in the case on June 12, while the #DOJ’s solicitor general himself, as well as 5 of his deputies, urged the court to order the lower-court judge to accept the case dismissal.
Read 113 tweets
Why should we ever question vaccines?
Blind faith is not science.
So where do people come up with such 'delusionsal conspiracy theories'?
Lets take a look at the tip of the iceberg
#ExposeBillGates Image
Dollars for Docs
Pharmaceutical and medical device companies are required by law to release details of their payments to a variety of doctors and U.S. teaching hospitals for promotional talks, research and consulting, among other categories.
Read 43 tweets
This is your daily pension announcement: the Mike Ellis @MikeEllisUCP edition. Mike, as I am sure you know, is the MLA for Calgary-West. He had this missive published in a neighborhood gazette. Some of the facts are correct and some are just plain wrong. #ABLeg #ABEd
He is sticking to the old script that Travis put out months ago. Even Travis has changed his tune. For example @MikeEllisUCP says:

"Over a ten-year average, AIMCo outperformed ATRF at 9.4% vs 7.4%."
That statement is a half truth. #snap #ABLeg
Does it mean anything? Compare that to Travis' latest statement:

"The 10 year comparison is less relevant as ATRF’s portfolio was in a state of transition due to the assumption of all pre-1992 pension liabilities by the government during the first years of that period." #ABLeg
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This is your daily pension announcement: The Travis "speaks" edition. Well, Travis won't talk to the press about anything pension related. But he did send a letter to a teacher that had some crazy stuff in it. #ABLeg #ABEd #handsoffmypension
Remember that both Travis and Kevin have a strategy of keeping their yaps shut and hoping this pension anger dies down. My opinion is they don't understand this well enough to know how bad they have screwed up or what they need to do to fix it. #oops
A loyal reader of this tweet stream is an example to us all. He was persistent with his MLA demanding answers to his questions until fobbed off. Then, he was persistent in demanding answers from Travis. What do you know, he got a response! #Hallelujah
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This is your daily pension announcement. The "Minister of Finance Travis Toews declined an on-camera interview request for this story" edition. Yes, you read that right Travis declined @TimmCTV's request for an interview on pensions. #Handsoffmypension #decline #AbLeg #abed
Travis has declined every interview related to pensions since this began. He has made one (misleading) Facebook post, written one Op-Ed and referred all questions to a spokesperson. He has never faced questions. #noquestions #noquestionsiamchicken #diedown
I believe that this is a further abrogation of our democracy. Ministers of the Crown need to make themselves reasonably available to the press to answer questions of public importance. Not so much with Travis. #pissondemocracy
Read 16 tweets

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