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Jun 17th 2023
🚀🤖Early adopters of AI in the workplace are thriving! 💰💼They are receiving salary increases higher than inflation, have opportunities to advance their careers, and report greater job satisfaction! #AI #workplacebenefits
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👀According to the CNBC|SurveyMonkey Workforce Survey, workers who rely on AI for their jobs have a Workforce Happiness Index of 78, which is 7 points higher than those who don't use AI at all. #workforcehappiness #AI
👨‍💼👩‍💼On every measure that comprises the Workforce Happiness Index, workers who use AI for their jobs report satisfaction that is greater than or equal to their peers. It's time to embrace AI and see the benefits! #careeropportunities #AI
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Sep 23rd 2019
People who sell seem to have a lower drive for research unlike those who offer services. You will get more customers if you teach people how to get more from the product you're selling than just telling them what you sell. Image
For example, instead of putting your new shoes stock online, write on how to take care of shoes on this rainy season. You're trusted more as someone who knows about shoes than the person who uploads pictures alone.
Build trust and customers will increase. Be Resourceful. That's the word- Resourceful. Google is your friend. Have a great week

#mondaymotivation #mondaymorning #mondaythought #careercoach #careergoals #career #careeradvice #jobsearch #careerguidance #careeropportunities
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Apr 13th 2019
Welcome to today's session of #HRwithEM, a weekly #TwitterSession #TweetChat to connect, learn and share career development tips, employee experience practices, as well as resolve burning #HR issues and/or questions.
Thank you to everyone joining us this evening. Please identify yourself and the location you are joining from, so we can acknowledge you properly. #HRwithEM #Careers #ElevationNG
Feel free to tweet your question(s) at me with the hashtag #HRwithEM as the session is going on, and I would respond to all at the end of the session. #Careers #ElevationNG #Mentoring
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