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Jan 10th 2019
1/3 First thoughts on #CES2019, at the half-way mark. Biggest show ever: 4,500+ exhibitors sprawled across 2.7 million square feet. Too much, and we have 4 peeps here! The overriding feel? THE SHOW MUST GO ON!! An overwhelming reminder of what the tech industry is best at ...
2/3 ... being optimistic about itself. Who cares about the abysmal stock market and growing fears that we are sliding into a recession? Check out these virtual-reality headsets, self-driving cars and big-screen TVs!! Because the speed of progress and innovation happens ...
3/3 ... at such a rapid pace that it’s not like it pulses with the stock market. It’s more like a bullet train.

More to come in the wrap-up this weekend.
Read 3 tweets
Jan 8th 2019
#CES2019 et médecine du futur | (Re)découvrez le livre blanc et les 33 propositions du CNOM pour soutenir le développement d’une société numérique au service des soignants et des patients 👉 #IA #Innovation Image
#IA et données de santé : en quoi le #bigdata peut-il être utile à la médecine ? Réponse en vidéo 📺 #CES2019
#CES2019 | @VisiblePatient, un logiciel qui guide les médecins dans les organes de leurs patients et augmente la sécurité de chaque procédure opératoire 👍… #Innovation Image
Read 4 tweets
Jan 7th 2019
0/ What a start to the week in the fast-paced world of #crypto and #blockchain!

Below is an 18-part thread featuring the best bits from the past day or two. Let's get you up to speed, shall we?
1/ 🤑 #Ethereum-/#Web3-focused #crypto startup @ParityTech has received a $5M "scalability, usability and security grant" from the Ethereum Foundation!

Will help Parity fund its work on Casper, sharding, light clients, dev tools, QA, audits and more.…
2/ 🔛 Big announcement by the team from @RepublicOrg [ $REN ] - a dark pool exchange protocol for trading large volumes of #crypto - announcing the release of public Darknodes.

Submit a 100,000 REN bond to the Darknode Registry and you're good to go!…
Read 20 tweets

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