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En 2019 se emitió en HBO la mini serie #ChernobylHBO, con notable éxito de audiencia y crítica. Consta de cinco capítulos en los que se dramatiza el accidente de la central nuclear de Chernóbil en 1986, en la actual Ucrania. En un HILO, mi análisis.
El propio creador de la serie, Craig Mazin, declaró tras el estreno que «la lección de Chernobyl no es que la energía nuclear moderna sea peligrosa. La lección es que la mentira, la arrogancia y la supresión de la crítica son peligrosas».
Que una serie de televisión o película esté basada en hechos reales no significa que sea un documental ni que los acontecimientos que muestra sean científicamente demostrables. Es habitual que el autor plasme en una pieza audiovisual su propia visión de lo ocurrido.
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Acabo de terminar #ChernobylHBO y hay algunas frases que me cimbraron: “Cuando la verdad ofende, mentimos y mentimos, hasta que ni siquiera recordamos que existe, pero sigue ahí... cada mentira que contamos se endeuda con la verdad, pero tarde o temprano esa deuda se paga”. 1/3
“Estamos tan enfocados en buscar la verdad que no nos damos cuenta cuántos quieren que la encontremos, pero siempre está ahí, la veamos o no... a la verdad no le interesan nuestras necesidades o deseos, ni nuestros gobiernos, ideologías o religiones, estará esperando siempre” 2/3
Irremediablemente me vino la comparación con lo que estamos viviendo ahora, este gobierno, como el de la URSS cada mañanera se endeuda más con la verdad, pero le va a llegar el estado de cuenta y deberá pagar. Esto no se parece a Cuba, ni a Venezuela, ni aBolivia, si o a esa URSS
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1/ Every American must read this. Share and retweet. 🏥

The following is from Josh Lerner, MD (an ER doc) after the @CDCgov told doctors that "if we have no masks, scarves & bandanas work, too." #Covid_19

"In one of the most vivid scenes in the @HBO miniseries #ChernobylHBO...
2/ ...soldiers dressed in leather smocks ran out into radioactive areas to literally shovel radioactive material out of harm's way. Horrifically under-protected, they suited up anyway. In another scene, soldiers fashioned genital protection from scrap metal out of desperation
3/ while being sent to other hazardous areas.

Please don't tell me that in the richest country in the world in the 21st century, I'm supposed to work in a fictionalized Soviet-era disaster zone and fashion my own face mask out of cloth because other Americans hoard supplies for
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Don't tell my mother I went to #Chernobyl (and took a drone with me).


2/ As you can see in the drone footage above, I’ve recently visited the Chernobyl's exclusion zone in the Ukraine. This is a restricted 30 km wide circle around the #Chernobyl nuclear reactor.

For people who also want to go, here are some tips I want to share with you.
3/ You can’t just enter the 30 km wide #Chernobyl exclusion zone, you need a permission. Best to check online for one of the many Ukrainian tour operators organizing Chernobyl trips.

Beware: You need extra permission to fly a drone so ask your tour operator.
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1/ After watching the tv series, I went to #Chernobyl where in 1986 worst nuclear disaster in history happened.

Buildings crumbling, nature taking over, population gone, wild horses, Lenin still standing. Chernobyl is a time capsule.

My story at @akhbar…
2/ After filming this #Chernobyl report, I threw away my clothes and this was first time I do that after a story. Officially radiation isn't a problem in Chernobyl but hey, you never know.

Anyhow story is in Arabic but I'll do this thread in English to explain a bit.

3/ To visit the 30 km exclusion zone around #Chernobyl, you need a permission.

As you can only enter the exclusion zone with a guide, your tour operator will also organize the permission to enter. You need to do this about a week before your visit.

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These are our top 20 shows of 2019:
20. #TheOA Part II

#TheOA Part II is "one of the most ambitious, provocative, and stunning works of art of the last decade." -- @kenobibear
19. #IThinkYouShouldLeave With TimRobinson

" Tim Robinson’s incisive comedic mind delivers at least one brilliant sketch per episode." -- @Joshsorokach
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The #ChernobylHBO series showed us the human cost of nuclear disaster. But the U.S. also put Americans' health at risk during the Atomic Age.

@JenLouiseWilson explores this forgotten history in a thread for AJ+: (1/12)
"Downwinders" is a term that generally refers to the millions of people affected by nuclear fallout associated with atomic weapons production and testing, particularly in the western United States. (2/12)…
On July 16, the first nuclear bomb was detonated by the U.S. Army in New Mexico as part of the Manhattan Project. Many residents of nearby towns, who were largely Latino and Native American, weren't warned in advance. (3/12)…
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I have started watching #StrangerThings3 and, holy crap, there are Russians in it! Suffice it to say, I have questions. And exclamations. Many, many exclamations. It looks like a thread is coming. Feel free to stop me, Twitter.
Comrade Dyatlov before he became criminally reckless.
The very opening scene, with 80s Bond flick music, tells me this is gonna be spectacular in the most horrible way. This series has been so faithful to the 80s, it now pays homage to how we looked in your imagination then
The opening shot is the classic 3 Stock Evil Russkies: the Boss, the Heavy and the Background Drone You Won't Notice But Who Makes Me Cringe. Let's dig in... The boss is Major General in what may be either Air Force or KGB border troops. He's so far pretty unremarkable
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KHL coach calls for jailing foreign players who criticize Russia... After TJ Gagliardi went on @spittinchiclets to drop truth bombs about life in Nizhnekamsk, coach Andrei Nazarov (ex NHL goon) said, "Next time he comes to Russia, we'll arrest him."
"Let's do 15 days at first. Put him in a cell without a toilet. There are ones like that in preliminary confinement. Let him relieve himself into a hole in a floor. Then he won't badmouth Russia again."
Gagliardi called Nizhnekamsk a hole and spoke of squalid unsanitary hospitals
"You are humiliating a country obsessed with not being humiliated" - Boris Shcherbina in #ChernobylHBO.
The most brilliant piece of observation in a series full of such pieces. Russia gonna Russia. All the time.
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Yenilenen İstanbul seçiminden önce yurt içi bankalardaki döviz mevduatı $215 milyar iken bu rakam dün itibarıyla $217,6 milyara çıktı. Toplam mevduatların %54,7’si yabancı para. Önümüzdeki dönemde yerleşiklerin bu konuda tercihi ve davranışı çok daha önemli olacak.
Ekonomik sorunları ne kadar şiddetli yaşayacağımızı yurt içi yerleşiklerin TL’ye, TL cinsinden varlıklara, finansal sisteme duyacakları güven belirleyecek. Bu ise ekonomi politikalarına, öngörülebilirliğe, istikrara bağlı olacaktır.
Kamu maliyesindeki bozulma, durgunluğa rağmen çok yüksek enflasyon, iktisadî faaliyette yavaşlama ve yüksek işsizlik, bankacılık sektörünün sorunlu alacakları gibi sorunlar halen aynı ciddiyette devam ediyor. Çözüm için ise palyatif tedbirler, daha kötüsü riskli adımlar atılıyor.
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THREAD: Carnegie Moscow Center digital director Gosha Birger discusses how #ChernobylHBO was received in Russia and how it accidentally exposed the mechanics of Russian propaganda. 1/…
You might have heard that Russians loved #ChernobylHBO. Or you might have heard that Russians hated #ChernobylHBO. You are probably confused, and you should be. 2/
The truth is that most Russian viewers praised the show, its accuracy, the way it honors the liquidators working at the site, and how well it captures nuanced details about the late Soviet period. 3/
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I have soooo many replies in my mentions about the English accents in #ChernobylHBO, an issue I have addressed somewhat in my thread. I think, it might be a good idea to get to it a bit more earnestly. So, here's the thing... (thread)
I have NEVER heard a single complaint about the accents from a single Russian-speaker, which is not surprising. Like I said before, we grew up on Soviet films in which all foreigners spoke Russian with the understanding that they are meant to be speaking their native tongues.
And this is what got me a bit confused: some people (a lot, actually) are not really wishing the series used Russian actors, but that the British actors that were used would speak with put-on "Russian" accents. I've heard the same complaint about "Enemy at the Gates."
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J'ai identifié un bon moyen de confirmer que la série #Chernobyl de HBO est assez fidèle à la réalité (sans l'avoir regardée, arrêtez de me demander 😣) :
Constater le silence des antinucléaires à son sujet depuis sa sortie...
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Here is the end result of my weeks of thinking about #ChernobylHBO. Basically, I am taking a pause to reassess the kind of stories I’ve been trying to tell.
For the last few years, I’ve combined working in Russian film with some stabs at Hollywood. Sold a pilot to TNT, etc. Being “Russian,” most of my pitches that gained traction had to do with Russia. Spy stuff, hacker stuff.
My assumption, supported by observations, was that writing Russia-set or -themed TV for a US audience required severe simplification at every turn. “Authenticity” meant first bending an idea into a familiar shape, then carefully dressing it with little insights.
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Ok, so #ChernobylHBO is over. Let's talk reactor kinematics! This will be a summary of the INSAG report, the most authoritative work on the matter.

So, let us start with the beginning. #Chernobyl is unlike many reactors. It uses both graphite AND water.
In a nuclear reactor, we need neutrons to cause a chain reaction. When born from fission, neutrons are going way to fast for low enriched uranium to handle. We have to slow them down. This is done with water for most modern reactors, but sometimes also graphite.
The first reactors ever made used graphite because it is easy to pile up. It isn't easy, however, to extract heat from this system. This is where the water comes in. Water in most reactors is used both to slow down neutrons AND remove heat from the system.
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To revive my old hashtag, #TodaysRussianProverb, "Once you've grabbed the tug rope, don't say you ain't strong enough"... This is to say that I will indeed review tonight's Episode 5 of #ChernobylHBO with another dose of Soviet-era trivia and whatever else gets drudged up.
Let's start by saying that over the last week the state media and "patriotic" commentariat have finally gotten into gear with critical takes, calling it everything from a vicious Western attack on the memories of Soviet heroism to a mindless collection of fables and stereotypes..
The finale will probably only intensify this rhetoric, since here the Soviet bureaucracy and systemic failures really come into focus. I am not an expert on nuclear power, but I can offer my view on the "mindless stereotypes" angle. Once again, my area is authenticity of details.
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.@clmazin Here is an interview with two liquidators from the Urals. They both worked on clearing the graphite from the roof as well as clearing the ground around Pripyat. They both have nothing but high praise for #ChernobylHBO.…
Both of them tell the same story as my stepfather did: 25 roentgen was considered the maximum allowable level, so everyone was just marked down for that @ the end of the day. They also loved the Tula miners scene. One of them said Glukhov is an exact copy of a miner he befriended
Finally: "We were just soldiers following orders. It was our war. But after watching the series, I realized we were a part of something great. It has raised my self-esteem, even. I even thought to myself: "It's better that it wasn't made in Russia..."
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As promised, I will recap Episode 4 of #ChernobylHBO in the thread below. Recaps of episodes 1-3 are in the pinned thread on my feed. This one was... special. Until this morning, I didn't know it would be. Allow me to proceed in the the order I choose and see where it takes me.
Today was my step-father's 71st birthday. I was visiting him in Rochester, NY. We aren't what you'd call extremely close, but we aren't on bad terms, either. It's just... complicated. Anyway, he watches a lot of crappy Russian TV so I recommended he tries Chernobyl. He said no...
"No, I won't", he said. "Don't want to."
"Why not? It's very well made and you can get the dubbed Russian version online..."
"Because I was there, that's why. And I don't need this again."
Turns out, my step-father, then Captain Veytsman, was sent to the Exclusion Zone in 1986...
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Oleksiy Ananenko, Valeriy Bespalov and Boris Baranov — three Chernobyl first-responders who decided to sacrifice their lives and prevent second explosion at the station that would make most of Eastern Europe a nuclear desert, killing millions.

Yet few know their names
Moreover, my own recollection of the Chernobyl first-responders would be the cruelty & bullying they faced from our society. Most were either irritated by them or dissmissive. State assistance completely dried up over the years. As if the people couldn’t wait to erase their lives
Only when I grew up did I realize that’s how all people trapped in a totalitarian society deal with a trauma: feeling shame, blaming the victim, denial.

How else do you reconcile with the fact that you are living in a place where human life means nothing?
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Tras ver con mucho interés el primer capítulo de la serie #ChernobylHBO, os presento un pequeño hilo con mi opinión, como me habéis solicitado durante los últimos días.
La serie se centra en las consecuencias del accidente y su gestión, pero no abunda en las auténticas causas que lo provocaron: una prueba realizada bloqueando sistemas de seguridad, careciendo de los conocimientos técnicos adecuados y con un reactor intrínsecamente inseguro.
Publiqué un breve artículo en @Per_Energia donde intenté explicar de manera sencilla cómo ocurrió el accidente de Chernobyl. Recomiendo su lectura para comprender mejor el resto del hilo.…
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This past Friday marked 33 years since the #Chernobyl disaster. The podcast Today in Focus with @GuardianAnushka from @guardian chose to mark the occasion by uncritically reporting on the extraordinary claims of @katebrownumbc about the health impacts of the disaster. Thread 👇
@GuardianAnushka @guardian @katebrownumbc 1. It is said that "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" but @guardian now joins @sciencemagazine, @nature, @TheEconomist, @thesundaytimes and others in providing a platform for Brown's radical claims with a remarkable lack of critique.…
@GuardianAnushka @guardian @katebrownumbc @sciencemagazine @nature @TheEconomist @thesundaytimes 2. Historian @katebrownumbc alleges that several intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations such as @UN, @WHO, @IAEA, @iaeaorg, @RedCrossEU and the UNSCEAR have conspired to cover up tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of casualties resulting from the accident.
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