The following is from Josh Lerner, MD (an ER doc) after the @CDCgov told doctors that "if we have no masks, scarves & bandanas work, too." #Covid_19
"In one of the most vivid scenes in the @HBO miniseries #ChernobylHBO...

Please don't tell me that in the richest country in the world in the 21st century, I'm supposed to work in a fictionalized Soviet-era disaster zone and fashion my own face mask out of cloth because other Americans hoard supplies for
I ran to a bedside the other day to intubate a crashing, likely #COVIDー19, patient. Two respiratory therapists and two nurses were already at the bedside.
I saw probably 15-20 patients that shift.
If we are going to start rationing supplies, what percentage should I wear precautions for? ⚠️
Loosening guidelines increases healthcare workers' risk but the decision is done to allow us to keep working, not to keep us safe.
Sending healthcare workers to the front line asking them to cover their face with a bandana is akin to sending a soldier to the front line
I don't want talk. I don't want assurances. I want action. I want boxes of N95s piling up, donated from the people who hoarded them. I want non-clinical administrators in the hospital lining up in the ER asking if they can stock shelves
I want billion-dollar companies like @3M halting all production of any product that isn't PPE to focus on PPE manufacturing.
Get on it.
Face shields are just clear plastic.
Let's go.
Money talks in this country. Executive millionaires, why don't you spend a few bucks to buy back some of these masks from the hoarders,
I love biotechnology and research, but we need to divert viral culture media for #COVID testing and research. We need biotechnology manufacturing ready and able to ramp up if and when treatments or vaccines are developed.
@Netflix and chill is not enough while my family, friends and colleagues are out there fighting.
Our country won two world wars because the entire country mobilized. 🇺🇸
We need to do that again because make no mistake, we are at war, healthcare workers are your soldiers, and the war has just begun.”
- End -
Powerful stuff. #ShareAndRetweet @reddit Ty, Thea
@amazon @3M @netflix @ProcterGamble @HBO, can you help @CDCgov?