Buildings crumbling, nature taking over, population gone, wild horses, Lenin still standing. Chernobyl is a time capsule.
My story at @akhbar…
Anyhow story is in Arabic but I'll do this thread in English to explain a bit.
As you can only enter the exclusion zone with a guide, your tour operator will also organize the permission to enter. You need to do this about a week before your visit.
Ukraine authorities say it's totally safe to visit. You're exposed to less radiation than during a regular flight. At least that's what they say.
City of Pripyat (3km from reactor Nr4) is 33yrs later still uninhabited, nature taking over.
City of #Chernobyl (13km from reactor Nr4) only inhabited by workers who are doing 15day on/15day off shifts.
What definitely stays with you is the fact that nature just takes over when humans are gone, even in a place where a nuclear disaster has taken place.
Here some pics from my trip.

But 100, mostly elderly people, refused to leave their homes. They still live there. Deep in the forest I met energetic 85 yr old Anna. "I feel very healthy, never was sick," she said.

#ChernobylHBO series generated so called #darktourism to the area. This brings much needed income for local economy. There are 3 (basic) hotels in Chernobyl. I stayed one night in one of them.