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Sep 1st 2022
OK, so we just finished our 3-paper series on the #EUChipsAct.

The 3. paper assesses the effectiveness of the proposed #Crisis Response Toolbox.…

We see many, many problems. Here's why... 🧵

#semiconductors #chips #chipshortage #Europe Image
The proposal talks about utilizing common purchasing, export restrictions and priority-rated orders during future chip shortages to ensure security of supply for Europe.

We also added national reserves since several countries (Spain, Japan...) are thinking about those.
Let's walk through the value chain, shall we?

None of the tools are effective when applied to individual chips because semiconductors are...
- highly customized/not substitutable
- end-products (cars...) need ~1000 chips from all over the world
Read 12 tweets
Jun 20th 2022
Google Trends - A Thread

1) Bear Market - Nearing 2020 Highs

2) Recession -

Reaching previous peak levels of 2008/2020

3) Stock Market Crash - Yet to gain significance traction

Read 7 tweets
Oct 31st 2021
ASML is hiring like crazy. They post like 20 new jobs every workday. Simply put, they are the market leader in printing #microchips.

If you want to work on solving the #ChipShortage, those are sweet opportunities.

@ASMLcompany #techjobs #semiconductor #shortage
What I casually called "printing" is actually called UV lithography. It's the most important tech used in the fabrication of microchips. UV lithography works similarly to analog photography in the sense that the target surface is altered by light.…
Read 3 tweets
Aug 17th 2021
Umm #ChipShortage feels like it’s getting WORSE not better 😂 companies are panic buying many popular items on Mouser/Digi-Key...

Should we turn to unsafe supply-chain sourcing?

“... Expected 17/8/2023!”

Hint: good time to open a semi fab 😂!
For those who don’t understand the shortage, open up one of your least favorite smart devices, find the parts on and see if it’s out of stock, or “On-Order”, etc.
Also, it should considered a national security risk, by all governments. Desperate companies will turn to shady markets for parts, inducing unneeded supply chain risk. Would be a great time to subsidize some home turf fabs, instead of relying on a handful.

Read 4 tweets

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