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Apr 30th 2023
#SemanaSemiconductores 2023/16 (1/5)

Estados Unidos continua la implementación de #ChipsForAmerica con la publicación de la Visión del Centro Nacional de Semiconductores

#SemanaSemiconductores 2023/16 (2/5)

La #Revision2023Q1 de los dos grandes fabricantes de #semiconductores coreanos señalan retroceso de ventas con expectativas de recuperación en segundo semestre


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Sep 11th 2022
Promises made. Promises kept.

The State of the Union address sets out our agenda for Europe.

During #SOTEU 2021, President @vonderleyen outlined many initiatives relevant for Europeans.

What progress have we made on the initiatives since then? A thread 👇
🟢 European Chips Act

Without chips, there’s no digital transition, no green transition.

Our objectives are high: doubling our global market share by 2030 to 20%, and producing the most sophisticated and energy-efficient semiconductors in Europe.
🟢 #GlobalGateway.

It stands for sustainable and trusted connections that work for people and the planet.

We will support smart investments in quality infrastructure, respecting the highest social and environmental standards globally and build partnerships of equals.
Read 14 tweets
Sep 1st 2022
OK, so we just finished our 3-paper series on the #EUChipsAct.

The 3. paper assesses the effectiveness of the proposed #Crisis Response Toolbox.…

We see many, many problems. Here's why... 🧵

#semiconductors #chips #chipshortage #Europe Image
The proposal talks about utilizing common purchasing, export restrictions and priority-rated orders during future chip shortages to ensure security of supply for Europe.

We also added national reserves since several countries (Spain, Japan...) are thinking about those.
Let's walk through the value chain, shall we?

None of the tools are effective when applied to individual chips because semiconductors are...
- highly customized/not substitutable
- end-products (cars...) need ~1000 chips from all over the world
Read 12 tweets
May 14th 2022
#EUChipsAct The @EU_Commission has published a staff working document #SWD which consists of 4 parts. Can be found here:…………

A long 🧵with some thoughts/comments on it 1/x
The first chapter provides a very good overview on the #semiconductor industry/value chain, elaborating also on important players/ market shares.

Basically, they could have used also the study by @snv_berlin / @JPKleinhans on that, but anyway, it is quite well analysed. 2/x
imho every journalist that want to cover a #semiconductor topic should easily be able to comment/edit on this section. If someone is new on this field, it is a very good initial read to understand the sector. 3/x
Read 17 tweets
Feb 8th 2022
Today, we propose a set of measures to ensure the EU’s security of supply, resilience and technological sovereignty in semiconductor technologies.

▶️ Watch the press conference by Executive Vice-President @vestager and Commissioner @ThierryBreton.…
Our European Chips Act proposes a set of measures to drive microchip production and fight the ongoing shortages.

It will strengthen Europe’s technological leadership and help achieve the digital and green transitions.

🔗Read more!CWWpRj

By 2030 we will double our current market share of chips to 20%.

Together with EU countries, we will mobilise more than €43 billion of public and private investments to prepare, anticipate, and swiftly respond to the current and future supply chains disruptions.

#EUChipsAct Image
Read 7 tweets
Dec 8th 2021
Good news everybody!

The excellent @J_B_C16 and I teamed up (again!) to analyze what #China's rise in #semiconductors means for #EU. It's not 60 pages and 300 references like the last one (sorry).

Reading this are 20min well spent, promise! Image
This is the second paper based on our (@snv_berlin) cooperation with @merics_eu to make a deep dive into #China's #semiconductor ecosystem. The first paper assessed China's competitiveness in #chips and can be found here.… (it's a "long-read").
In today's paper we distilled several #policy recommendations for the #EU in great expectation of the upcoming #EUChipsAct, future conversations at the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (#TTC) and in light of EU's #IndoPacific strategy.
Read 4 tweets

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