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Day 14: Sharing my Covid-19 experience. Started with a slight runny tummy, thought it was nothing. For 2 days I started feeling very cold, second day a little more severe than the first day. Slight body aches, but I thought it was just the cold.
Left work early the Friday. Keep in mind that my temperature was taken daily (I dont trust those things anymore) and it was never more than 36.2, some days below 36. Got home, took a hot shower, Corenza C & Panado, nothing helped. The weekend was rough. Body aches, sweats,
freezing cold. One moment feeling fine, the next moment like something is taking over your body. Then my throat felt sore and it looked red inside. After this, the shortness of breath started. I have asthma and couldn't even inhale my pumps properly.
Read 15 tweets
Weekend readings on #language aspects of the #COVIDー19 pandemic from Australia, China, Germany, Mexico, Qatar, and South Africa
What are the challenges faced by new arrival students who are still #learning the #language of their new home during the #COVIDー19 school closures? by @Barakos_E and @simone_carolin @unihh…
Read 16 tweets
1. "Vinh-Kim Nguyen, a physician at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal who helped at two long-term care homes last month, said barring family caregivers from facilities at the same time staffing levels dropped resulted in residents with COVID-19 dying from dehydration. "
2. "“Things sort of spiraled out of control, and very clearly, many of these patients did not have to die because they would have been fine if they were hydrated and fed,” said Dr. Nguyen"

3. "A small French study found that “confinement disease” is likely more detrimental than COVID-19 itself. The April paper concluded that more than 24 deaths at a long-term care facility that staff believed were due to the virus were mainly from hypovolemic shock"

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currently in the Eastern Cape giving a briefing on #Covid_19SA response in the province. Live now on @SABCNews @SATODAY_SABC do tune in #CoronaVirusUpdate #Covid19 Image
Teams are going to be reinforced with Cuban specialists.

There has been improvements here since i was here two weeks
We need to continue to work together. I want to pay tribute to our healthcare workers who have been at the forefront of fighting this virus.
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#LockdownZim Diary 📔 To keep myself and the kids sane in these 21 days, we will be looking for Bugs, Pests and Beetle in the garden 🐜 🐛 🕷 #Covid19Zim
Day 1
Scary hairy caterpillars. Almost started WW3 with neighbor becoz they hatch in a large Strangler Tree in my yard! ImageImage
Day 2
She’s a beauty, isn’t she? But could turn out a pest when she molts 😬. There’re lots like that 🤣😜 Image
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