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Project update: How do #F1 teams distribute information under pressure? How do they create conditions for successful information flow during #F1 races? We analysed radio #communication strategies used by the @WilliamsRacing team during high-pressure qualifying & racing events 🧵
We were able to locate (and label) a range of communicative strategies members of the team deployed to support the rapid, efficient and effective distribution of key information across members of the team. Here are six of those strategies VERY BRIEFLY summarised.
Verbal handshaking 🤝 team members would ensure each other’s readiness for conversations by engaging in important conversation initiation rituals (referred to as handshaking). This purpose-built ritual was essential for setting up favourable conditions for information exchange.
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Today pridie kalendas Ianuarias MMDCCLXXV AUC I offer up some posts/threads/links of philological interest I have lately seen. They are *not* ranked. Maybe I add to in new year. Said #philology is very BROAD church in the truest sense. Please, enjoy 🧵
1. Lovely little podcast with @OlaWikander which gives great example led discussion of the study on ancient langs/cultures. At the very least listen to his exegesis on his specialty, Ugaritic.
2. Here is @DrMichaelBonner (yes, another podcast). Worth listening to as he is a practicing philologist beyond the academy
Read 11 tweets
Linguistics suggest that the birthplace of Islam Arabized after the Nabatean annexation of Lihyan kingdom in 24 BC. Similarly, we see the worship of Allat, Al’uzza, Manat and Manaf move south to Hejaz.

#history #arabic #hijaz #archaeology #linguistics #pagan #gods Before the arrival of the Nabataeans, the written language o
كانت عبادة اللات شائعة بين العرب في الشام و لها معبد في تدمر
مناف كان من الآلهة التي عبدها العرب في حوران، و هو معبود كذلك في مكة قبل الإسلام
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Really enjoyed giving a talk today on #fakenews #linguistics for the Fakespeak project at the University of Oslo today. A quick 🧵... A Taxonomy of Fake News for...
My basic argument is that there a lots of definitions of Fake News out there and a taxonomy of fake news is therefore very useful to make sense of this situation and to theoretically ground our research... But this means researchers ...
The taxonomy I propose is based on the concepts of veracity (true/false news) and honesty (honest/dishonest news), which I argue are independent concepts. Falsehoods are not necessar...
Read 12 tweets
لفظ "خان" کاآبائی گھر
3rd C____ Xianbei (#ancient Mongolian Group of People)
دلچسپ امرھے کہ کچھ الفاظ اپنی اصل جگہ سےاتنی دور کیسےسفر کرتے ہیں! لفظ "خان" اسکی بہترین مثال ھے۔
زیادہ ترپٹھان/پشتون ناموں کیساتھ استعمال ھونےوالالفظ خان کااصل مسکن حیران کن ھے۔ Image
یہ ایک ایسا لفظ ھےجو اندرون ایشیاء (Central Asia) سےنکلا اور پورے جنوبی ایشیا تک سفر کیا۔ اب پاکستان اور افغانستان میں ایک مشترکہ نام ھے، دراصل ایک عنوان کےطور پرشروع ھونے والی اصطلاح ھے۔
خان کی اصطلاح شروع میں نام کی بجائےایک لقب (Title) تھی۔ یہ ایک لقب تھاجس کاحوالہ کسی حکمران
یابادشاہ کیلیےمختص تھا۔
بومن کھگن (Boman Khagan)، گوکترک کوگنیٹ (Gotric Cognate) کےبانی۔ خان اور خگن کے القاب منگول سلطنت کے عروج سےبہت پہلے مشہورتھے۔
یہ لفظ یا اس کی دوسری شکلیں دنیا میں ایک ہزار سال سے موجود ہیں۔ خان کی اصطلاح اندرون ایشیا کےخطےمنگولیایاچین سےشروع ہوئی تھی جیسے
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🚀 We are live! Here is the correct streaming link for all of today's discussions and performances, starting with a panel on complex time with David Krakauer, James Gleick, Ted Chiang, and David Wolpert in a few moments (measured linearly...):

"One of the ideas we had with #InterPlanetary was, 'What would it take to make science hedonistic? And instead of telling people to do it, you'd have to tell people to STOP doing it?"

- SFI President David Krakauer sets the tone for this weekend's celebrations
#IPFest Image
David Krakauer: "Do you have a favorite model or metaphor for #time?"

@JamesGleick: "You've already mentioned a river; that's everybody's favorite. Borges said time is a tiger. People talk about it as a thread. We ONLY talk about time in metaphors." Image
Read 141 tweets
Interested in the latest research on #language brokering, linguistic diversity and language barriers but too busy?
Applied Linguistics students @MQLinguistics have read some important articles in the field for you and offer an intro in this 🧵#langtwt #Linguistics
Young bilingual children have the ability to manipulate linguistic inputs in order to break through language barriers in classrooms. Allowing peer interactions in multiple languages may help them develop cognitive and communication abilities!
2/18… Research into young children’s linguistic abilities shows
Language brokering as a child influences the development of parent-child relationships, such as a deeper understanding of parent-child relationships and the growth of empathy
3/18… Language brokering is an activity whereby children interpret
Read 18 tweets
A wonderful book titled 'Deep Learning and Linguistic Representations (2021)' by Prof. Shalom Lappin.


#DeepLearning #naturallanguageprocessing #linguistics #representations…
Prof. Lappin's webpage:…
@threadreaderapp please unroll!
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• Languages do not die. They are killed off.
• No language is primitive.
• No language is better or worse than any other language.
• There is now a lot of research that shows losing one’s language, especially in Indigenous communities, results in
psychological, emotional, and spiritual damage.
If you want to know more about linguicide and language shaming, then click on the above link. Happy reading!
• All languages are beautiful. When we realise this, we will stop language shaming.
Read 7 tweets
A number of linguists maintain that Armenians, together with the Hurrians, Kassites and others, were indigenous Anatolian or Caucasian people who lived in the region of Hayasa in northern #Armenia until the arrival of the Indo-Europeans. 1/5
The Armenians adopted some of the vocabulary of these Indo-European arrivals. This explains why Armenian is a unique branch of the Indo-European language tree and may also explain the origin of the words Hai and Hayastan (“Armenia” in the Armenian language). 2/5
As evidence these scholars point to Hurrian suffixes, the absence of
gender and other linguistic data. Archeologists add that the images of Armenians on a number of sixth-century Persian monuments depict racial characteristics similar to those of other people of the Caucasus. 3/5
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In Human culture the analogy between day, year and life is very precise: each one has four seasons (that are further divided into three periods each).

#life #age #conlang #calendar #youth #wordoftheday #wordsmith #linguistics #languagematters #language #langtwt #conculture
Let's consider the first periods:
• Primanɔtte (Earlynight) is like Priminvɛrno (Earlywinter) and when you are a bambino (a person from 0 to 7 years old).
• Meʒʒanɔtte (Midnight) is like Meʒʒinvɛrno (Midwinter) and when you are a citto (a person from 7 to 14 years old).
• Tardanɔtte (Latenight) is like Tardinvɛrno (Latewinter) and when you are a ragazzo (a person from 14 to 21 years old).
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The rationale behind alphabetical order in Human:
• 1 vowel, 4 consonants, 1 vowel, 4 consonants...
• Impulse vowel (ɔ) at the beginning, culmination vowel (a) at the centre, cadence vowel (ɛ) at the end.

#conlang #alphabet #language #letters #linguistics #human #langtwt
• Impulse nasal (m) at the beginning, culmination nasal (n) at the centre, cadence nasal (ŋ) at the end.
• Pure letter (h) at the centre.
• Elemental vowels follow the order of the Elements: Water (u), Air (e), Fire (i), Earth (o).
• Non-nasal sonorants near their elemental vowel: Water (ʋ), Air (l), Fire (j), Earth (r).
Read 6 tweets
👇🏻 A great example of the manipulation of language to gain access to children. #dragqueen #storytelling #children #safeguarding #SafetyFirst
What is a "rich experience"? I do believe they are 'story telling'. What does "interactive" mean? An 'understanding of different communities' is used to manipulate, as is 'can reduce inequality'. A healthy positive start in life for children is one withOUT sexualization
Note how they use language & words to make the audience believe that teaching them about drag, etc. gives children a 'positive start' in life. This is manipulation. Exposing children to drag is going to 'reduce inequality' or normalise drag? #linguistics #questions #manipulation
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One common misconception around obstetrical terms is with the word #caesarean as in Caesarean section or C-section in Spanish “cesárea”. Because most people assume it comes from, obviously
And yes it does come from Caesar but not in the way it is generally thought, which is that it’s called that way because that is how he was born.But historically that will not make sense. At that time that kind of surgery was practiced but still not as well as it is done nowadays
which meant that an operation to get the baby out of the mother was performed when the mother was dead or dying. We know from historical records that Julius Caesars’ mother, Aurelia, lived beyond his birth
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What's happening? Ongoing imperialism and all the other systemic oppressions in #signlanguages #linguistics

Since 2020, at least three hearing scholars in Europe have been awarded substantial + prestigious grants to research the phonology and morphology of signed languages
All have purportedly benevolent intentions to advance the field, to contribute to our understanding how languages work, to promote signed languages, to facilitate comparison with spoken and written languages and many other noble causes
Some also state they want to provide opportunities for deaf PhD and postdocs, positioning themselves as allies who are sympathetic to the constant agitation for human rights for deaf signing peoples. Some have also contributed extensively to these areas.
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لفظ کہا ھوا ھو یا لکھا ھوا__
علم ومعلومات کے ایک نسل سے دوسری نسل تک پہنچنے کاوسیلہ لفظ ہی ھوتے ہیں (Bloomfield Theory*)۔
لکھے ھوئے لفظ کی عمر کہے ھوئے لفظ سے کہیں زیادہ ھوتی ھےاس لئے انسان نے فن تحریر ایجاد کیا۔
ایک زمانہ تھاجب فن طباعت سے لفظ کی عمر اورصحت
میں اضافہ ھوا مگر پھر بدقسمتی سے اسی فن طباعت نے غلط الفاظ کو درست سمجھنے پر مجبور کر دیا ھے۔
طباعت نے کچھ یوں ہماری اردو کا ستیاناس کیا ھے؛
غلط                              درست
انشاء اللہ ان شاءاللہ
انکساری انکسار
اےخدایا خدایا
بارات برات
بخیریت سے خیریت سے
بےنیل ومرام بےنیل مرام
السلام وعلیکم                السلام علیکم
 آب زم زم کاپانی            آب زم زم
بمع اہل وعیال                 مع اہل وعیال
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خطہ پاکستان میں بولی جانےوالی زبانیں
پاکستان میں #اردو کےعلاؤہ درجنوں چھوٹی بڑی زبانیں بولی جاتی ہیں جوایک قابل فخربات ھے۔
ایک اندازےکیمطابق پاکستان میں 74زبانیں مروج ہیں۔ ایسانہیں کہ ان زبانوں کوحقیر سمجھاجاتاھےبلکہ افسوس تویہاں ھوتاھےکہ پاکستان
کی ان منفرد زبانوں کی درجہ بندی "Athena Log" نامی ویب سائٹ نے کی جس میں جرمنی اور ناروے کے ماہرین لسانیات نے کام کیا۔
اسلام آباد کا ایک غیر سرکاری ادارہ "Forum for Language Initiative" دمیلی، گورباتی، پالولا، یوشوجو اور یدغا زبانوں کی بنیادی گرامر اور الفاظ کے اردو معنوں پرکتابیں
مرتب کرچکا ھے۔
اسکایہ مطلب نہیں کہ زبانوں کو نظر انداز کر دیا گیا ھے بلکہ یہ زبانیں محدود اور مخصوص علاقوں میں بولی جانے کیوجہ سے سب کے علم میں نہیں ھوتی۔
مخصوص علاقوں میں بولی جانےوالی زبانوں کی طاقت اور وجود کا اندازہ ان میں موجود ادب، میوزک اور بولنے والوں کی تعداد سے ھوتا ھے۔
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Over the next century many of the world's languages will stop being spoken and die.

This is an unprecedented loss of cultural diversity.

Why? We wondered if there were common underlying factors driving this endangerment.…

#linguistics #languages 1/n
Each language has a unique history, and has particular threats and challenges. However, what about global factors? We adapted the analytical approaches that have been applied in conservation biology to characterise current threats to language diversity.
We gathered data on factors that influence languages: how they're transmitted, how kids learn them, what policies are there about them, as well as the demographic, environmental, socioeconomic and political conditions they're spoken in. 3/n
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Grateful for advice from #Hebrew and #Linguistics folk.

The Biblical name Naarah (נַעֲרָה) can be translated as ‘girl’.

A bit non-descript perhaps, but then some names are.

Clines, however, reads נַעֲרוֹתֶֽיךָ in Job 41.5 as ‘your sparrows’, which strikes me as plausible. Image
It also finds confirmation in a few apparent cognates from other languages, e.g.,

Mehri «nəγγōr» = ‘stork’,

Akkadian «nēru» = ‘a type of bird’ (from a lexical list), and

Arabic «nuγarat-» = ‘a red-billed sparrow’.
The question:

How much can be inferred about the base form of נַעֲרוֹתֶֽיךָ on the basis of the information above?

And what if anything does that tell me about the likelihood that the name נַעֲרָה is related to a ‘sparrow’ word?
Read 4 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 04/02/2021…
Linguistic tricks to grab your online audience’s attention…

#linguistics #AudienceAttention #engagement
Mistrust of the CBO is unfortunately a growing bipartisan avocation…

#CongressionalBudgetOffice #data #trust #reports #politics
Read 10 tweets
Update. Publishers may choose English because it's a lingua franca for science, intelligible to a larger audience. Or they may do it to increase their #JIF. (And of course the two motives may be related.) Research from Brazil.…
Update. Confirmation that writing outside your native language (unless you are extremely proficient) triggers linguistic bias from native speakers.…
1/ Update. Most email solicitations from predatory journals use weak English. This study confirms my experience.…

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My family is transitioning from lower class to lower middle. Like most #Punjabi families, with marriages & the third generation being born, the home language is shifting to Urdu (between siblings, spouses, parents and kids, kids and kids)#sociolinguitics #linguistics #punjabiyat
Even the second generation (=my) siblings speak Urdu or switch b/W Urdu and Punjabi while speaking.
I, however, am an exception who insists on speaking Punjabi for topics that are considered too modern for Punjabi, e.g. technology and business.
Grandparents (mum and dad) to grand kids (my nephews and nieces) communicate in Urdu, only I keep Punjabi on (my niece says 'Shakir mamoo Punjabi boltay hain' Shakir (maternal) uncle speaks Punjabi. And then she laughs sometimes).
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انجمن ستائشِ باہمی
Anjuman Sa-ta-ish-e Baahmi
An organization which is particularly set up by the members to praise others and in return get praised by others. Obviously the important research work by linguists and their organizations in the west is not like that.
However, to an outsider (=me) who only had the opportunity (=privilege) to take part becz he happened to have a scholarship, it sure looked like that: A small group of people (with some variations) gathering on different occasions, at different conferences, talking linguistics
Knowing each other so very well. While at the same time, local researchers from these countries/ communities working on similar issues /topics, couldn't be part of these gatherings because they couldn't afford to travel.
> couldn't do the networking
> couldn't collaborate
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