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Nov 13th 2022
“ Man and woman differ basically , they not only differ , they are opposites.
That’s why there is so much attraction.
Attraction can exist only between opposites , the similar cannot be very attractive , whatsoever you are , you are acquainted with it.
For a man , the woman
is the unknown.
It attracts , it invokes , it invites , an inquiry arises , a curiosity arises.
For woman , the man is the unknown.
For man , god penetrates through this world in the shape of woman , because god is the unknown.
For a woman , man represents the
divine because he is the unknown for her.
Hence , the opposite is so significant.
So the first thing to be understood :
They are different , not only different , but opposites , but they are not unequal , they are equal.
Difference is there , oppositeness is there , a
Read 4 tweets
Sep 14th 2022
(1/n) What is Samyama? Thread 🧵 #Osho #Sadhguru #Meditation Image
(2/9) Image
3/9 Image
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Jan 16th 2022
(1/n) Understanding Guru Nanak - Osho’s perspective 🧵
(2/n) Nanak drew his essentials from both the hindu and mohammedan religions…
(3/n) of his two species disciples, Mardana and Bala, one was Hindu, and the other a Mohammedan…
Read 8 tweets
May 13th 2020
Alright everyone. If your parents or annoying uncles and aunts push you for arranged marriage. Have them read this. I got your back 😉 You are welcome. I love you ❤️…

@emlycarroll @thebafflermag
Highlights of piece include:
How Indian cinema “celebrates love between the poor and the rich; love across the lines of religion, region, and language; love that upends conventional notions of gender and sexuality” but it does not honestly discuss is the brutal social reality
Remember “family movies”‘genre. Everything goody goody, highly charged useless subplots and three hours of waste. “But look closer and you’ll see that the elaborate family subplots are just a way to hide, or at least sanitize or soften, the fact that this is an arranged marriage“
Read 17 tweets
Mar 4th 2019

The #mind is a #coward, for those who listen to it become utterly cowardly. The mind is not an #adventurer, it is very #cautious. It takes every step with #thinking and #calculation until it is #certain that there is no #risk.
When everything is going good the mind comes in and says "watch out!" Because you listen to the mind's #fears you stop living. The mind would keep you always the same, never taking #risks.

Newness is an #enemy to the #mind, sameness is its #friend.
To #laugh is to #risk appearing a #fool
Read 11 tweets
Feb 7th 2019

The moment you #renounce #responsibilities you also renounce #freedom. These are the complexities of life: freedom and responsibilities remain and go away together.

More you love freedom, more you will be ready to #accept responsibilities.
But outside the world, outside the #society, there is no possibility of any #responsibility. And it has to be remembered that all that we learn, we learn through being #responsible.
#Escaping to the #forest and the #mountains, you are simply escaping from a learning situation.

In a cave in the Himalayas you won’t have any responsibility, but remember, without #responsibility you cannot #grow; your #consciousness will remain #stuck.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 7th 2019

#Faith happens only when the #duality has fallen; it is not a #belief against #doubt.

When belief and doubts both have disappeared, then something happens which is faith, which is #trust.
When desiring disappears there is trust!

#Trust means moving with #life without any #expectations, #desires, demands of your own. Not #asking, not #complaining. Whatsoever happens, #accepting it with deepest #gratitude and #awareness.
Simply seeing the #reality, that the #opposite is implied everywhere, #trust happens.

It is not in any #helplessness that you #accept. It is simply the nature of #life that the opposite is implied.

Looking at the #fact, #truth, deep inside you, gives you trust..
Read 14 tweets
Jan 15th 2019

Don’t #accumulate anything whatever: #power, #money, #prestige, #virtue, #knowledge, even the so-called #spiritual experiences. Don’t accumulate.

It doesn’t mean become a #beggar or #renounce the world. Be in the #world, but don’t be of the world.
If you don’t accumulate you are ready to #die any moment because you have nothing to #lose. The #mediation is living #death.

Don’t accumulate inside, be poor in #spirit. Never #possess anything and then you are ready to #die.
The more you #possess, the more you are afraid to lose. If you don’t possess anything, if your #purity, if your #spirit is uncontaminated by anything, if you are simply there #alone, you can disappear any moment; whenever #death knocks on the door it will find you ready.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 7th 2019

#Surrender doesn’t depend on the object, it is a quality that you bring into your #being. To whom you surrender is irrelevant.

Any object will do. You can surrender to a tree, you can surrender to a river, you can surrender to anything, your wife, your husband, your guru.
Even through stones, people have attained because it is not a question at all to what you #surrender.

You surrender, and that brings the whole thing, that opens the door. Surrendering, the effort to surrender brings an opening to you.
If you are open to stone, you become open to the whole existence, because it is only a question of opening. How can you be open to a stone, and not open to a tree?
Read 22 tweets
Jan 7th 2019

This is a beautiful method, will be very useful for you. For example, if you are feeling very discontented, what to do?

#Patanjali says ponder on the opposite: if you are feeling #discontented, contemplate about #contentment, what is contentment. Bring a #balance.
If your mind is #angry, bring #compassion in, think about compassion; and, immediately, the energy changes. Because they are the same; the opposite is the same energy.

Once you bring it in, it absorbs. #Anger is there: contemplate on compassion
The #opposite is the pole. When you feel #hateful, think of #love. When you feel #desire, think of #desirelessness and the silence that comes in it. Whatsoever the case, bring the opposite in and watch what happens within you.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 7th 2019

#Yoga is outgoing energy; #Tantra is energy moving inwards.

In modern psychological terms that, Yoga is #extrovert and Tantra is #introvert.
For those who possess #Masculine psychology i.e. aggressive, violent, extrovert - #Yoga is the path. The path of #Will

For those who possess #Feminine psychology - receptive, passive, non-violent - #Tantra is the path. The path of #Surrender
On the path of #will, #ego is not the concern, the #self is.

On the path of #surrender, even the #self is not the concern.

The #yogi is trying to be #aware and the #bhakta is trying to be totally #lost.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 6th 2019

#Understanding is the only objective #rule.

#Observe and #Learn from other #people, make your own rules for your subjective #life. But never #impose your rules on others because ii will be a indirect #violence.
The person who follows #rules everywhere, he will be a #misfit.

He becomes like frozen ice.

#Rules creates #superficial #boundary.
#Rules can #change your #actions, your #behaviour to certain extent but it won't change you.

You are not you actions , you are not your behaviour. These are just on #periphery. You are much #deeper, the #centre. The changes in the periphery can't #bring change in the centre.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 2nd 2019

The #mind is always ready to go on a trip because it is only in trips that it feels alive. #Meditation simply means sitting silently, doing nothing, not even #thinking and the mind disappears. Because you are not on any trip, the mind is no longer needed.
The #mind is a guide for great journeys. If you are going somewhere, the mind is very happy; in your going somewhere the mind can feel enhanced. But if you are not going anywhere, just sitting #silently, doing nothing, the mind feels very #sad.
It will happen almost always to meditators that when the mind feels sad, it starts creating #boredom for you; that is a strategy of the mind. The mind is saying, "Come on! Let us go somewhere, let us do something. Why are you sitting? Just sitting doing nothing brings boredom!"
Read 9 tweets
Dec 30th 2018

A real commune, real #communism, will create equal #opportunities for #growth, but accept the #uniqueness of each #individual.

A commune means that we have pooled all our energies, our #money, everything into a single pool which will be taking care of all the #people
There should be absolute #freedom of expression in words or in creativity. Each individual should be respected as he is, not according to any ideal. His basic #needs must be fulfilled, and as the commune becomes richer, every individual should be provided with #comfort & #luxury
All the communes should be #interdependent, but they will not exchange money.

#Money should be dissolved. It has done tremendous harm to humanity – now it is time to say goodbye to it because money can be #accumulated. Money is one of the #enemies of man.
Read 8 tweets
Dec 29th 2018

#Love can never be #satisfied. If it is satisfied, it is not much of a love. The #greater and #deeper it is, the more #dissatisfaction there will be. It simply shows the vastness, that it will never be satisfied. The moment it is satisfied, it is dead.
#Satisfaction is not a great #quality. It belongs to the little #minds, to the little #hearts.

There are people who are satisfied with a little #money, with a #house, with a little #name, a little #fame, these are #pygmies.
#Giants are never #satisfied. On every new step, they find the #journey is becoming #deeper, more #miraculous, more #mysterious. The #longing is #growing and the heart is full of a sweet #ache.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 29th 2018

#Meditation happens beyond #mind. It involves watching #mind. When the real YOU, the watcher, becomes stronger the mind becomes the #servant.

No #discipline, #mantra or #scientific instrument can lead to meditation. No technique can go beyond mind.
The basis of all misunderstanding in a scientific circle is: when the being of a person is in a state of meditation, it creates certain waves in the mind. These waves can be wavelength from the outside by #technical means. But those waves will not create #meditation
You may go on practising with #scientific instruments for years; it will not change your #character, it will not change your #morality, it will not change your #individuality. You will remain the same.
Read 17 tweets
Dec 25th 2018

The #human #order is #chaos within, a #cosmos just on the periphery, skin deep at the most
There are two types of #order in the #world: one man-made, another divine.

Man-made order is just make-believe. It is not really an order, it only hides disorder. Deep down the #anarchy continues. On the surface, you are befooled, as if there is an order.
Just the opposite is the case with the #divine order.

On the surface there is #chaos, and deep down in the depths, there is #order. On the surface, there are great waves, and the ocean is silent deep within. The center has a #cosmos in it, and the periphery has chaos on it.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 25th 2018

Start with #desire.

One has to begin with desiring something that cannot be achieved by desiring. But if you are aware of this fact - if you are aware of the fact that you are desiring something that cannot be desired - it helps. At any moment, you can take the #jump.
With the #mind we cannot understand anything which is effortless. Mind means effort. The faculty of the mind is to do something; it is an instrument for doing. The very faculty of mind is to #achieve something, to gain some desire.
You cannot begin with no #desiring. The mind will make this non-desiring also the desired object.

The mind will create new desire and say, “Okay, I will try not to desire.” It will say, “Really, it looks fascinating. I will try to do something so that this no desiring happens.”
Read 24 tweets
Nov 22nd 2018
#Distraction can be made the very object of #meditation - and it is a distraction because there is some appeal deep down, some #harmony.

Whenever you feel something is distracting, that simply shows that you are naturally attracted towards that, nothing else
Why create #conflict with distraction?

Move in the same #direction; make it an object of #meditation. Be #natural, don’t be #suppressive and don’t create #conflict and you will attain.

Nobody ever attains through conflict. Conflict will create a split #personality.
Move to the #natural #attraction; then you are one, then you are whole, then you are together. Then you are one piece, not a house divided against itself. And when you move as one piece there is a dance in your step and there is nothing which is not #divine.
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Nov 18th 2018
#OSHO #hypnosis

The #unconscious #mind is nine times bigger than the #conscious; it has tremendous treasures, all the memories of your past.

Below the unconscious, there is the collective unconscious. One can descend into the collective unconscious also with somebody’s help.
The master of Mystery School will take you slowly towards the unconscious and the collective #unconscious.

In your collective unconscious, you have memories of your #PastLives as animals, as birds.
Below the collective unconscious is the #cosmic #unconscious.

Slowly, slowly one can go deeper and deeper, and the cosmic unconscious has #memories of your being trees, rosebushes, stones.
Read 13 tweets
Nov 16th 2018

#Intelligence is a response to a new situation, not out of your past memories but from your present awareness, this very moment.

Intelligence is a spontaneous #responsibility. It has been misunderstood. It has become almost equivalent to #duty. The #reality is different.
There has been a perennial conflict between #intelligence and #intellect.

The man of intellect thinks that he is #intelligent because he knows so much. He has accumulated a great heritage of #knowledge, he is burdened with all kinds of #information.
The man of #intelligence is innocent; he functions moment to moment, his functioning has a freshness and a beauty. But to find intelligence one has to go beyond the mind. #Meditation is the way.
Read 12 tweets
Nov 12th 2018

There are three paths in #spirituality.

The path of
1. Action,
2. Knowledge
3. Love / Devotion
On the path of will, consciousness changes content.
On the path of knowing, content changes consciousness.
On the path of feeling, both interact, both affect each other.
If you can choose the path of love, then choose it. If it is impossible, only then choose the second - the path knowing, awareness. Or, if you cannot choose even that, only then choose the path of action; that is the hardest and most desert-like.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 7th 2018

Experience of the total is possible, but the expression of the total is not possible. The expression is always partial.

You can feel and realize the total, but the moment you express it, it is only a viewpoint, it is never the total.
Two basic divisions: the path of knowing and the path of love. The mind can look at the truth as a knower or as a lover.

If you look through a lover’s eyes, then your experience will be the same as when you look through the knower’s eyes, but the expression will differ.
Knowledge has its own language, love has its own language.
Those languages are quite contradictory.

For example, knowledge always strives towards one, and love is impossible if there are not two. Love is possible only when there is a duality.
Read 10 tweets
Nov 4th 2018

Whatsoever the meditation, it has to fill this requirement: that the body, mind, consciousness – all three should function in unity.

Then suddenly one day the fourth has arrived: witnessing
Jogging, dancing, swimming anything can be a meditation.
My definition of meditation is: whenever your body, mind and soul are functioning together in rhythm it is meditation.
If you are alert to the fact that you are doing it as a meditation & not to take part in the Olympics.
@threadreaderapp please unroll
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