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BREAKING: despite yesterday's public announcement that the Russia-inspired "foreign agents" law will be considered on Thursday, the majority intends to vote today.

The majority leader Mdinaradze argues that the draft defense code, which was to be discussed today "is not ready for discussion" and the foreign agent laws will be discussed instead

#CSO, citizens, civic leaders and opposition party reps who were starting to leave the #Parliament protest, are streaming back as the news spreads of the majority wishing to pass the "foreign agent" law in the first (out of 3) hearing.

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📢 The countdown is on: #DORA compliance is expected by 17th January 2025!

The Digital Operational Resilience Act 🇪🇺, came into effect 2 days ago. Its scope is large: EU-based financial entities (including small startups/fintechs) but also their IT service providers 🏦☁️ 1/6
Some highlights:
1️⃣ A reiteration of top management's responsibility for ICT risk mgmt
2️⃣ A real step up in 3rd party risk mgmt is expected: expectations go beyond contractual measures📋; with critical IT providers placed under industry-wide supervision by the regulator🔎 2/6
3️⃣ Testing, testing and more testing👍! A global approach to be adopted, including advanced, threat-based testing by independent testers...

➡️ Some of our clients have already made good progress in setting up the #Framework and concrete questions are beginning to be asked. 3/6
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Elf Tage vor Ausbruch der Ptoteste im Südwesten v #Kasachstan gg die Verdopplung des Preises für Flüssiggas hatte das kasachische Parlament am 22.12. ein Sicherheitsabkommen mit Russland in den Bereichen Cybersicherheit, Nachrichtendienste und Terrorismusbekämpfung ratifiziert.⬇️
Der Vertrag findet nun gleich eine erste Bewährungsprobe: Der kasachische Präsident Kassym-Jomart #Tokajew, jetzt auch Chef des Sicherheitsrats, bat heute #Russland bzw die #CSO, Truppen zur „Bekämpfung des Terrorismus u ausländischer Söldner“ im Land bereitzustellen.⬇️
Putin erklärte Kasachstan kurzerhand zu einem „russischen Land“ u droht so implizit mit einer russ. Annexion v Nordkasachstan. Zugleich aber sucht Tokayev auch die Unterstützung der Türkei. Der Opposition aber geht es um den Sturz des autoritären Regimes der „Alten Männer“.
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1/ Hey Tweeps: meet Mercan! 7-month baby girl or a close friend. Mercan has spinal muscular atrophy (SMA1)- a muscle wasting disease that was considered incurable— now there is a cure! A one-time gene therapy by @Novartis that was recently @US_FDA approved!
2/ The drug is called #Zolgensma, and it is currently the world’s most expensive drug ever! $2.4 MILLION!….
3/ the family has to come up with the cash asap, before Mercan reaches 24 months, because timing is critical: "Infants dosed with #ZolgenSMA as soon as possible after diagnosis had better results than those who waited to be treated" (from
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We are currently holding a roundtable meeting with #CSO Reference groups on #HudumaNamba & access to justice for children #SGBV Survivors which are some 9f the key issues we are addressing as an organization.
@amkeniwakenya @GlobalNamati @Foxglovelegal
#HumanRights #GBV #Niims ImageImageImageImage
@yasahkym : The Nubian Rights isnt fighting the government, rather asking for sure procedures to be followed to allow for inclusivity of all Kenyans
@AWangatiah This issue affects the whole country, so you may need to consider a countrywide campaign to expand the conversation
While we can only work within the vicinity of #kibera we implore stakeholders to create more awareness on the processes and the penalties, because a majority of Kenyans are still not aware of them.
@hope2shine @CREAWKenya @CJPCCatholicsKE @amanikibera @GlobalNamati Image
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Local Content in Mining; Stakeholders Mapping and Management. Key process in Local Content implementation
Local Content in Mining; Know your stakeholders #localcontent
Mining Companies and allied entities; Work on Standard Procurement Procedures, Transparent Recruitment Process, General Transparency on opportunities available, provide access to information and extend needed support to nationals
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