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May 27th 2023
I have no followers so I'm sure this post will be a waste of #TwitterSpace. I have personally been blessed and cursed by the whole medical system most of my life. To start off, my father shot himself when I was 7 due to mental health issues. Back then depression and bipolar 👇🏼
was treated with drugs like Valium. He had a really low moment and boom. “Tell Roger I’m sorry” is what they told me he said. I was introduced to #oxycontin at the ripe age of 15. My first dose was 40mg and I was sick as a dog for hours. That would trigger a lifelong battle 👇🏼
With addiction to #opiods. After my mom abandoned me when I was 16 and after some time in a homeless shelter
then rehab, I began to get my life together at age 22. 23 im married and doing ok and wreck an #ATV (4-wheeler) off a mountain in #NorthCarolina and become #paralyzed👇🏼
Read 18 tweets
Dec 15th 2022
'4. However, when it came time for the hospital to initiate the transfusion the doctors and nurses claimed they were unable to locate the #unvaccinated donors #blood the parents had #procured. So without the parents #consent they took blood from the hospitals general #stockpile.'
9. Now the# SacredHeart Childrens Hospital, claims there's no #record of Baby #Alex being at the hospital-despite ample #evidence, including pictures, medical bills, and his #DeathCertificate.
- What is going on here?
Read 4 tweets
Nov 7th 2022
1/ Hi @OrocoCorp friends. I know you are all waiting for content and a debrief of the site visit. As some of you already know, my life circumstances changed pretty dramatically while I was in Mexico and I will need to focus on myself at least for little while. $OCO $ORRCF $OCO.V
2/ While I’m looking for a place to live and move forward in this challenging process I appreciate words of support and advise. If you feel so inclined feel free to drop $5 or whatever you wish in this #gofundme I set up.
3/ I had never planned to monetize my Oroco research in this way, but right now every $ helps a ton to get back on my feet and will help me being able to keep providing the research you have come to value.

I’m also in the market for freelance/remote/part time job opportunities.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 20th 2022
Absolutely this. The convoy funding was not only coming from crowd funding sites like #GiveSendGo & #GoFundMe. Thinking that this is the entire story regarding funding of this op, will seriously miss the mark. #EmergenciesActInquiry #cdnmedia #cdnpoli #CdnNatSec
Convoy funding came in via etransfer to a variety of encrypted Protonmail addresses in addition to cash & crypto. It would take an entire team of experts to “follow the money” in a forensic analysis. There is no indication from #OPP that they did this. #EmergenciesActInquiry ImageImageImageImage
This was a tweet of mine from back in Jan/22. It was based on what I’d been seeing. This also applies to #ConvoyFinancing. When there’s no one traceable source of💰, forensic analysis clearly becomes more complex. Now add in laundered💰from foreign adversaries = even more complex Image
Read 8 tweets
Aug 30th 2022
1/Thread abt Grenell v. Troye defamation lawsuit:

We are publicly announcing that @MarkSZaidPC & #TomCraig (@TMCv63, @fhhfirm) are representing @OliviaTroye to defend against former Ambassador (& acting DNI for 3 months) #RichardGrenell’s defamation lawsuit.
2/We will not repeat lawsuit allegations, which arose from Twitter activity, but assuredly they are baseless.
3/His lawsuit was filed on August 8, 2022, in Circuit Court for City of Alexandria. Although filed almost one month ago, Troye has not been served to commence proceedings. For one thing, the address cited in lawsuit is incorrect.
Read 15 tweets
Aug 30th 2022
Avui us volia explicar la indefensió que he patit després de diverses situacions arran de la meva orientació sexual o la meva ideologia i com la meva empresa, la @gencat, no va fer absolutament res per donar-me un cop de mà ni assistir-me jurídicament. OBRO FIL
Com tots sabeu, se'm va començar a conèixer havent estat un dels fundadors de la sectorial de l'@assemblea @ANC_Mossos. Això m'ha portat a fer bons amics, trobar bons companys, persones excel·lents... però també persones indesitjables, obsessives i dolentes disposades a tot.
En el transcurs del meu activisme (independentista i LGBTIQ+), he hagut de suportar assetjament i ser perseguit. Us en detallaré exemples: una caporal va fer pública la meva adreça, la de familiars, va publicar els meus horaris, les baixes, on feia vacances... tot.
Read 27 tweets
Aug 27th 2022
Afghanistan is full of sad stories, this one made me and two of my friends cry. #Afghanistan #Poverty #Hunger #HumanitarianCrisis #Donate #Help #GoFundMe #food #AfghanWomen #Afghans
Story of Bas Bibi
#RT for awareness #Share
@ASEELApp @minasharif @CrystalBayat37
1. I was sitting with a friend in bank. He is the deputy director of the branch. An old lady (Bas Bibi, a 63 year old women) entered his office and offered a card to my friend to check whether her retirement rights are added to her account. My friend checked it and said, “there
2. is no money in your account, your retirement payment isn’t added”. After hearing this, Bas Bibi was about to fell but sat on the couch. We all were looking at her while her tears were making routes on her face. I told her, “Mother, plz don’t cry”. She said, “I have promised my
Read 6 tweets
Jul 5th 2022
We at The Civil War and the Fight for the Soul of America seek to educate people about the REAL history of the mid-nineteenth century and the Civil War, through the film itself, public history, and social media. We need your help to continue with this vitally important project!
For far too long our history has been white-washed, made to fit a Lost Cause narrative. The North may have won the Civil War, but the white South won the cultural war - a crisis that continues to plague America today.
We have set up a @gofundme page to aid fundraising efforts with a goal of $23,000!

With your donation you create jobs for M.A. and Ph.D.-level historians to work as research assistants: every single dime goes to paying them!

You can find our page here:
Read 10 tweets
Jul 3rd 2022
The Battle of Gettysburg ended #OTD in 1863 halting Confederate General Robert E. Lee's second invasion of the North. There were 51,112 casualties at Gettysburg, more than any battle during the Civil War. Check out our 🧵 about General Meade here:
The battle effectively ended after Pickett's Charge, a full frontal Confederate assault on the Union's strongest position on Cemetery Hill. Lee was forced to retreat back to Virginia and abandon planes to attack Washington via Pennsylvania. Image
Approximately 12,500 men participated in Picket's Charge. Of those, almost 60% became casualties during the assault.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 12th 2022
This is why we need to #ProtectBlackWomen on top of normalizing being #NeurodivergentWhileBlack. I feel like this is a prime example of #ApartmentBuildingAaron weaponizing the police as a threat. We all know #ACAB 💁🏾‍♀️ Image
“The issue is even more intense for Black women, who struggle against stereotypes and are seen as angry or threatening when we try to stand up for ourselves and our sisters. There’s not much room for passionate advocacy if you are a Black woman.”- Megan There Stallion 🙌🏾✊🏾 Image
Bruh, #ApartmentAaron threatened to call the cops on you for “trespassing,” got corrected by his boss, and still didn't apologize!? Told you to “stop crying” and be a “big girl”? Wtf? & how does one outgrow racism? 💁🏾‍♀️ #BlackWomensTearsMatter #IATPOS Image
Read 5 tweets
Mar 24th 2022

I'll apologize before hand for the length of this, but I think I need to explain everything to get the help I need.

In February 2020, I was diagnosed with stage IV ovarian cancer. I have fought to stay alive over the last 1/
couple yrs. I have been through multiple rounds of chemo, biologics therapy, two surgeries(1 that nearly ended my life), ect. I have went through scans every couple months, blood test and every few weeks. Though I have insurance, it rarely covers all costs. I have been
buried in bills. Bills that make living hard. So hard in fact that I had to move back into my parents home. At 43 yrs old, it has been no picnic. But we are all making it work.

My parents have helped me with my bills to the point where they are not in a great place
Read 8 tweets
Mar 11th 2022
🧵This thread is about the beneficiaries receiving food packages from our food drive for #Kunar province. ⛔️People in #Afghanistan R in worst situation than what we hear. If you can’t donate, RT/share in networks, spread it. @ASEELApp @NasratKhalid
My team went to Tango Camp, a village where more than 400 families live. 50 families (15 widows & 35 ultra-poor families) were identified. The team will continue identifying more families for the food drive and will be added to this #Thread
#AfghanistanCrisis #Famine #Afghan
The team went door to door & inside the houses. This little brave girl explained their financial situation. Her father goes out every morning in hopes to find work. He returns empty hands. They have little food to survive. Plz help such families with food. 3/X #SaveAfghanistan
Read 17 tweets
Mar 11th 2022
Durch diese Therapie-Einrichtung hat Nena unglaubliche Fortschritte gemacht!
Immer wieder halten die Therapeuten mit Zoom-Talks direkt von der Delfin-Lagune Nenas Lebensmut aufrecht- kostenlos, obwohl eine solche Online-Session 100$ kostet. #GoFundMe
Aber diese wunderbaren Menschen denken viel zu wenig an sich, sondern wollen Kindern eine Freude machen!

Sie haben ebenfalls kostenlose Online-Begegnungen mit den Delfinen für Pflegekräfte, die durch die Pandemie-Geschehnisse traumatisiert wurden- und für Opfer von Covid, sei es
als Überlebende eines schweren Verlaufes oder als Hinterbliebene eines Verstorbenen.

Jeder kann gegen eine geringe Gebühr von 100$ ein Online Meeting mit einem oder mehreren Delfinen buchen- auch super toll für Kinder, die zu Hause bleiben müssen oder als Gruppenaktivität.
Read 14 tweets
Mar 6th 2022
Para los interesados en saber sobre el #bitcoin desde su inicio, acá les dejo un resumen con los eventos más importantes, ¿por qué ha tenido tanto éxito, pero todavía muchos los rechazan? ¿Cuáles son sus bondades?
Cuando termines de leer, seguro querrás saber más. Hilo 🧵👇
18/08/2008: Es registrado a nombre de AnonymousSpeechLLC el dominio, se cree que el pagó fue en efectivo o a través de E-Gold para evitar rastreo, al parecer funcionó porque Satoshi Nakamoto sigue anónimo y públicamente no se sabe con precisión quien pagó.
31/10/2008: El nacimiento de #bitcoin, el libro blanco (whitepaper) es publicado por el hasta ahora desconocido #SatoshiNakamoto en la página de distribución de correos electrónicos de criptografia #Metzdowd, sitio donde todavía sigue disponible el email:…
Read 39 tweets
Feb 21st 2022
Time for follow up on the thread re: La Crete Chamber sending a bus to #Ottawa on February 13 well after it was known the protest was not peaceful or lawful, with plans to meet with their MP @ArnoldViersen


#freedomconvoy22 #RamRanchResistance
Andrew F, who was on the bus, updated the Chamber's posts about their timeline and also the group had a "very good meeting" with MP @ArnoldViersen. This was on Feb. 17, after #Ontario declared a state of emergency and the #EmergenciesAct was in place.

#OttawaOccupation #Ottawa
Their MP wasn't the only "famous face" they met; Barbie H, who appears to also be part of the La Crete Chamber group from her posts on the Mackenzie County Freedom Rally 2022 Facebook Group, is pictured here with #OttawaSiege organizers Danny Bulford and Chris Barber.

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Feb 7th 2022
Let's do a #GoFundMe thread, shall we? Who has docs on their hard drive? Tag me and I'll add it to the thread so we can unroll it
Tracy Beanz got tons of money for damage to a house that had insurance
Read 9 tweets
Feb 3rd 2022

This is about establishing a RW insurgency.

#FluTruxKlan #DomesticTerrorists #BorderCrisis #cdnpoli
Look at who the players are, promoting this #RollingInsurrection. I can only attach 4 pics at a time, so I’ll include a bunch in the 🧵.
#FluTruxKlan #OttawaOccupation #InfoOps #CdnNatSec #cdnpoli #cdnmedia
Read 15 tweets
Feb 3rd 2022
With the official arrival of MAGA in Canada - that's what all these trucker demos are about - the Libs should immediately institute Proportional Rep. MAGA is a populist movement & they are energized & could win a majority & we are screwed. Look no further than the U.S.1/
If you look at the US, it's easy to see that Progressives & environmentalists have zero power & the Dems will lose their one-vote majority in The House in '22. America will move even further back to the previous century under the MAGA run GOP. Same here if the Cons get in. 2/
Many Greens are into the ant-vax thing & the NDP is useless re enviro-issues. There are good people in both parties, but without PR they won't stand a chance. Liberal corruption & general disgust with Trudeau will mean many voters will stay home & an energized Right will prevail.
Read 11 tweets
Jan 31st 2022
I noticed a few day ago that businesses donating to the #FreedomConvoy #GoFundMe were also listed as CEWS recipients.
Now I'm not affiliated with anyone or paid to do this but I did go to journalism school and I can be quite the curious cat, so I thought I'd ask a few 1/
questions to see if I could get a response. Only one answered, and from my old hometown! I started with, yes, a sarcastic inquiry, but I'll be honest I was tired after a long day and had ZERO expectation they would engage. They claim none, but not exactly nicely, which 2/
hey, maybe the funds came from separate accounts. I can't prove that one way or another. But as we have seen, the money isn't exactly 'fueling the cause or whatever'. Important to note they did not ask 'what donation?'. Asked more questions and was met with this. 3/
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Jan 28th 2022
After COVID breakout & vaccine passports & vaccine mandates, people have gotten tired of their lack of freedom.

A large truckers convoy in Canada started opposing these mandates.

A thread 🧵 on
#TruckersForFreedom2022 Image
Read 128 tweets
Sep 15th 2021 #GoFundMe

We just received another donation! You know, Shareef Snuggs @iam4M4A and I were just talking about the need to build our communities through #MutualAid, (and while a travel fund is not the same as medical emergency or desperation), we ARE,(1/2)
We are working together w/ @KennyBallentine, to create a truly grassroots, transformative, movement building documentary!

Deep thanks to @WholeWashington, @M4M4ALL @50linesonly @DesnoyersScott @DrJoeQJarvis @DrDooleyMD @ProudSocialist @J_ManPrime21 @wendellpotter and many more!
Lisa and Fran have always understood the vision of the @RedBeretsM4A, ever since we first all found each other online. We understood that we needed to create a social fabric of solidarity towards achieving healthcare justice in this county, and even more broadly, to extend (1/2)
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Sep 12th 2021
Today week 20/22 of my training so in 3 weeks time it will be FOR REAL the #LondonMarathonVirtual 2021.
If you have a spare £1 to #donate please pop it in the #PayPal, if you have a spare £5 drop it in the #GoFundMe details below. These amazing #volunteer groups rely on us
#Followers #Friends #followback #help with #RT needed and shares to anyone you think might help with a #donations my anxiety is high I so want with your help to reach my target for all these amazing volunteer groups helping the #missing #stolen #found #rescue animals in the #uk
My live #Video from today’s training walk take a look see what it’s all about #RT #LondonMarathonVirtual…
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Aug 27th 2021 #GoFundMe

Ive decided to hand a copy of the constitution to anyone who asks for my vaccine status. Please help me inspire NYC to say #No more.
#NYC if anyone wishes to join me please do. Let’s remind our leaders what kind of people New Yorkers are - “With slight shades of difference, you have the same religion, manners, habits, and political principles. You have in a common cause fought and triumphed together.
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Jun 26th 2021
My academic TL is *thrilled to announce* that they are starting amazing new positions, winning awards, publishing papers, presenting at conferences...

In applying for disability I’m realizing just how badly my attempted career in academia has screwed me over.

#DisabledinSTEM 🧵
I’ve been absent on Twitter (& DMs & email) lately because all of my energy has just been going to trying to survive.

But it is absolutely incredible just how badly the nature of grad & precarious academic contracts harm disabled and chronically ill academics
I did my PhD at @UMassAmherst. The Commonwealth of MA does not pay into Social Security for its employees. But because I left and did not become disabled *to the point of needing to completely work* while I was there, I have no disability coverage from MA. And no SSDI credits.
Read 28 tweets

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