Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #datastructures

Most recents (8)

May 21st 2023
1/8 🐍 🧵 Are you a Python newbie looking to level up your skills? Check out our latest blog post, "How to Progress from Beginner to Intermediate Python Developer"! #Python #Developer #Programming…
2/8 We start with Python basics: syntax and indentation, variables and data types, operators, and more. Master these, and you're on your way to writing clean, efficient code. #PythonBasics #CodeNewbie…
3/8 Control flow statements and loops are key to making your code dynamic and adaptable. Our post goes in-depth on how to make the most of these tools. #PythonLoops #ControlFlow…
Read 10 tweets
Jan 16th 2023
(1/15) TRIES

Let’s dive into the world of data structures! Today, we’ll talk about Tries. Trie is used because it is the fastest for auto-complete suggestions. 🧵

#DataStructures #Lambdathread
(2/15) A trie (or prefix tree) is a tree-like data structure that is often used to store a collection of strings. Each node in the trie represents a character in a string, and the path from the root to a particular node represents a prefix of one of the strings in the collection.
(3/15) Its main advantages are related to efficient insertion, search, and deletion operations, as well as the ability to quickly find all strings that start with a particular prefix.
Read 15 tweets
Jan 11th 2023

(1/12) As promised, we will continue with twitter threads about different concepts. Today we are going to explain the differences between ARRAYS and HASH MAPS, in both structures and uses. 👇🧵 Image
(2/12) What is the difference between arrays and hash maps? Arrays are faster for accessing an element at a specific position, and if you need to perform the same operation on all elements in the array, while hash maps are faster for looking up a value given a key.
(3/12) Arrays and hash maps are both data structures that are used to store and retrieve data. However, they differ in several ways:
▪️ Indexing
▪️ Search time
▪️ Insertion and deletion Image
Read 12 tweets
Jan 7th 2023
Machine Learning is hard.

I felt like quitting whenever I get baffled by the amount of information to learn.

But I followed the path to learning from Math for ML.

Here are the 5 critical reasons why you should start with Math concepts for ML

🤔 Why Math for ML:
📌 Machine learning algorithms rely on mathematical calculations to make predictions and decisions
📌 Many machine learning techniques, such as neural networks and deep learning, are based on linear algebra and calculus
Read 12 tweets
Apr 25th 2022
Happy Birthday 🎂
You're turning 1 🕯️ in a few days' time.

I'm still shocked how almost 20,000 people visit every month just from organic traffic.

A number of posts have done extremely well.

Here are the top five:

#python #coding #100daysofcode

In #5th place:

The White Room analogy that explains a lot of what's happening in #programming using a mental image that everyone can relate to.…

#python #100daysofcode

In #4th place:

This fun project designed to practise using lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets in a fun turtle-based animation.…

#python #turtle #datastructures

Read 8 tweets
Jul 26th 2020

This small thread will help you understand all the concepts of data structures👇

Retweet if you found it is helpful 🙏

#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #datastructures
An array is a collection of variables of the same type. Image
In a linked list the elements are not stored at contiguous memory locations.

The elements in a linked list are linked using a pointer as shown in image👇 Image
Read 8 tweets
Jun 27th 2020
A thread: How I prepared for a #tech role in #FAANG
1. Technical preparation of #python and #SQL
2. Behavioral and cultural screen with @Latesha_Byrd
3. Deep dive on department domain and current tools and techniques
Technical preparation included practicing @LeetCode and @CodeSignalCom for #SQL and #python. I started to time myself and also spoke out loud what I was doing and why to get familiar with #whiteboarding etiquette. I also had my friends mock interview me.
I also utilized @TeamBatcode for more #python practice with primitive #datastructures and #Algorithms. It was consistent practice while talking out loud. I probably worked through about 50-60 problems.
Read 11 tweets
Jan 30th 2020
Transitioning into #DataScience: A (long) thread—
Transitioning into a new field can be cumbersome, especially #datascience which usually requires some level of #math #statistics #machinelearning #programming. But fret not!
This thread will go over the fundamentals of what you should know to become a #datascientist. First thing first, there are hundreds of tools for visualization (Power BI, Tableau, Dash), cloud computing (GCP, AWS, Azure) and SQL variants (Postgres, MSSQL, MySQL).
Don’t get caught up trying to learn all of these tools/platforms/software! You will be onboarded to these technologies and they differ highly from company to company and sometimes even department to department. But, you should be familiar with what they do at a high level!
Read 20 tweets

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