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Aug 15th 2020

Today, a pro-Trump journalist was arrested while releasing a new doco exposing major US intel & military figures, based on materials from 2 ex-employee whistleblowers.

I have just viewed the doco. Its content is significant & I will now analyse it in full below.
DISCLAIMER 1: I deliberately didn't name the journalist, the documentary or the whistleblowers in the above tweet, because I'm well used to having my social media posts suppressed so was avoiding key words deliberately. I'll post the links at the very end of the thread.
DISCLAIMER 2: I am a journalist who specialises in writing about intelligence agencies and whistleblowers. I am not pro-Trump. I do not agree with much of the politics of the documentary maker & her whistleblowers. However, I believe their content is important and merits analysis
Read 103 tweets
Nov 17th 2019
A thread sharing some of my thoughts with you.

Staring a very uncertain future in the face, within a very short period of time, all I can think about is all the things I still want to do.

If I am granted asylum, and able to continue my life's work, here's what I wish for:
Everyday I am contacted by targets of Western intelligence agencies who have no one to turn to. They beg me for help. I have no way to help them, other than to educate about the methodologies employed against them.

I want to create a space for targets to find support & justice.
Building on the work we did to defend UN Special Rapporteur Nils Melzer when his career was under attack, I want to progress setting up an organisation to guard against politicisation of rape and sexual abuse.

We successfully intervened once to stop the mobbing, and can again.
Read 17 tweets
Aug 26th 2019

Many people know of Edward Snowden's Guardian Angels, who helped save his life in Hong Kong. What few know is Ed himself is a guardian angel.

He helped me escape from New Zealand and has been my rock ever since.

The bad guys know this. It's time for good ppl to.
It's a matter of public record that Ed was talking to well known NZ investigative journalist Nicky Hager in 2014. That same year, Ed also reached out to me. It was at the height of my targeting by the NZ government, I was in deep trouble and he saw what was happening to me.
It was pre-2014 NZ general election, around the time I was promoting and covering @KimDotcom's 'Moment of Truth' event, which featured Ed, Glenn Greenwald, Julian and others.

I was being stalked, attacked and endangered daily, by teams of FVEY operatives/contractors.
Read 16 tweets
Jun 2nd 2019
What you're asserting in this thread are common assumptions but false. The agencies are way beyond the point of having controllers. They have usurped control. They set their own directives, they neuter oversight, & they are funding themselves #DecipherYou

When I say they are funding themselves - I mean quite literally. One of the documents we found in the Snowden files referred to the NSA having a corporation called "NSA Corporation" which they use to fund projects when Congressional overseers won't approve them.

Spying = $$$
We also found that when NSA staff exceeded their directives, NSA Director just wrote new directives to cover for them - retroactively.

When we looked into who the NSA Director was answerable to, it wasn't the President OR Congress. It was Joint Chiefs, CIA, DoD + Dept of State.
Read 3 tweets
Oct 28th 2018
THREAD: Thank you so much to all the people sending me kind messages of appreciation and support after seeing my recent appearances with @jimmy_dore, where we talked about Julian Assange, #Unity4J, WikiLeaks, #DecipherYou & Snowden.

Posting the vids & some other key work below:
Here's my first segment with Jimmy: we discussed my and the amazing @ElizabethleaVos' top 10 findings from our #DecipherYou series studying the Edward Snowden files live online. Really appreciate all the people sharing this content. You can watch it here:
In my second segment with Jimmy: we talked about how @JulianAssange saved Edward Snowden's life & discuss the founding of the #Unity4J movement to free Julian & support @wikileaks: a movement supported by over 70 top whistleblowers, journos & truth tellers
Read 14 tweets
Oct 4th 2018
Evolution of the #RussianCollusion Narrative ─ Part Three

Latest from Richard Levine, and a fascinating read.…

"Thus, a primary foundation for what became the #Russiancollusion narrative did not involve Russia, but arose due to Britain’s visions for itself."

Sidenote: Levine also cites the connection between British Intelligence, the CIA and the infamous Collin Powell WMD speech at the UN.

In #DecipherYou, @Suzi3D and myself noted SIDToday files wherein the NSA brags about influencing this same speech among others.
Read 10 tweets
Apr 4th 2018
All Russiagate Roads Lead To London As Evidence Emerges Of Joseph Mifsud’s Links To UK Intelligence…
Each of these strands of UK-tied elements of the Russiagate narrative can be substantially dismantled on close inspection. This untangling process leads to the surprising conclusion that UK intelligence services fabricated evidence of collusion to create the #TrumpRussia.
Mifsud strongly denied claims that he was associated with Russian intelligence, telling Italian newspaper Repubblica that he was a member of the European Council on Foreign Relations and the Clinton Foundation.…
Read 26 tweets
Mar 8th 2018
TL;DR THREAD: The key findings in #BeingJulianAssange, in sequential order.

I will detail a large number of unique conclusions in the below thread.

Full text available here:…
Archive here:…
Reading guide:…
1: Part of undermining @wikileaks & @JulianAssange is bleaching their record of achievements & good deeds.

But it is not only their history that is being erased and rewritten. The true history of the Support Network for @xychelsea has also been largely expunged from the record
2. WikiLeaks had @xychelsea's back from the day she was arrested. They tweeted about her some 800 times between her arrest and her conviction. No one did more than @JulianAssange & @couragefound to keep her visible in ppl's minds, organise assistance for her and work to free her
Read 27 tweets

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