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Jun 16th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Conservatives are fringe outliers - and leftists could learn from them; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ The title page of Richard H...
I'm taking some time off - see you again in mid-July!

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Conservatives are fringe outliers - and leftists could learn from them: Unhinged QGOP freaks may be completely unhinged, but they know how to use power.

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Read 17 tweets
Jun 15th 2023
“Quando parlo di avversari, mi riferisco ai leader europei” Joel #Harding.


[thk @FrancoFracassi1 - link all'articolo a fine 🧵] Image
Joel #Harding, berretto verde, ha contribuito contribuito a pianificare le invasioni di #Haiti, #Iraq e #Afghanistan, aveva fatto parte dello Stato Maggiore per le operazioni speciali J2 dell’Esercito.

2/19 Image
Era il collegamento del J2 per le Information Operations (le operazioni psicologiche e di disinformazione militare) con #Cia, #Dia, #Nsa, #Disa altre agenzie di #Washington.

3/19 Image
Read 19 tweets
Jun 9th 2023
Today's threads (a thread)

Inside: Capitalists hate capitalism; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ A caricature of a businessm...
Capitalists hate capitalism: Merck's version of "market pricing" is "whatever we ask for."

2/  Image: Flying Logos (modif...
Hey look at this

* Some #blogging myths… (h/t @kottke)

* #OpenAI Sued for Libel After ChatGPT Allegedly Hallucinates Man Into Lawsuit…

* Eli Lilly Unveils Insulin That Doesn’t Work On Poor People…

3/ Image
Read 19 tweets
Jun 7th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: To save the news, repeal the app tax; Hey look at this; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ EFF's banner for the save n...
Today 7/6, I'm keynoting @republica in #Berlin:…

Tomorrow 8/6, I'm at @otherlandberlin Books with my novel *Red Team Blues*:…

To save the news, repeal the app tax: The latest in "saving the news from Big Tech."

3/  Image: EFF https://www.eff...
Read 17 tweets
Jun 6th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: A business model for bankrupting the oil companies; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ A mirrored office tower bea...
Today 6/6, I'm doing a remote panel on #interoperability for @rightscon:…

Wed 7/6, I'm keynoting @republica in #Berlin:…

Thu 8/6, I'm at @otherlandberlin Books with my novel *Red Team Blues*:…

A business model for bankrupting the oil companies: Incentives matter (and that matters).

3/  Image:  Flying Logos (modi...
Read 23 tweets
Jun 5th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Wall Street Journal goes to bat for the vultures who want to steal your house; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ A Georgian eviction scene i...
Tonight (5/6) at 7:15PM, I'm at the #BritishLibrary with my book *Red Team Blues* for an event hosted by @Marthalanefox:…

Tomorrow 6/6, I'm doing a remote panel on #interoperability for @rightscon:…

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Wall Street Journal goes to bat for the vultures who want to steal your house: When the editorial page leaks into the news.

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Read 31 tweets
May 23rd 2023
🇫🇷🇷🇺 "Les Anglais et les Américains sont de grands spécialistes de l’ingérence."

Retour sur l'audition de @FrancoisFillon, le 02/05, devant la commission d’enquête relative aux ingérences politiques, économiques et financières de puissances étrangères.

THREAD #Rillettes ⬇️ Image
🇫🇷 "Jamais, durant quelque 36 années de vie publique, on n’a trouvé une seule action de ma part qui ait été influencée par une puissance étrangère. J’ai toujours défendu l’intérêt national, tel que je le conçois, et cette attitude n’a pas changé." #ingérence
🇫🇷🇷🇺 "J'ai des convictions. Elles n’ont pas varié, notamment sur la question des relations entre la France et la #Russie. On pourrait les qualifier de "gaullistes" si cela ne risquait de faire ricaner." #Fillon
Read 71 tweets
May 17th 2023
oggi su #Repubblica, Stefano Stefanini,ex rappresentante dell'Italia alla #NATO, con Marta Dassù critica pesantemente il governo Conte per aver aderito alla #BeltAndRoadInitiative della Cina.
Nel 2016,rivelammo solo grazie a #WikiLeaks lo spionaggio #NSA contro Stefano Stefanini Image
quello che accadde,dopo che rivelammo lo spionaggio #NSA contro #Berlusconi,#ValentinoValentini,#StefanoStefanini,#BrunoArchi, mi ha sempre colpito Image
fui contattata da un giornalista internazionale di un grande giornale: conosce Stefanini?, mi chiese. No, non lo conosco, io dissi. il giornalista mi rispose: io sì. Nel frattempo procura di Roma aprì un'inchiesta sullo spionaggio #NSA. L'inchiesta morì senza alcun esito
Read 6 tweets
May 8th 2023
1. è estremamente importante che un movimento per la pace adotti la tecnologia giusta affinché i suoi membri comunichino con ragionevole sicurezza fin dall'inizio.Ecco perché è deleterio usare Gmail
2. comunicare attraverso Gmail per un movimento per la pace è come organizzare una raccolta di sangue e affidarla a Dracula.
Le comunicazioni via Gmail sono immediatamente accessibili alla #NSA,come hanno permesso di dimostrare i file di #Snowden
3. se voi dite: ma sei paranoica, a chi vuoi che interessino le comunicazioni dei pacifisti italiani, beh,avete gravi problemi a capire la realtà
Read 12 tweets
May 8th 2023
#SupremeCourt to hear a plea by Youtuber Manish Kashyap seeking clubbing of First Information Reports (FIRs) for making fake videos of attacks on Bihari migrants #SupremeCourtofIndia #NSA Image
Sr Adv Maninder Singh: first there was an FIR, Now NSA..

CJI: But what to do you are producing fake videos etc?

Singh: If i have to be under NSA all newspapers should be under NSA including the @EconomicTimes ... he was speaking of cheap labour

Read 11 tweets
May 5th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Look at all the great stuff we lost because of inflation scare-talk; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ A vintage postcard illustra...
Tonight (5/5), I'm at @BooksIncStores #MountainView with @mkapor for *Red Team Blues*:…

Sat, I'm in #Berkeley for #BABF2023 at 1530h with @glynnwashington:…

Sun, it's an 11h event with @dellsystem:…

2/ Image
Look at all the great stuff we lost because of inflation scare-talk: We swapped pandemic aid, new spending and minimum wage hikes for wage suppression and mass layoffs.

3/    Image: Mosaic 36 (modifi...
Read 24 tweets
May 4th 2023
1.È passata inosservata in Italia la notizia che il rischio di incidente nucleare in #Ucraina è così preoccupante che si è mosso il misterioso, supersegreto #NEST: il Nuclear Emergency Support Team. È il mio settore, quindi vi spiego cosa è NEST
2. Il #NEST è il Nuclear Emergency Support Team, un team segretissimo, superspecializzato che interviene in caso di minacce gravissime come il rischio di un attentato terroristico nucleare
3. Il #NEST opera sotto il coordinamento della #NNSA,da NON confondere con la #NSA: la la #NSA è l'agenzia denunciata da #Snowden per i suoi programmi di sorveglianza di massa
La #NNSA è l'agenzia del Dipartimento dell'Energia USA che gestisce le #ArmiNucleari USA
Read 8 tweets
Apr 26th 2023
🇫🇷 "Le #renseignement est l’arme du XXIe siècle."

Retour sur l'audition à huis clos du directeur de la #DGSE @BernardEmie sur le projet de #LPM 2024-30 devant la commission de la défense.

THREAD ⬇️ Image
🇫🇷 "Le #renseignement est l’une des clefs de l’autonomie de la France, de sa souveraineté et de son influence dans le monde." @BernardEmie #DGSE
🇫🇷 "Nous sommes le seul service spécial et secret de la communauté du #renseignement : certaines de nos actions ne peuvent pas être assumées, ne peuvent pas être revendiquées, ne peuvent pas être imputées à l’État." @BernardEmie #DGSE
Read 38 tweets
Apr 18th 2023
1. lo scetticismo verso il Potere e verso la narrativa ufficiale è assolutamente cruciale. Il complottismo è ciarpame e fa sempre il gioco del Potere,perché nell'inseguire complotti non si capisce cosa accade davvero e chi è responsabile di cosa
2. fermo restando che NON sappiamo ancora nulla i certo del presunto leaker dei #PentagonLeaks,#Teixeira, ci sono FATTI che conosciamo con assoluta certezza
3. sappiamo, per esempio, che è assolutamente certo che ragazzi di 21-22 anni possono accedere in modo del tutto legittimo a file top secret-SCI (oltre il top secret), altro che cazzate complottiste che non è vero che ragazzi ventenni non possono accedervi
Read 8 tweets
Apr 14th 2023
1. allora, cerchiamo di fare ordine sulla fuga di documenti segreti del #Pentagono sulla base delle poche informazioni certe emerse finora
2. i documenti sono file del #Pentagono, NON "cablo": i cablo sono le corrispondenze diplomatiche. NON risulta che, come scrivono giornali come Repubblica, siano stati rubati, il presunto responsabile della fuga di documenti vi aveva accesso legittimo con una security clearance
3. la security clearance è l'autorizzazione del governo americano ad accedere a documenti classificati. Esistono 4 livelli di classificazione:
1) unclassified
2) confidential
3) secret
4) top secret
poi esistono restrizioni speciali all'accesso ai documenti
Read 15 tweets
Apr 6th 2023
मनीष कश्यप प्रकरण की रिपोर्टिंग में मैंने पहला वाक्य लिखा था-
#मनीष_कश्यप की गिरफ़्तारी #राष्ट्रीय_स्वयंसेवक_संघ की बर्बादी या यूँ कह लें कि संघ के पतन का सबसे बड़ा कारण बनेगी.”
कथित पत्रकार मनीष तो गिरफ़्तार पहले ही किया जा चुका है और अब तमिलनाडु पुलिस ने जाँच
और पूछताछ के बाद उसपर #रासुका (#NSA) की धाराएँ लगाकर मेरी रिपोर्टिंग को एक मज़बूत आधार दे दिया है.

विश्वस्त सूत्रों के मुताबिक़ इस मामले में जिस प्रकार तमिलनाडु पुलिस की जाँच आगे बढ़ रही है और उसे सबूत मिल रहे हैं, उस हिसाब से अब अगली तैयारी #आरएसएस/#भाजपा एवं इसके शीर्ष पदों
पर आसीन कुछ लोगों के खिलाफ भी रासुका की धाराएँ दायर करने की सूचना है. इस जाँच की जद में #बागेश्वर_धाम वाले बाबा से लेकर #मध्यप्रदेश_सरकार एवं #भारत_सरकार के कुछ अहम मंत्री शामिल हैं.

अब जैसे-जैसे #बिहार_पुलिस और #तमिलनाडु_पुलिस की जाँच आगे बढ़ेगी और राज्य पुलिस तथा राज्य
Read 8 tweets
Mar 30th 2023
With the #RESTRICTAct, #Congress wants to continue #Trump's war on #Tiktok, banning the Chinese-owned service. How will they do this? Congress isn't clear. In practice, banning stuff on the internet is hard, especially without a national firewall:… 1/ A modified vintage editoria...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
My guess is that they're thinking of ordering the #mobile #duopoly of @Google and @Apple to nuke the Tiktok app from their app stores. 3/
Read 44 tweets
Mar 29th 2023
There are good and evil extraterrestrial in all place even within their own population as if they have the same goal and ideals as human race as they to conflict war on each other and others. Rippled effects the whole constellation.
You think human are thy only race that is capable of being the only intelligence? If I were to answer that I would say no because we would of have free space traveling with ufo and all sorts of free technologies already and free operating system at feee will in a safe protocols
I’m not a teacher, a scientist, a math teacher, or anyone at all, I’m just simple a traveler who wants to study your world for a better procedure when things are at measurable scenario.
Read 21 tweets
Feb 22nd 2023
1/ What’s the urgency re: #NoSurprisesAct dispute resolutions decisions (IDRs) returning immediately you ask? 1st, amicus briefs are important but they’re but 1 tool in the tool box. “We” need to do more, to wit: for EM docs the decline in post #NSA reimbursements is >32% so….
2/ IDR is the main remedy to the EM Docs who have (willingly) the #EMTALA & moral duty to provide care regardless of the in network status; 2. @EDPMA survey data on the +30% decline in pre vs post NSA reimbursements is 10s of 1000s of claims. 2 paraphrase the movie “Patton”, how
3/will we all answer the question “where were you & what do you do when independent physician groups’ independence suffered an accelerate decline?” To borrow a line from Netflix doc “Full Swing” (attributed to Tiger) “ Don’t get bitter, get better” @ACEPNow @ACRRAN @ASALifeline
Read 4 tweets
Feb 18th 2023
📣🧨Hilo🧵sobre los beneficios de #GrapheneOS de Android, es un Sistema Operativo en Android que solo funciona en móviles Píxel, cualquier otro modelo es imposible. Es usado y recomendado por Edward Snowden ex espia de la #NSA.
#ciberseguridad #Hacking
Está programado para centrarse en la seguridad y #privacidad desarrollado como un proyecto de código abierto sin ánimo de lucro 💰❗

Vanadium es el buscador de GrapheneOS: una variante de Chromium reforzada en cuanto a privacidad y que utiliza principalmente el webview de #Android 📱

El lector de PDF también viene de la mano de GrapheneOS, con un sanbox para reforzar la #seguridad 🛡

Read 12 tweets
Jan 31st 2023
NEW: Many congratulations to @texmed, @AdamCorley, & @TxRadSociety on launching their *fourth* #NoSurprisesAct #lawsuit against @HHSGov, @CMSGov, @USTreasury, & @USDOL.

This filing challenges the government's decision to impose a 600% increase in administrative #IDR...

...fees and the requirement to batch by the same #CPT code.

⏰ Time is running out, and #regulators must be compelled to stand up and operate a fully-functioning, fair, accessible, & *timely* IDR process, just like the law prescribed.


#NSA #fixitnow #badreg #IDRE
Read 8 tweets
Jan 24th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: David Graeber's "Pirate Enlightenment"; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/
David Graeber's "Pirate Enlightenment": The true, swashbuckling lives of matriarchs, anarchists, and pirates at the crossroads of the world.

Hey look at this

* #DebtCeiling Limit is Destructive, Duplicative, and Dumb…

* 3d-party apps Twitter killed made the site what it is today…

* Predictions Scorecard, 1/1/23 – Rodney Brooks… (h/t @slashdot) 3/
Read 21 tweets
Jan 18th 2023
Siloed development of AI by nation-states as National Security threat mitigation as well as the weaponizing of AI to infiltrate, and affect policy & population sentiment in adversary nations is a significant malignant threat to peace & exponentially increases the risk of conflict
AI algos harness volumes of macro & micro-data to influence decisions affecting people in a range of scenarios, from benign movie recommendations to less benign black-box creditworthiness tests, to malignant use by Alphabet Agencies for regime change…
Artificial intelligence extends the reach of national security threats that can target individuals and whole societies with precision, speed, and scale

#NatSec #NSA #CIA #DIA #FSB #MIT #Mossad……
Read 5 tweets
Dec 26th 2022
The current espionage case in the #Bundesnachrichtendienst shakes the NATO intelligence community. There could hardly be a worse time than now. The alleged spy is said to be a senior staff member from the top-secret #BND SIGINT division 1/9
The person works there in the evaluation department, according to media reports. On European soil, the #BND is one of the big players with its #SIGINT capacities. He is an important intelligence tool in the work against Russia in the Ukraine war 2/9
In view of the war in Ukraine, the current espionage case could turn into a disaster for the #BND. Partner services cut off the flow of information. Trust is gone. This is likely to paralyse the work of the BND for years - much to Moscow's advantage 3/9
Read 9 tweets

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