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Dec 12th 2020
When Marshall Law and Insurrection Act are trending nearly 6 weeks after a General Election, we clearly see the power of a psychopath--aided and abetted by Fox News, talk radio, social media and a #ComplicitGOP--to shape events.

How did we get here? Pt. 1…
"Marshall Law"? Insurrection Act?

We remain in danger in large part because of a party that enables Trump, who could not mount his assault on US democracy without the support of the GOP establishment and the new Retrumplicans.

How did we get here? Pt. 2…
"Our media and political landscapes were morally compromised... white grievance and disgust with the political class were the kindling... but the blowtorch... is our 45th president of the United States"

How did we get her? Pt. 3… #Psychopathy #DutyToInform
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Sep 23rd 2020

"Trump’s aggressive response to the #SupremeCourt vacancy, as compared to his dereliction regarding #COVID, reveals three fundamental qualities: his callousness and lack of care for others; his strong drive to dominate others; and his inability to deal... (1/7)
"... with complex problems that require a sustained focus. These traits are hallmarks of Psychopathic Personality Disorder, a severe and dangerous condition for which the president meets the diagnostic criteria... (2/7) #DutyToWarn #DutyToInform #UNFIT
"... A humane and comprehensive response to COVID would have required #empathy and a capacity to work diligently on complex issues. The absence of these qualities is deeply ingrained in his personality structure... (3/7) #WednesdayWisdom
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Sep 7th 2020
11 Ways Trump’s Condition Undermines Our Republic By Vince Greenwood, Ph.D. -- a thread:

#DutyToInform #DutyToWarn #UnfitToBePresident
1. Because of his greater than normal need for stimulation and impulsivity, disruptions to our government’s legal, financial, and administrative functions will accumulate.
2. In the exercise of his duties — at every choice point — power and dominance will prevail over others’ welfare. #DutyToInform
Read 16 tweets
Aug 29th 2020
#TrumpIsNotWell AND IT IS NO JOKE.

Vince Greenwood, Ph.D., explains why we all--media included--must start using the correct clinical diagnosis for Trump.

He has psychopathic personality disorder (PPD). And he is a danger to us all.

In Trump's case there is more than enough evidence to make an informed diagnosis: Read the full clinical assessment of Trump's psychopathic personality disorder (PPD) in this essay on #Medium by Vincent Greenwood, Ph.D. Follow @DutytoInform for more.…
Trump is a psychopath. He is promoting violence in America. Kellyanne acknowledges it helps him politically. The sick, evil minority that support him want to intimidate us and destroy our democracy. We must unite, organize, vote and defeat #TrumpTerrorism.
Read 7 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
Trump's ghostwriter @tonyschwartz now agrees with Dr. Vince Greenwood (@DutytoInform) that Trump is more than a conman or pathological liar or even a “malignant narcissist.” He's a clinically diagnosable psychopath. #DutyToInform #DutyToWarn #UNFIT…
This commercial will convince you that #psychopathy is heriditary.

Disgusting Don Jr. and Evil Eric display the pathological lying and gaslighting—and total lack of remorse—that’s now the hallmark of the Trump brand.

#TrumpTalksTrump by @ReallyAmerican1
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