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What is #Psychopathy? And is Vladimir Putin a #Psychopath?

A thread 🧵 based on what we know about his personality and history, and the Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience of the condition

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People describe #Putin as a bully, a mafia boss, a barbaric war criminal, or simply as evil.

All of these views are correct, but Psychopathy is in many ways an attempt at a scientific understanding of evil

If we understand the personality traits and behaviours of psychopaths, we can begin to understand the extent to which a person may be Psychopathic (or not).

As psychopathy exists on a spectrum, perhaps a better question is *how psychopathic* is Putin?

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Read 44 tweets
Since your malicious cyberattack timelines matched cybersecurity’s research to strengthen security for years and now, you hack alone but with a cooperative goal to damage national security. Which Advanced Persistent Threats group/s #APTs are you in, #Animez_UK? Image
Converting traditional crime to cyber-enabled crime and becomes a malicious attacker against the UK, for

1- financial income,
2- #sexual desire and #harassment with #pornography sent to #women,
3- attacks for #politics against the UKGOV.

#Animez_UK ImageImage
1st stage- early life:
-Experienced #exclusion/#discrimination.
-Didn’t learn to communicate with #women.
-favours #authoritarianism.
-enjoys #control targeted women & whom against his will.
- Expresses hidden #hatred & #violence on through cyberattacks.

#Animez_UK ImageImage
Read 214 tweets
From my upcoming book 'Fixated': Analyzing the language of the dark triad': This is an example of common psychopathology in 'language' responses, with consent from a client. These are common responses. What happens when we set boundaries with ASPD, NPD, BPD, etc.? #Mentalhealth
Setting #boundaries with people is healthy. It's what keeps us safe. Trouble is PD's or other socially unskilled people don't like or respect them. Example #1 Q: Please stop following me online, leave my social media alone & stop leaving unwanted comments. A: What do you mean?
Do you want me to ignore you when I'm on the Internet? Pretend you are not there? Or set my settings to screen you out? Or do you want me to have a special software program created specifically that filters your name out every time I'm on the Internet? #toxic #manipulation
Read 5 tweets
Therapist Tip 👉🏻The Power of 'NO': the word "no" is a 'boundary'. It is a word that establishes or defines the space between you & someone else. It demands respect & is supposed to be learnt learnt through childhood development. It is a universal cue that people use #boundaries
to let others know that you are not OK about something. Boundaries are designed to keep you safe &/or establish ground rules for the relationship. One of the earliest indicators of #RedFlags in toxic people/relationships is a lack of Respect/empathy for the word "no" #SafetyFirst
This lack of respect is an 'indicator' that someone has a character/personality problem &/or flaw. If a person in your life refuses to listen or respect your "no", you may need help because you now have a 'relational' problem
Read 22 tweets
Lieber @janboehm, mir ist so nach nem #Schmähgedicht,
Sie sagt: "#Psychopath!" mir ins Gesicht,
"#enthemmterMob und #Aktivist!"
Oh bitte, nimm sie auf deine List'.
#Extrem" ist noch ein neues Wort,
zur Heilung geh ich an welchen Ort?
#DankeWieler, hört auf ihn!
Und nicht auf diese olle ...

Schei... jetzt fehlt mir ein Reim... habt ihr was?
Read 5 tweets
1/ Sad to see @HabenGirma, an otherwise intelligent young woman whom I have had the honor of meeting at the #Eritrea|n Festival in Oakland in 2015, fall for the anti-#Eritrea #TPLFlies by @amnesty. There's no "#AxumMassacre". There's #MaiKadraMassacre. Learn the facts. #Ethiopia ImageImage
2/ Western #MSM #media & @amnesty hide the real facts about #Tigray, #Ethiopia. They constantly hype up non-existent involvement of #Eritrea in the non-existent #AxumMassacre. And they hide the real #genocide & #warcrimes committed by #TPLF-organized "Samré" thugs at #MaiKadra.
3/ As #TPLF was routed by the #Ethiopia|n army, retreating in defeat back in November 2020, it released 13k criminals from the prisons in cities of #Tigray, including Mekelle. Many of these released criminals were imprisoned for #rape. TPLF deliberately released these rapists.
Read 8 tweets
#TrumpIsNotWell AND IT IS NO JOKE.

Vince Greenwood, Ph.D., explains why we all--media included--must start using the correct clinical diagnosis for Trump.

He has psychopathic personality disorder (PPD). And he is a danger to us all.

In Trump's case there is more than enough evidence to make an informed diagnosis: Read the full clinical assessment of Trump's psychopathic personality disorder (PPD) in this essay on #Medium by Vincent Greenwood, Ph.D. Follow @DutytoInform for more.…
Trump is a psychopath. He is promoting violence in America. Kellyanne acknowledges it helps him politically. The sick, evil minority that support him want to intimidate us and destroy our democracy. We must unite, organize, vote and defeat #TrumpTerrorism.
Read 7 tweets
1/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4450: Trump delivers remarks in Oshkosh, WI — a Red Flag Body Language expression — Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #EmotionalIntelligence #DonaldTrump #Sociopath #Psychopath
2/ Donald Trump delivered a campaign speech earlier today in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. He repeatedly made the expression show in this accompanying still image. Note his central forehead is contracted and elevated while simultaneously displaying a (feigned) mouth smile.
3/ We all make an expression similar to this one *once-in-a-while* when we're feeling:

• Smug Incredulity
• Arrogance
• Contempt

(although all of these thought-emotions have other facial expressions with which they're associated)
Read 5 tweets
I’ve stated, many times, for 2-2.5 mos: I believe the #covid19 #coronavirus #secondwave #2ndWave will be an actual #bioweapon released by factions w/in the US govt, & #BillGates (he has clearly stated he wants 2 depopulate the 🌎)

2 vids & a pic further support my concerns
Look at the devious grin on his face when he tells Colbert his next concern is a #bioweapon

That behavior is indicative of a #sociopath, or #psychopath exhibiting #DupingDelight or #DupersDelight Image
He knows what’s coming, & he believes himself to be far more intelligent than the rest of humanity.

HE HAS DUPED US! The “first wave” didn’t get all of us to believe the #propaganda of the #Plandemic but...
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The Modi Govt seems to have lost its #Plot.

Their #Vision & #Direction, both,have gone #astray.

They look hell-bound to push #India & its #Economy in the #Darkness.

#People of India continue to #suffer because of #Brainless #Aimless #DecisionMaking by the #Govt.

They do not know what they r doing, but they think whatever they r doing is Correct.

They r hallucinated.

They r suffering from a #SelfRighteous #Syndrome.

That's sounds too #Dangerous for the #Country & its #People !

The Country cannot be left on the Whims of a #Psychopath !
@BJP4India & @INCIndia have become only a #Liability on the #Nation.

#Leaders like @RahulGandhi @narendramodi & @AmitShah r #Misleading the #Nation & taking #India & its #people in the #Wrong #Direction.

India & its People r much more than #BJP #Congress & some #Media Groups.
Read 5 tweets
#BetterBonds shop charlatan, the cyberstalker Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam had her former account supressed for impersonation and stalking. She recently renamed her other account @BarefootRaRa into @CopingWithCovid to avoid being tracked by Twitter.
#RamlaAkhtar #RmalaAalam
Pakistani #BetterBonds shop charlatan, the #cyberstalker Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam is already identified by Twitter with INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR & STALKING + sharing PRIVATE conversations with her new Twitter ID @CopingWithCovid. #RamlaAkhtar #RmalaAalam #Hussaini
#Trump to force hoax is used to write "sad". Pakistani #BetterBonds shop charlatan, the #cyberstalker Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam @CopingWithCovid is smarter. She says she FORGIVES her victim. Lured people cannot imagine she is the tormentor. #RamlaAkhtar #RmalaAalam #Hussaini
Read 15 tweets
1) Today's story is called The Brink.

They never thought she'd lose, now we understand the #NWO plan to destroy America, see 1991 Bush I vid. Obama took over the process from Bush II and embarked on an 8 year wrecking ball. #QAnon #GreatAwakening @POTUS
2) For years rogue operatives have been getting installed. Shadow government/#DeepState. All centers of #Government. Controlled by the wealthiest on the planet, most rogue was the CIA. Goal was complete control to dismantle. Check Out Barry's Book: Post American World #QAnon
3) The systematic leaking of classified intel was everywhere, so was exposure of #military assets. Instead if de-funding military (bad optics), you starve thru corruption. Notice #Mattis has a massive audit of DOD? Think why.……
Read 17 tweets

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