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May 8th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: California to smash prison e-profiteers; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ A prison cell. Behind the b...
This Weds (May 10), I'm in #Vancouver for a keynote at the #OSSummit:…

And a book event at #HeritageHall:…

On Thu (May 11), I'm in #Calgary for @WordfestTweets:…

2/ Image
California to smash prison e-profiteers: The Public Utility Commission to the rescue!

3/ Image
Read 35 tweets
Jan 6th 2020
Welcome to MoCTrack for January 5, 2020.

This is our 2019 year in review for all of the tidbits you need about last year’s legislative action. Congress is heading back to DC this week, so now is the time to see how they did last year!
#MoCTrack 1/27…
The great folks at @538Politics provide our Trump Tracker numbers, showing how often each MoCs vote with #IMPOTUS.

We took all those 2019 numbers and show you each lawmaker’s high and low point, as well as their 2019 average.

#MoCTrack 2/27
@538politics First up a rundown of 2019 in legislation, by the numbers.
#MoCTrack 3/27
Read 28 tweets
Nov 11th 2019
Welcome to the Member of Congress Tracking Report for the week ending November 10, 2019. With Congress on recess this week, we are going to do things a bit differently this week. We are going to take a dive into #McConnellsGraveyard.
#MoCTrack 1/33
#GOP keeps trotting out their tired talking point about the “do-nothing-Dems” and all we can concentrate on is #Impeachment.


What you’ll find below are 30 bills of the 300+ that #McConnell has stalled in the Senate.

#MoCTrack #DemCast 2/33…
HR 1 - #ForThePeople

A bill that would improve voting rights, fix campaign finance regulations, and mandate ethics and accountability reforms.
💯 over 100 co-sponsors (236)

#MoCTrack #McConnellsGraveyard 3/33…
Read 33 tweets
Oct 16th 2019
Last night when I opened my @lyft app I saw new terms & conditions. Because I'm a lawyer, I scrolled. What I saw made me so mad I closed the app & hailed a cab. @lyft is not only forcing people into #arbitration, they are now requiring #PAGA waivers 😡⬇️
@lyft What's #PAGA and why is it bad to waive your right to it? Since most companies now require #forcedarbitration, one of the only ways to get justice in court is through whistle blower statutes called "Private Attorney Generals Act's"…
@lyft Basically #PAGA allows someone who would otherwise be forced into secret arbitration to bring their claims to light and get justice. So what @lyft is doing is really heinous. It is saying to users: change the law all you want, we will just require you to waive your rights.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 10th 2019
We are clipping videos from today's hearing on the $1.5 Trillion #StudentDebtCrisis. Find them in this thread, starting with this unexpected question about @CongBillPosey's view on @TaylorSwift13.
@congbillposey @taylorswift13 .@RepPerlmutter asks Seth Frotman, formerly of the @CFPB and now at @theSBPC, about the impact of student debt on housing, borrowers of color, wealth building. #HassleForATassle
@congbillposey @taylorswift13 @RepPerlmutter @CFPB @theSBPC "@Navient is like the Comcast of student loan servicing"

--@hasanminhaj to @RepPerlmutter on the abuses of student loan servicers.
Read 22 tweets
May 21st 2019
New report from @EconomicPolicy and @PopDemoc: by 2024, more than 80% of private sector, non-union workers will be unable to sue their bosses due to forced arbitration clauses. #RipOffClause #EndForceAarbitration /1
That’s right: almost none of us will be able to take our employers to court. How did we get here? Corporations have been scheming for years to shield themselves from accountability when they violate the rights of workers and consumers. /2
In the late 1990’s, a coalition of Wall Street companies strategized to block class actions, one of the only tools working people have to challenge corporate abuses.… /3
Read 14 tweets
Apr 12th 2019
@mrhunsaker @VanderbiltU @theNASEM @carlzimmer @meredithwadman @McLNeuro Exactly! Disturbing.
1) Who is responsible for oversight? enforcement? What are the so-called benchmarks these Unis are to meet? Are they enforceable vs #SexualMisconduct? Who determines this? @TIMESUPHC @MeTooSTEM @AnnOlivarius #Dartmouth7 @ADVANCEGeo @IBJIYONGI @JoshFessel
@mrhunsaker @theNASEM @carlzimmer @meredithwadman @McLNeuro @TIMESUPHC @MeTooSTEM @AnnOlivarius @ADVANCEGeo @IBJIYONGI @JoshFessel 2) Need to change public discourse from Action Collaborative members being seen as leaders to what many are--Unis with ongoing serious violations. Otherwise, these AC members can hide behind @theNASEM ‘spin’ @mbalter @k_langin #TIMESUPHC @TheOpEdProject @500womensci @ProfSharona
@mrhunsaker @theNASEM @carlzimmer @meredithwadman @McLNeuro @TIMESUPHC @MeTooSTEM @AnnOlivarius @ADVANCEGeo @IBJIYONGI @JoshFessel @mbalter @k_langin @TheOpEdProject @500womensci @ProfSharona 3) Full #transparency essential, including PUBLIC METRICS of current status of bad actions at each Uni; then measure if Unis make any real changes -e.g. expulsion & no pay for perpetrators, restitution & protection from #retaliation of survivors, etc. @NSF @ana_safavi #MeTooSTEM
Read 9 tweets
Oct 25th 2017

If you’re not shaking with fury about the @SenateGOP’s vote to kill the #ForcedArbitration rule, let me tell you why you should be.
1/ Forced arbitration is one of the most anti-consumer clauses you can find in a financial contract. It’s called #RipoffClause for a reason.
2/ Effectively, it means you sign away your right to sue that company, or join a class action, if they in some way injure or defraud you.
Read 29 tweets

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