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Chad Wolf’s nomination as Secretary of DHS MUST be opposed.

Wolf, an architect of family separation, has championed some of the Trump Administration’s cruelest, most unpopular immigration policies. #FreeTheFamilies Image
In Dec 2017, Wolf produced a list of options to slash immigration, including the separation of families at the border. Among others, it also included what is now the “Remain in Mexico” policy and a proposed measure to expedite the deportation of children. #FreeTheFamilies
Wolf has championed the Trump Admin's “Remain in Mexico” Policy. During a visit to the border, Wolf decried calls to defund the policy as a “critical mistake,” praising it as one of the “most successful initiatives" at DHS to “[help] root out fraud” in the asylum system.
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Happening now: The Senate Homeland Security Committee holds a confirmation hearing for Chad Wolf to be the next DHS secretary. Follow along for updates. #FreeTheFamilies

Read more about Chad Wolf: Image
.@SenGaryPeters: "Rhetoric and political ideology cannot drive intelligence reports and should not dictate the actions of any agency or department." #FreeTheFamilies Image
Chad Wolf: "That sacrifice often means time away from loved ones."

Remember that Wolf was a behind the systematic separation of thousands of children from their parents. #FreeTheFamilies Image
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TODAY: Unlawfully appointed acting DHS Sec. Chad Wolf’s confirmation hearing.

From defying the courts on #DACA to unlawfully expelling asylum-seeking kids back to danger, Unlawful Chad should be resigning, not getting rewarded.

His nomination must be blocked. #FreeTheFamilies
.@AmericasVoice: “There are a litany of reasons why Wolf shld be resigning rather than sitting for his nomination hearing.

Wolf was a behind-the-scenes player during the systematic separation of thousands of children from their parents earlier in the Trump era.” #FreeTheFamilies
“Wolf directed the deployment to Portland, Oregon of DHS agents in unmarked uniforms, who subsequently picked up civilians on the streets and put them into unmarked vans.” #FreeTheFamilies
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The recent developments regarding forced sterilizations in @ICEGov detention are horrific—but they aren’t isolated. Here is a list of atrocities @DHSGov has committed in just the last few months. THREAD:
ICE’s management of COVID-19 in their detention centers has been disastrous. With insufficient testing, minimal sanitary supplies, and virtually no ability to distance the people in detention, these centers have been “on fire” with COVID-19. 2/
While continuing to tear families apart, @ICEGov has also been caging kids in hotels for months. The agents left to “care” for these children have NOT been background checked, and the children are being denied legal representation. 3/
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HAPPENING NOW (pls share): Press conference from local Georgia orgs reacting to Whistleblower revelations about abuses at Irwin Detention Center… @ProjectSouth @GaDetWatch @DetentionWatch

#ShutDownIrwin #FreeTheFamilies #FreeThemAll ImageImage
This isn’t an isolated problem. Here’s ICE’s 2017 Office of Detention Oversight audit of Irwin.… Image
Talk about grading on a curve. ImageImageImage
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Welcome news but hotels were never the real issue, kids being expelled w/ no access to the asylum system is.

So time to demand they stop expelling children alone to places they might die without even asking why they fled in the first place.

Also #FreeTheFamilies #FreeThemAll
Miller & Co are likely devising ways to mask compliance w/ this while still expelling children w/ no due process. Expect tents at the border so they can avoid sending to kids to ORR where they would have access to protection system and lawyers.
Remember that Flores only addresses their conditions of confinement. And the settlement protections haven’t stopped ICE from violating the rights of kids in family prisons for years. Please #StayOutraged
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‼️ REMINDER: Families remain locked up by @ICEgov ‼️

Months into the pandemic, 91+ children remain detained in family detention centers. All while #COVID19 has infected more than 140 staff, detained parents & children at Dilley & Karnes.

It’s time to hold ICE accountable. 🧵👇🏾
In JUNE, Federal Judge Gee determined the family detention centers were (& continue to be) “on fire.”

ICE’s continued refusal to #FreeTheFamilies and insistence on bringing even more of them to the detention centers has only fanned the flames.
As legal service providers for detained families, @RAICESTEXAS, @aldea_pjc & #ProyectoDilley have consistently shared info about the realities of family detention with the court.
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We are receiving reports that conditions have rapidly deteriorated in the Lasalle & Jackson Parish Family Jails after Hurricane Laura. Families are trapped in flooded cells with no electricity or ventilation — prison officials are saying this could last for two weeks. THREAD.
Some of the reports have stated that there is sewage in the flood water that is up to people’s ankles. Without ventilation, it is oppressively hot in these cells, and it is putting people at risk of contracting COVID-19 or getting heatstroke. 2/
These conditions are deplorable. The fact that ICE has let things get this bad shows that they do not care about the wellbeing of families in their care. We are calling for these camps to be closed and the families to be freed so they can be safe. #FreeTheFamilies. 3/
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Instead of welcoming and taking care of asylum-seeking children — as required by law — the Trump Administration is holding them hostage at undisclosed locations and expelling them without due process. #FreeTheFamilies

Watch & share:
When @TXCivilRights uncovered this cruel operation, ICE refused to allow access to the detained kids, shoving one of their lawyers in an elevator. These children are coming to the U.S. to seek safety, but the Trump Administration is treating them inhumanely. #FreetheFamilies
Congress MUST Investigate the illegal detention of children and asylum-seekers at undisclosed locations, SIGN the @TXCivilRights petition: #FreeTheFamilies
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📢 REMINDER: Today is the court-mandated deadline for ICE to release children who have been held for 20 + days in family detention.


Yet, we've seen no moves from @ICEgov to #FreeTheFamilies Image
It's clear that ICE is not willing to release these children w/ their parents. Had they been, these families would've been free by now.

There is nothing preventing ICE from complying. No requirement that they detain families & NOTHING stopping them from releasing them RIGHT NOW.
But we expect the gov't to continue violating the Flores agreement. @ICEgov rather separate families again than do the right thing & #FreeThemAll #SafeAndTogether.

So we need your continued support. Take action & continue to demand ICE #FreeTheFamilies…
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ImmDef Co-Founder & Exec Director @L_Toczylowski spoke w/ @AliciaMenendez @jacobsoboroff yesterday on @MSNBC about the terrifying treatment of children in the immigration system who are being held incommunicado w/govt subcontractor staff in hotels. #FreeTheFamilies (THREAD)
ImmDef is grateful to our partner orgs working on the ground to protect these children as well as the many others who are helping to lift up these atrocities to the public eye such as @aldea_pjc, #ProyectoDilley, @raices, @TXCivilRights, @fams2gether @FWDus #FreeTheFamilies
WATCH: @L_Toczylowski @AliciaMenendez @MSNBC
The Trump administration is doubling down on cruelty towards immigrants. Tomorrow is the deadline for ICE to decide to either keep families in cages or rip them apart despite having the power to #FreeTheFamilies.
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➡️ "Family separation is a moral stain on this chapter of American history." #FreeTheFamilies
"Both family detention and family separation have long been seriously criticized by medical and mental health experts for the trauma they inflict ... the powerful evidence documenting the harm of these practices only underscores the urgency of ending both immediately."
.@HispanicCaucus: "ICE has discretion to release these families together, as it regularly has in the past. By choosing not to do so now, it is choosing cruelty." #FreeTheFamilies
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#Success Ozzy* will be reunited w/mom & dad on bond after 6 mo of separation in ICE prison after they fled Haiti. ⁠ImmDef Staff Atty Paulina Reyes was able to help Ozzy get a bond offer & partners @HIBAP509 @MigrantFreedom raised the funds to secure his freedom. #FreeThemAll 1/3 Image
The family was separated upon arrival; mother went to another det ctr & Ozzy was taken 172 mi away from his father to Adelanto Det Ctr while father stayed in Otay Mesa. @miles4migrants & @HaitianBridge helped secure transportation & a flight to FL where Ozzy reunited w/mom 2/3
San Diego #TeamImmDef Staff Attorney, Shoshana Kuchner, won a bond offer for Ozzy's father & @HaitianBridge raised funds to post the bond TODAY. Ozzy's father will be released from Otay Mesa Detention TONIGHT! Welcome home, Ozzy & Congrats Dad! #FreeTheFamilies #FreeThemAll 3/3
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🚨 BREAKING: @ICEgov's deadline to release children from family detention centers was tomorrow. It has now been pushed back 10 more days.

This is unacceptable. #COVID19 is running rampant.

ICE can choose to release BOTH children + parents NOW. #FreeThemAll #SafeAndTogether
It's obvious that ICE doesn't want to do the right thing and release these families together so they're prolonging this situation in order to create a path that would finalize a permanent family separation policy.

Cruelty has always been the point.
Your voices matter now more than ever. Continue to take action and call on Congress to demand that @ICEgov #FreeTheFamilies #SafeAndTogether

Sign up for our 3rd day of phonebanking tomorrow!…
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#GoodNews 🎉 to brighten your day☀️

Ricardo*, who'd been detained with his son for 121 days at Karnes Family Detention Center were both finally released on Friday. Let this clip be a testament that ICE has the discretion to #FreeThemAll #SafeAndTogether
A little backstory: Ricardo* was living with his wife & 2 year old son in San Antonio, Texas prior to being arrested.

He'd been going to his ICE check-ins and missed a court date he didn't know about so at his next check-in, he was arrested & taken to Karnes with his older son.
A few months ago we submitted a request for parole on behalf of the family which was subsequently denied.

In the reason for denial, ICE stated that they could not determine that neither Jose nor his son were flight risks despite their strong community ties.
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The Trump admin is under court order to release kids detained with their parents one week from today at the latest. Instead, officials were in court yesterday making it clear they want to separate more families.… #FamiliesBelongTogether #FreeTheFamilies
"The US gov't told a judge immigrant families should not be released from custody more than a week after children were ordered released from ICE detention centers across the country, setting up scenarios in which they could be separated." #FamiliesBelongTogether #FreeTheFamilies
"Attorneys for the admin said the court shld deny a motion for a preliminary injunction to promptly release families in detention.

Advocates said the filing sets up a potential separation of children from parents should Boasberg agree." #FamiliesBelongTogether #FreeTheFamilies
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Trump & ICE are moving closer and closer to their vision of white supremacy.

Here's some of what's going on JUST THIS WEEK:
1) ICE is planning on using a recent ruling to pull children away from their families. They can #FreeTheFamilies at any time, but instead, they choose this:

2) ICE is starting a "Citizen's Academy" in Chicago to train people on "firearms familiarization" and "targeted arrests".

They want to show civilians how to target, intimidate, and harm immigrants. This is, simply put, Nazi shit.

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Success! After a year of hard work, ImmDef's PCR Project successfully vacated our client Max's only deportable conviction. Without this conviction Max is no longer deportable and his immigration proceedings will end.

#FamiliesBelongTogether #FreeThemAll

THREAD 1/6 Image
Max can now live in peace with his partner and continue watching his grandchildren grow. His deportation would have caused a lot of pain, not just for him but for all the people that love him and depend on him.

Max has been living in the U.S. for 40 years and is a father, uncle, and grandfather to many. In 2014, Max’s world was turned upside down when he was put in deportation proceedings. Max was brought to US by his parents at age 12 in 1972.

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It's time to hold ICE accountable to ensure that they #FreeTheFamilies. Our ED @L_Toczylowski was live today w/@MSNBC @AliciaMenendez today talking #LiberationNotSeparation, "What we're seeing right now is a betrayal of commitment to human rights." 1/3
"Often times we've seen a pattern with the Trump administration of using COVID-19 and crisis after crisis as an excuse to push forward xenophobic policies that they have wanted to push forward from day one." -@L_Toczylowski on @MSNBC w/@AliciaMenendez #FreeTheFamilies 2/3
"..particularly in the last few weeks with new rules being announced and proclamations that take advantage of the crisis in order to dismantle fundamental due process protections and systems." -@L_Toczylowski on @MSNBC w/@AliciaMenendez
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Tonight’s decision in #Flores recognizes the grave danger children in ICE prison are in due to COVID & orders prompt releases. But it only guarantees oppty for release of kids, NOT PARENTS. It’s time to get loud and demand ICE not separate these families. #FamiliesBelongTogether
This decision sets up a binary choice for these parents. Can you imagine being told your child can leave his prison, but only if they go alone? Or you can stay together in an ICE prison where COVID is spreading rapidly. What would you do? Remember: ICE has power to #FreeThemAll.
Judge Gee will require ICE to file affidavits explaining cases where they refuse to exercise discretion & release families together. ICE will have to spell out the binary choice they are forcing on these families: remain in ICE prison together or send child alone into a pandemic.
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