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Mar 21st 2022
Procesando la info que hoy publicó @sysarmy 🤩, con la encuesta salarial 2022 en #IT

Rescato algunos datos y armo 🧵, pues #DataFan:

👥 5337 respuestas totales
🖤 El 57% programa por hobbie
💸 Sueldo promedio de $188.400 🇦🇷 (bruto)
🗽El 9% tiene el sueldo dolarizado

Pero... qué estudiaron? El 17% Ingeniería en sistemas, y el 13% Analista de sistemas.

🤯 PERO lo más curioso es que otro 30% se lo llevan carreras como: Derecho, Letras, Sociología, o Ciencias Biológicas.

🍦Hay #programadores para todos los gustos y de todos los colores 🌈

Puestos por género:

76% Varones Cis
15,6% Mujeres Cis

Para entender por qué y empezar a cambiar la situación vienen @chicasentec al rescate con esta investigación: ✊💜

Aunque el cambio ya esta en marcha ⬇️
Read 6 tweets
Aug 30th 2021
Back in 2014, when financial #education was restricted to a few, we decided to make #content accessible & affordable for all

With that resolution, in 2016 we launched #webinars with the best trainers sharing their most valuable #trading #strategies

It worked. Read why & how? -
We had the #best trainers sharing valuable strategies in 2-3 hours webinar at < ₹500, it became an instant hit and there was no looking back.

Out of our 250+ #webinars, here I have handpicked the ones which has the power to change your TRADING DESTINY. Image
Sivakumar Jayachandran - @Justsiva123, a NISM Certified Professional for Equity Derivatives, talks about Scalping which refers to a style of trading where an #INTRADAY trader makes money purely on the #price momentum.
Read 21 tweets
Jun 8th 2019
In 2015-2017 A lot of people wanted to become Full Time #Investors via #Smallcaps seeing #Multibaggers shown by #Advisers #Investors. In 2018-2019 a lot of people want to become Full Time #Traders via #OptionWriting, #Futures seeing #M2M shown by #Trainers #Traders
We used to earlier get influenced by people succeeding in your #social circle where you would know people over the years but now we get influenced by #SocialMedia successes that may or may not be true. #Tweetstorm on questions on approach to #FullTime #Trading
In 2018 we got a crash in #Smallcaps and #portfolios are down 10-50%. This will test out people who became #fulltime #investors without thinking or preparation. Now in 2019 if you want to be a #FullTime #Trader this #tweetstorm gives you only questions to help you think!.
Read 17 tweets

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