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Apr 17th 2022
All #US wars have been cruel, destroying infrastructures, killing civilians (have the guts to call it "Collateral damage"), organising coups and invading countries to change regimes. If #Russia will avoid the "superpower style of war", its military campaign will be costly & long.
NATO didn't help #Turkey in #Syria when downing a Russian Jet for fear of Putin's reaction. No longer the case.
"If the Russians were to strike NATO territory, where materiel is being assembled, that would invoke Article 5 & a complete game-changer."…
#US is waving Article 5 AFTER seeing Russian performance in #Ukraine. If #Russia doesn't put on its "superpower hat", #Finland, #Sweeden and #Giorgia will be next of the 30-NATO countries members.

NATO Backs Turkey On Syria But doesn't Evoque Article 5…
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