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Jan 2nd 2021
How a #vaccine works: when we get #covid19 we make #antibodies and #Tcells. A #vaccine introduces #antigens: heat-killed, parts of #virus, #mrna that makes virus #spike into our bodies to produce the antibody and Tcells WITHOUT infecting us with #coronavirus & making us sick. 1/ ImageImageImageImage
When a new disease comes along like #COVID19 #coronavirus our body does not have #antibodies or #Tcells to fight it off. First we recognize it (the #antigen) and START to BUILD our defense or army to fight it back. #vaccines #vaccine (from 2/ Image
The #vaccine helps us to build an army that is ready to fight the #coronavirus before it tries to infect us. The #vaccines are parts of the virus or #antigens that our body knows are foreign invaders (BUT can’t attack or make us sick). #mrna vaccines are different 3/ Image
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Jan 1st 2021
The Holy Prophet PBUH said, The closest person to meet me on the day of judgement will be the one who recites Darood upon me the most. ✨

Let's Recite Darood Shareef in this blessed day of Friday. 🧡

اللَّهمَّ صلِّ على محمَّدٍ وعلى آلِ محمَّدٍ كما صلَّيْتَ على إبراهيمَ وعلى آلِ إبراهيمَ إنَّك حميدٌ مجيدٌ
اللَّهمَّ بارِكْ على محمَّدٍ وعلى آلِ محمَّدٍ كما باركْتَ على إبراهيمَ وعلى آلِ إبراهيمَ إنَّك حميدٌ مجيدٌ

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Dec 30th 2020
2020 exits. A year of global losses and distress. Of America Trumpism, of Kenya #BBI - both blindly amok, owners refusing their fault and flop. COVID funds thefts put Kenyan in new gluttony league. Yet thank God for HIS gifts & blessings amidst pains, trials and tribulations.
Those of us who initially supported #Handshake but turned against clearly deceptive #BBI were trolled, attacked. I was particularly accused, sadly, of being a Ruto agent or being bitter on ‘missing’ cabinet slot or being envious of another “rival” honcho. Lies. WE LET GOD JUDGE.
Truth is that I last talked to Ruto 2015 on aftermath of my stand #NYSHeist, though sustained efforts to reconcile lasted all yr2020. Contrarily, Fact: I’ve talked with Raila consistently to-date. He knows my honest, firm opposition on BBI faults. My published views UNAPOLOGETIC.
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