How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App the word ‘obese’ is still used as a medical term but many journals are NOW dropping it and editing content to the NEW correct terminology when referring to people, which is “person with obesity” @Nature @NEJM stigma for #obesity is directed at those with the disease. Unfortunately our society perceives that obesity is a “second class” disease and should be treated as such. Here @Walgreens employees are admitting to discriminating against patients 1/ of medical insurance companies and pharmacy chains is creating a #verticalintegration - many would consider this a monopoly… 2/ my tweets and retweets were not getting the same impact - I had gained notoriety from my social media presence and I had no answers. I had no recourse. No one at #twitter would respond to my texts, emails, or calls. So… I just worked harder… 2/ cannot remember a public figure advocating for the improvement of access to bariatric surgery so openly ensued was that the government forces practices to an incur most of the cost of buying expensive electronic medical records and forced them to use them or incur more financial penalties. In retrospect those who did not use #emr and #ehr benefitted 2/ What doses of the @moderna_tx #vaccine are being given? publication of this opinion, which “calls out” the #US government for a “waste of energy” during an #obesity crisis - #obesityepidemic is one of the few times a political publication has addressed the lack of action on resolution of this chronic diesease. @ObesityAction 2/