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Mar 8th 2022
This #InternationalWomensDay2022 let’s revisit the progressive judgments of the Indian Courts reaffirming the rights of the women and providing them better protection of the law.

#ICLU celebrates 21 judgments of the #SupremeCourt on this #WomensDay
1. The Apex Court providing for detailed guidelines for safety of women at workplace in Vishakha & Ors. v. State of Rajasthan & Ors. (1997) directed employers to provide a mechanism for redressal of grievances of employees. (1/2)
These guidelines were eventually formalised as legislation with the passing of the Sexual Harrasment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. (2/2)

Read 66 tweets
Apr 21st 2021
#FREEfood4covidpatients verified as of 21st April 21:03pm

1. #Maharashtra:
roti Bank - 86555800 masgaon, Mumbai (pick up only)

2. #Delhi:
Jain Shankar Samiti - 7678169499, Rohini sector 3, Delhi (door delivery)

: ruchit shah - 951211525 (door delivery) order one day prior before 10 pm

4. #MadhyaPradesh
Mansi - 8319774733 (door delivery) jalabpur city , order before 10am

5. #Hyderabad:
food bank -9160508054 (can help in getting groceries)

6. #Agra :
Bhagat Hawaii- 9219570000 , for jalbagh ,Jaipur house, charganj

Read 12 tweets

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