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Feb 7th 2023

1. Write what you know. Reach into your past for inspiration. Use personal experiences and emotions to create relatable characters and compelling storylines.

#writingtips #ideas #creativity #WritingCommunity
2. Explore your passions and interests to find inspiration for your novel. Think badminton is run of the mill? Think again. Your local sports club might contain someone who inspires the hero or villain of your next book. #writingtips #creativity
3. Observe the world around you – read the news, trawl the Internet, pay attention to the stories unfolding before you. Scratch beneath the surface and try to figure out how and why things happen, and why people respond in certain ways. #writingtips #ideas
Read 10 tweets
Dec 9th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/09/2021…
Merck's COVID-19 pill significantly less effective in new analysis…

#COVID19 #pill #effectiveness
The superfoods that fueled ancient Andeans through 2,500 years of turmoil…

#IndigenousDiets #superfoods #agriculture #EnvironmentalImpact
Read 13 tweets

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