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Mar 19th 2023
Here is this Week’s Market Wrap

'Prepare With Patience' written by @shyamsek

A thread! (1/n)

#globalmarkets #investors #marketwrap
The last week has caused a significant reset in our investing. We are once again worried about how global factors will come to hurt. Banking, which is the bed rock of every economy looks like the most rattled space in the west. (2/n)

#banking #economy #investments
When smaller banks look weak, they create a systematic scare which needs to be urgently addressed. What we are seeing in the US is a rush to douse the fire that can damage far more than we can imagine. (3/n)

#bankingsector #globaleconomy
Read 11 tweets
Aug 20th 2022
#IndianBanks #IBC #BankruptcyCode: How Successful has IBC Resolution Process been with Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP) ?
While the INITIAL success of IBC was encouraging, incrementally the YIELD from the IBC has been falling ?
The cumulative admitted claims of financial creditors till end March 2022 was ₹6,84,901cr. Till end Mar-22 ,since the launch of IBC, the cumulative recovery for lenders where resolution took place dropped to 32.9% against 35.9 per cent upto Sept-21
In absolute terms, the realisation for financial creditors till end March 2022 stood at ₹2,25,294cr — much higher than liquidation value of ₹1,31,448cr
Read 5 tweets
Jul 6th 2020
#ICICIBank to raise capital;Last time it raised capital was 20000Cr,in 2007

Capital Raising in 2020👇

#SBI to raise 20000Cr
L&T Finance,2000Cr
#HdfcLtd to raise 14000Cr

#KotakMahindraBank has already raised 7442.5Cr,#IDFC,2000Cr&JM Finance,770Cr
#IndianBanks are expected to raise between $20-$50bn in 2020

#Fitch says,Indian banks need about $20bn,with PSBs alone needing $13bn

Capital raising by Banks is hence great news,as it will boost #CAR& bring down rising credit cost from bad loans,in aftermath of #COVID

Various measures by @narendramodi govt in last 6yrs have empowered Indian Banking

14000Cr to be raised by #HdfcLtd for example,will be for inorganic growth opportunities

#HdfcBank for June qtr,saw 21% growth in advances,25% in deposits,with #Casa@ 40%

Banks,looking healthier💪
Read 8 tweets

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