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Thread: Kalmykia #RussiaDecolonized

Today, we will explore the potential for the independence of the unique and culturally rich Republic of Kalmykia. Image

The history of Kalmykia dates back centuries. The Kalmyk people, who belong to the Oirat Mongols, originally lived in what is now Mongolia. In the 17th century, they migrated westward and settled in the territory that is now known as Kalmykia. /1 Image
Later, they established cooperation with the Russian Tsardom. They protected Russian borders and, in return, gained access to nearby Russian markets. /2
Read 44 tweets
This is the start of the daily thread documenting #Russia's war of choice on #Ukraine.

It's Day 164 if you're counting (me too!)
All the news in one place, check back throughout the day.

DMs open for tips, all appreciated, as are any coffees donated (see my profile)😉
We ended yesterday wondering if the Dar'ivky Bridge just outside occupied #Kherson had been hit.

No update on that yet, but #Ukraine has claimed hits on 6 ammo dumps, numerous weapons and command posts in #Chornobaivka #Oleshki #Beryslav #Bruskinskyi and Kherson city itself.
#Ukraine is already hitting #Russia's stores again this morning.

This video from occupied #Makiivka (RU #Makeevka) - a lot of explosions followed the first strike, so looks likely to be an another ammunition dump.

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
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