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Jan 9th 2021
Die rechtsextremen "identitären" versammelten sich heute in #Graz zu einer #Corona-Kundgebung. Es sollte der Auftakt ihrer neuen verschwörungsideologischen Kampagne werden. Begleitet wurde dies von mehreren #Antifa|schistischen Interventionen sowie einem großem Polizeiaufgebot. ImageImageImageImage
(Ein ausführlicher Bericht sowie weitere Bilder folgen)
Wenngleich in der Mobilisierung keine Organisation genannt wurde, bestätigte sich, dass #noIB hinter der Kundgebung in #Graz am 9.1.2021 steht: Veranstalter war Harald Wiedner, Leiter der rechtsextremen Gruppe in der Steiermark. (2/15) Image
Read 17 tweets
Aug 19th 2020
#SSR_Case_Handed_over_to_CBI: #Kisko_Kya_Mila ?

With the #SupremeCourt finally ordering #CBIForSSR enquiry into the controversy surrounding unnatural death of #SSRDidntCommitSuicide, here is a list of who got what.
#KangnaRanaut: Revenge over #KJo
#IshkaranSinghBhandari: Publicity
#ArnabGoswami: More shouting rights
#RajdeepSardesai: Terrible insult (as usual)
#BarkhaDutt: Panauti tag reaffirmed
#MemebaiPolice: Egg on face
#BiharPolice: An axe, to grind
#BabyPenguin: Humble pie
#BabyPenguinKaBaap: A shakey chair
@BJP4India: A stick to beat Penguins (PeTA, please note)
@INCIndia: More confusion in the ranks
@ncp: More Pawar to Parth
#RheaChakraborty: Her original wish
#BollywoodLiberals: Butterflies in the stomach
Read 5 tweets
Jun 8th 2020
I wrote this article in The Tribune @thetribunechd on the long-running prevalence of #Punjab/i/s - the state, the language, culture & people - in Bollywood.

The article includes interviews with #JuhiChaturvedi, #RheaKapoor, @KomalNahta & @shakunbatra.…
"The upside of the Bollywood trend is goodwill for Punjabis among viewers... The downside includes...the marginalisation of the community’s tragedies & uncomfortable socio-political realities in Hindi films." More in the article. Do read, comment, share 👇🏽…
Addendum: while working on this article, I learnt that though tons of media articles say @karanjohar is #YashChopra's nephew, s/o Yash's sister Hiroo, & even Karan's Wiki page says so, the truth is the Johars & Chopras are not related. Some lessons to be learnt here so, thread👇🏾
Read 23 tweets

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