Anna MM Vetticad Profile picture
Author: The Adventures of an Intrepid Film Critic, Journalist, World's most committed feminist :) Instagram: annammvetticad FB: AnnaMMVetticadOfficial (She/Her)
Apr 6, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
My cousin just lost her son to #COVID that he contracted in 2020 and never recovered from. He had been terribly ill and declining for 2 years. He was a doctor, a father, a husband, a son. Before he got #COVID, he was also a healthy man in his 40s. (1/6) I'm sharing this here because I see people getting careless as the authorities in India gradually ease #COVID-related curbs, even as cases rise in some countries. How fast the Indian public has forgotten the devastation caused by the 2nd wave last year! #CovidIsNotOver (2/6)
Feb 2, 2022 11 tweets 6 min read
Since I posted this video here, I've been touched by the warm responses from so many good people, but also startled by the storm of Sanghi spammers though I thought I was habituated to online misinformation and hate after so many years of facing organised trolling. (1/n) Communal profiling, personal attacks, defamatory comments are all par for the course on Twitter. I'm tired of speaking up about this for myself since @Twitter @TwitterIndia @TwitterSupport do nothing. So today, I wish to address another aspect of this strategic trolling. (2/n)
Oct 3, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
"Wherever #Muslims live, they don’t like to live in co-existence with others" - #AtalBihariVajpayee as PM said this in 2002 in which the Gujarat 'riots' were followed by attacks on Muslims across the state for a year. Full text of his speech👇(Contd)… As this profile says, "#Vajpayee reached a new low with the Gujarat pogrom that took place under Modi’s CMship. ..Not only did he not remove #Modi from his post; he emulated him by presenting the carnage as an understandable reaction by #Hindus." (Contd)…
Oct 2, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
"There will come a day when the rotten mess of majoritarian & misogynist evil decays to its very core, collapses, and becomes the manure for living things." - A letter from feminist & historian #JDevika to Kerala's @WCC_Cinema. #Avalkoppam #Metoo (Contd)… #JDevika: "There is no hubris in human history that has not collapsed under its own weight. There is a saying in Malayalam: adiyolam cheenjhaale valam aakoo – only if it rots to its very core can it become manure." #WomenSupportingWomen #MeToo (Contd)…
Sep 18, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
Just reading that some members of the #Malayalam film industry have gone back on statements given in the 2017 actor assault case. I understand that #Dileep is powerful but whatever happened to doing the right thing because it's the right thing to do? (H/T @rimakallingal) (Contd) Image People ask so casually, "why don't you complain?" even when a woman highlights something comparatively less grievous like misogynistic trolling. Here is a survivor of physical assault who courageously filed a police complaint, & look what it has got her in almost 4 years. (Contd) Image
Sep 3, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Risk-taking #Malayalam cinema has got gr8 audience support in #Kerala in recent yrs. Streaming sites are taking it to audiences outside Kerala who were earlier deterred by poor show timings at theatres,theatres skipping subs etc. This is democratisation we must fight to preserve. "The Kumbalangi Nights Phenomenon: One small step for Mollywood, a giant leap for Indian cinema" - I wrote this for @firstpost in 2019 on the confluence of changing circumstances that allowed a #KumbalangiNights to become a pan-India hit. Do read ICYMI…
Jul 21, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
In 2010, #KanganaRanaut told me she does not mind the privilege (she called it "quota") star kids have since she herself has a quota and privilege back home because her granddad was in the IAS, her mother was a teacher, Dad a businessman & great granddad a freedom fighter (Contd) ..I hesitated to bring this up since I don't want a discussion on nepotism derailed & (this is a golden rule of journalism) I don't want to make this about myself. But #Ranaut's team left me with no choice by circulating a tiny clip from this show to claim I shamed her. (Contd)
Jul 21, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
1 tweet mildly critical of #KanganaRanaut = 40+ hours of communal trolling, misogyny, abuse, lies. If you still think this is about #SushantSinghRajput or #nepotism, if you do not see that hers is a self-serving battle backed by the IT Cell & unrelated to Sushant, you are naive. Image Tell me, #SushantSinghRajput's genuine fans, is it your belief that Sushant - who took a stand on Hindutva-Rajput extremism - would have approved of this? 👇🏾 What explains such tweets being sent by those who claim to be fighting in his name? #nepotism #outsiders #KanganaRanawat ImageImageImage
Jul 5, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
My mother passed away on Feb 15, 2019. I am rarely comfortable discussing my personal life, so back then I just disappeared from social media for a while. But I wanted to pay tribute to Mum plus I felt my journey towards healing may help others coping with loss, so I wrote this👇🏾 ...My article "A Pilgrimage In Memoriam: two siblings make a bittersweet journey to connect with the soul of their beloved mother" has been published in my late father's favourite magazine, @ReadersDigestIN. Do read 👇🏾
Jun 25, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
In the past 15 years or so I have asked several Bollywood stars in interviews: why do you endorse #fairness products? Funny thing: most are unwilling to admit that their fairness brands are fairness brands. I kid you not. It has been quite surreal. (Contd) In interviews I've done for TV & print, over the years stars have offered me variants of "these are brightening creams, not whitening creams", "blemish removers not fairness creams" etc. Some of that came together in this article I wrote in 2011: …… (Contd)
Jun 16, 2020 15 tweets 10 min read
#SushantSinghRajput's death is being hijacked by toxic elements with personal political agendas unrelated to him. Don't let them rob us of this chance to spotlight #mentalhealth. I am re-sharing here my recent interview with #Parvathy @parvatweets. #LetsTalkAboutDepression It's sickening to see a tragedy being exploited by I-me-myself individuals, a political party & fakes who have grabbed the moment to target social groups they always target anyway, thus drowning out the cause they claim to espouse i.e. nepotism. #LetsTalkAboutDepression (Contd)
Jun 15, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
There's too much virtue signalling about #mentalhealth on SM since #SushantSinghRajput's passing. The public should certainly condemn media insensitivity or non-mediapersons who are being mean & hypocritical but why, for example, are people aggressively attacking (Cont'd) ...even well-meaning laypersons, by which I mean non-medicos & non-journalists, for saying "committed suicide" instead of "died by suicide"? Most people don't know of this terminology or the reasoning behind it. We need public conversations about it. (Cont'd)
Jun 13, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Should Indian political leaders do nothing other than try to "impress Indian voters"? The media's praise for Modi's singular obsession with vote-catching at the cost of voters' lives is what got us into this mess in the first place. #RahulGandhi's conversations with experts (not 'experts') is a sign of respect for expertise, unlike Modi who mocks education, expertise and experts (as Ms Singh herself does with her use of quote marks). These discussions are also informative for viewers.
Jun 12, 2020 6 tweets 7 min read
Apologists for racist Indian cricketers are unrelenting and inventive. They have so far (1) racesplained a racial slur to @darensammy88 🙄👇🏾 .... #SaySorryToDaren #ThatsNotCricket (2) tried to shame #DarenSammy because he once used the word "Kalu" for himself, conveniently ignoring the fact that Sammy clearly said in his Instagram video that he did not realise till recently that this was a racial slur...

#SaySorryToDaren #ThatsNotCricket
Jun 8, 2020 23 tweets 8 min read
I wrote this article in The Tribune @thetribunechd on the long-running prevalence of #Punjab/i/s - the state, the language, culture & people - in Bollywood.

The article includes interviews with #JuhiChaturvedi, #RheaKapoor, @KomalNahta & @shakunbatra.… "The upside of the Bollywood trend is goodwill for Punjabis among viewers... The downside includes...the marginalisation of the community’s tragedies & uncomfortable socio-political realities in Hindi films." More in the article. Do read, comment, share 👇🏽…
Jun 5, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
It is horrifying to see an animal rights debate being used to push a communal agenda and target the #BJP's 2 pet hates: #Muslims and #Kerala. Don't fall for their misinformation campaign, read the facts, people 👇🏾 The cleverest part of this propaganda campaign is that if you clarify facts, your statements are misrepresented as a justification of animal abuse. So "the elephant was not FED the pineapple" is met with, "are you saying it is okay to set such traps?" (Cont'd)
Jun 4, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
This is the second person I know who's lost a loved one to #Coronavirus this week in NCR because precious days were lost running between Central & state government run hospitals that refused to admit the patient, in addition to private hospitals. #Covid_19… (Contd) In addition to that FB post by a friend of the family 👆🏾 here's a @news18dotcom article. The patient was 26, is survived by a 4year old daughter. Imagine having to go all the way to Rishikesh when you are sick because NCR hospitals turned you away!…
Jun 2, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
#Natkhat, a short that #VidyaBalan has acted in & produced, is on at 4.30pm today in the #WeAreOne fest on @YouTube. Everything that's right & wrong with humankind is rearing its head during the pandemic. What's right with us includes the generosity of individual citizens(cont'd) ...trying desperately to compensate for the indifference of governments towards the poor & marginalised; and the generosity of artists, many of whom have shared their work with us absolutely for free, just to keep our spirits alive, raise funds for #COvID19 etc ♥️♥️♥️ (cont'd)
Jun 1, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
Hindutva extremists destroying a set built for the #TovinoThomas-starrer #MinnalMurali serve as a reminder of the long-running undercurrents of tension between religious communities in #Kerala against which secular forces in the state must keep a constant vigil. (Cont'd) The all-round reaction to this violence - from the team of #MinnalMurali, their colleagues in Mollywood, the CM & police - explains why, despite everything, religious fundamentalists have largely been kept in check in the state. Fingers crossed that this never changes. (Cont'd)
May 30, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
Do watch @nanditadas' short film on #DomesticViolence. We have never discussed or fought DV enough as a society, and now during this lockdown, I cannot imagine what it must feel like to be stuck with an abusive partner. @unwomenindia @NCWIndia

Watching Nandita's film reminded me of the year I spent reporting for a @thecaravanindia cover story on #SalmanKhan. I had assumed that no film person would come on the record to defend him against long-standing allegations of girlfriend beating. I was wrong, (Cont'd)
May 17, 2020 12 tweets 7 min read
It's good that @AltNews calls OpIndia a "right-wing propaganda website", not a news website. The tragedy is that this rag's #Islamophobic agenda is no different from several Indian news platforms and journalists who/that were once respected and reliable.… It takes a particular level of evil to play around with a grieving father's words to claim that he alleged a communal angle to his child's death, as OpIndia seems to have done, especially during a pandemic. More details in an earlier report by @thewire_in…