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Jan 8th 2021
Update from today’s @NYCMayor/@NYGovCuomo briefings:

#Day314 Stats/Trends:
🔹Hospitalizations: 8,561 (+13)
🔸Discharges: 901 (-23)
🔸Admits: 1,068 (+18)
🔹Deaths: 161
🔹ICU: 1,475 (+51)
🔹Intubations: 912 (+53)
🔹Tests: 243,903 (18,832 Pos: 7.72%)
🔹#RedZones: 8.32%
🔹Excl. #RedZones: 7.49%

NYC (Compared with 1/06):
🔹Hospitalizations: 356
🔹Hospitalization Rate: 4.33%
🔹New Reported Cases (Over 7-Day Rolling Average): 3,960 (Including “Probable” Cases)
🔹Citywide Positive Tests: 9.38%
Reserve Your Vaccination Time
🔹Mass Vaccination Sites - OPEN SUNDAY 24/7
🔸Brooklyn: Grand Army Terminal Annex Building 80 58th Street
🔸Bronx: Bathgate Industrial Park 1648-1674 Bathgate Ave.
🔹Coming SOON:
🔸Queens Theater (QNS)
🔸La Marqueta (Manhattan)
Read 21 tweets
Jan 3rd 2021
Herkese merhabalar, çay-kahve eşliğinde yine bir karantina Pazar'ında bu sefer yerelden çıkıp globale uzanalım istiyorum. Bu akışın konusu "ESG" ve "Yeşil Ekonomi" olsun diye düşündüm. Tabii bu konulara girip de Tesla'ya değinmemek olmazdı.

Hadi buyrun akışa.
ESG, Türkiye'de henüz çok bilinen bir konu değil maalesef. Bugüne kadar @ergun_unutmaz ve @SantManukyan haricinde kimsenin bu konu hakkında fikir ortaya koyduğunu görmedim. Önümüzdeki yıllarda çok duyulacak.

O nedenle biraz da farkındalık oluşturmak amacıyla bu akışı yazıyorum.
Öncelikle bu "ESG" nedir, yenilir mi içilir mi yatırım mı yapılır ona bakalım.

"ESG"nin açılımı; Environmental, Social, Governance. (Çevre, Toplum ve Yönetişim)

Bunlar; bir şirkete yapılan yatırımın sürdürülebilirliğini ve toplumsal etkilerini ölçmeye yarayan 3 ana faktördür.
Read 33 tweets
Sep 26th 2020
@IconicICM /
#BonnieClaire sedimentary #Li project, #Nevada
inferred resource of 28.5 million tons of LCE
avg. grade 963ppm @ 400ppm cutoff
100% owned NI 43-101 RE @StGeorgesPlat Phase 1 LiC R&D report The Bonnie Claire Lithium P...Image
@StGeorgesPlat @Steeltown12345 /
patent pending method of mineral recovery using a mixture of nitric and citric acid. leaching of #li from spodumene, slims, clay etc. without pressure, sonification or high temperatures. - PCT/CA2020/050057
@StGeorgesPlat #ecomining #greentech /
recently contracted a newly-built pilot plant facility owned and operated by CIMMS ( to further tweak the #li recovery process and the demonstration of commerical scalability.
Read 21 tweets
Jul 26th 2020

How much of a difference can 100 miles and effective social media surveillance make? A whole lot if you take Taiwan’s success against #COVID19 into consideration.
#Taiwan, is only around 100 miles away from the coast of south eastern China. The country has a lot of trade and exchange with #China and yet is at a healthily low 159th position when it comes to the COVID19 standings. Taiwan only has a paltry 455 cases and 7 deaths.
If someone were to place a bet on Taiwan having only 455 cases after 6 months of #COVID19, that too without nationwide lockdowns, that person would have become a billionaire now. #Taiwan owes its success to technology. Period.
Read 32 tweets
Jun 9th 2020
@MarinaAbramovlc with #JacobRothschild in front of a very special picture called "Satan summoning his Legions". #QanonArmy says, that the #DeepState is in #PanicInDC.
#JacobRothschild is father of @NatRothschild1. Do you remember the connections? Nat knows #RachelChandler aswell as #GhislaineMaxwell.
#JacobRothschild together with #EvelyneRothschild and #LynnForesterRothschild.
Lynn is the spouse of #Epstein listee Evelyn. Together with Archpaedophile #JimmySavile, #FfionHague and @TheDukeOfYork, Lynn was on the board of Outward Bound where indescribable abuse took place.
Read 229 tweets
May 5th 2019
@IconicICM could become a low-cost & green #Lithium producer with @StGeorgesPlat "Lithium-In-Clay" extraction technology. Sediment-hosted #Li projects are an emerging source of hydroxide (LiOH) and carbonate (Li2CO3) for (but not limited) the underdeveloped US Market.
The phase 1 confidential report is currently being independently reviewed and a final public summary should be disseminated by mid May. A Phase 2 progess update from @Steeltown12345 is also expected within the next couple days according to a statement from @maikan5
"Iconic’s material from Bonnie Claire has been further concentrated. Air Classification trials are on-going to tweak the process. Results will be integrated in the final report this month on the concentration portion of the process." 1/2
Read 4 tweets

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